EU FP7 Project meSch successfully kicked off

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  5. EU FP7 Project meSch successfully kicked off

EU FP7 Project meSch successfully kicked off

Monday 18 March 2013

EU FP7 Project meSch successfully kicked-off. Four intense days, packed with a lot of different activities were attended by teams of each of the twelve project partners.

Dr. Daniela Petrelli (ADRC), the meSch project coordinator, welcomed the team and stressed the importance of building an understanding between the different kinds of expertise in the meSch project: 'We are a team of teams', she declared, 'with a huge variety of expertise. So we need to construct understanding across all of our expertise'.

The goal of the project is to explore how do-it-yourself tangible interactives can enrich the experience of cultural heritage sites. The meSch project consortium consists of a variety of different international experts from many fields: three different kinds of museums, human computer interaction researchers, interaction designers, personalization professionals, digital heritage experts and even a Fab Lab. Their goal is to make innovative use of the wealth of digital repositories related to cultural heritage that have been created and made available in the last few years, by connecting them to novel forms of physical and tangible interactive artefacts. Artists, designers, social scientists and heritage professionals will work together over the next four years to realise this vision.

More information on meSch can be found here.

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