Alison Beswick

Alison Beswick MSc, BSc (Hons), MBPsS

Workplace Wellness Adviser, Health Research Institute


Ali is a key member of the award-winning SHU Wellness team (workplace wellness), delivering one-to-one health and lifestyle consultations and group workshops to SHU staff and external clients. Her main interests are using behaviour change techniques to guide and support individuals set and achieve goals to improve their lifestyles; promoting positive mental and physical wellbeing; and the psychological aspects of sport and exercise.




Following completion of my MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology Degree with Distinction in 2013, I joined the award-winning SHU Wellness service as a Workplace Wellness Adviser, delivering health checks and lifestyle consultations for University staff and external clients. Since joining the team, my role within the service has developed considerably; I have been involved in the delivery of several projects with external partners (Academic Health Science Network, Westfield Health, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust), delivered on the Train the Practitioner (TtP) programme (a programme whereby staff from other organisations could train to become Workplace Wellness Advisers in their own organisations) and also trained a number of our own SHU Wellness practitioners. I manage the day-to-day administrative and organisational aspects of the SHU Wellness service and continue to develop and facilitate lifestyle consultations, health checks and group workshops including ‘Applied Relaxation’, ‘Resilience’ and ‘Sleep Well’.  I have Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and hold an Advanced Level in Motivational Interviewing (MI). My MI skills enable me to deliver all one-to-one health and lifestyle consultations and group workshops in a relaxed and client-centred manner, guiding clients to set and achieve goals to improve their (or maintain their positive) physical and mental health. I am also a Mental Health First Aider (accredited by Mental Health First Aid England) and a Healthy Hallam Champion, promoting positive mental wellbeing in University staff.  My main areas of interest are behaviour change techniques and goal setting, mental wellbeing, health and wellbeing and the psychological aspects of sport and exercise. 




SHU Wellness Programme



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