Charlotte Harrison MA PGDE BA
Associate Lecturer
Charlotte is an Associate Lecturer within the PGCE Secondary Education course and is the Course leader for the PGCE Secondary Music strand.
Charlotte is the Course Leader for PGCE Secondary Music. She gained a BA in Music with English from the University in Sunderland in 2013, before, moving closer to home & gaining both a PGDE in Secondary Music and MA in Education from Nottingham Trent University. During her time working as a Secondary school teacher, she also studied for and gained the NPQML in Middle Leadership in 2021.
Charlotte qualified as a Secondary Music teacher in 2016, and through her training years and subsequent years teaching has worked in schools through Nottinghamshire, Derby and Derbyshire. She has prided herself in her career, that she has been hired in schools, where Music has required an overhaul in terms of curriculum and extracurricular activity, and has been responsible for the design and implementation of Music from Year 7-11, with longer term plans to embed Music within sixth form provision.
Throughout her experience in schools, Charlotte has taken on additional job roles including DofE Leader, Head of House, ArtsMark lead and most recently Assistant Head of PE & Performing Arts. Furthermore, she has mentored students from several ITE institutions including those on Teach First pathways, ECT mentoring, as well as pre-career teachers who are beginning their PGCE journeys. She was appointed Course leader for PGCE Music at Sheffield Hallam University in 2024.
Sheffield Institute of Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Courses taught:
PGCE Secondary Music
Modules taught:
Reflecting on professional practise and development in Secondary Education
Exploring and developing pedagogical practise in Secondary Education