Moving Stories
Research Centre
Art and Design Research Centre
Building understanding of methods and approaches for the beneficial engagement of people with dementia in storytelling through animation
Moving Stories is a body of work undertaken by researchers in Visual Communication and Health and Social Care at Sheffield Hallam University. The research explores the potential of art, film-making and digital stories to enable groups marginalised by society to communicate important messages about issues they face. In particular we have been exploring how the technique of stop-frame animation might be used in a health and wellbeing context. Within this research project we worked alongside people with dementia living in care homes in Sheffield. The research sought to understand methods and approaches for the beneficial engagement of people with dementia.
The initial element of the research utilised stop frame animation and digital storytelling as a means of hearing and recording the experiences of people with dementia. People with dementia living in the homes engaged with the project expressing enjoyment of the opportunity to participate in the project. We are currently working with the materials in the development of a series of short films and developing guidance in terms of the principles and practice of undertaking work of this nature.
Researchers involved
Jackie Leaver - Design Researcher
Professor Ian Gwilt - Professor of Design: Visual Communication
Dr Claire Craig - Member of Lab4Living, Senior Lecturer Occupational Therapy
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