New report published on teaching EAL students in primary schools
Monday 14 October 2019
Dr. Nick Moore of the TESOL centre along with Dr. Martin Culliney, Professor Mike Coldwell and Sean Demack, all members of Sheffield Hallam University’s Centre for Development and Research in Education (CDARE), have published an evaluation report on ‘Integrating English’
‘Integrating English’ is a programme of professional development to integrate functional grammar and genre pedagogy in mainstream primary school classrooms. Dr. Diana Ridley and Dr. Helen Donaghue of the TESOL team were also part of the project team that interviewed teachers and school leaders and observed classes to see the ‘Integrating English’ programme in action. The evaluation of the Integrating English programme was carried out as both a randomised control trial and an implementation and process evaluation. The project was funded by The Bell Foundation, Philanthropy Unbound and the Education Endowment Foundation, who published the report on their website. Find out more about this project.