

Showing 5 projects, in Digital Materiality Lab

Making virtual reconstructions part of the visit: an exploratory study

What role do Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) play in engaging visitors of cultural heritage? Can we design for 3D reconstructions to be part of the visit rather than separated experiences?

Affective Graphs - the Visual Appeal of Linked Data

This research forms part of Petrelli’s enquiry into the human interaction with extra-large data sets and the design of visual mechanisms to support the user in making meaning out of millions of entities

Platform for the Creation and Delivery of Personalised Tangible and Embodied Experiences in Museums

Imagine you were a museum professional and had a toolkit to create interactive installations in a matter of hours rather than months: what would you make?

Phone vs Tangible in Museums - A Comparative Study

Digital technologies in heritage sites and museums are generally understood to be screen-based and more recently applications for the visitors’ phone.

Empowering cultural heritage professionals to create interactive exhibitions

This research explores how complex technologies can be made accessible to non-technical heritage professionals empowering them to design personalised interactive visitor experiences.