Chloe Froggatt

Chloe Froggatt

Research Associate


I am an Embedded Researcher in Creative Health and an Associate Lecturer in the Institute of Social Sciences. My research interests include sexual health/well-being, gender, the body, and exploring health inequalities using an intersectional feminist lens and feminist research principles.


As part of my current embedded research role, I am exploring the prospect that art, creativity and culture can have a positive impact on people’s mental and physical health. My research interests include sexual health/well-being, gender, the body, and exploring health inequalities using an intersectional feminist lens and feminist research principles. I’ve always loved listening to people’s stories and feel very grateful that this forms a large part of my role as an embedded researcher in creative health within the community. I am passionate about creating safe spaces where people can feel empowered in sharing their thoughts, experiences, fears and hopes for the future. I hope that this project will create a positive change within the health system and community assets, that is informed by people’s lived experiences.


  • Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research


Journal articles

Pickles, J., Hirst, J., Froggatt, C., & Kenny, M. (2023). Perceptions of Young Women Who Engage in Anal Sex: A Sociological Inquiry. Journal of Positive Sexuality, 9 (1), 14-21.

Hirst, J., Pickles, J., Kenny, M., Beresford, R., & Froggatt, C. (2022). A qualitative exploration of perceptions of anal sex: implications for sex education and sexual health services in England. Culture, Health and Sexuality.

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