Craig Batham MBE, PGCert, CMgr FCMI, FHEA, Dip.RSA
Senior Lecturer in Policing
I started with the university in September 2020, initially as a Work Based Learning Coach, prior to moving into lecturing in 2021.
Since then I spent 18 months acting as the PCDA Course Leader, before stepping down, and have since returned to be the Level 4 PCDA Course Leader.
Outside of the University I joined South Yorkshire Police as a Special Constable in December 2008, which has given me a wealth of operational experience in Policing, and prior to joining SHU I spent
8 years delivering apprenticeships at Level 2 to Level 4 supporting people to understand how academic theory can link to operational practice.
I have completed a range of qualifications in the past from assessing and teaching qualifications to Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Management with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and have been a Chartered Fellow with CMI since June 2014. In 2024 I completed my PGCE in Higher Education.
I started with the university in September 2020, initially as a Work Based Learning Coach, prior to moving into lecturing in 2021.
Since then I spent 18 months acting as the PCDA Course Leader, before stepping down, and have since returned to be the Level 4 PCDA Course Leader.
Outside of the University, I joined South Yorkshire Police as a Special Constable in December 2008, which has given me a wealth of operational experience in Policing, and prior to joining SHU I spent
8 years delivering apprenticeships at Level 2 to Level 4 supporting people to understand how academic theory can link to operational practice.
I have worked on a number of projects nationally including the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, and aim to bring this mixture of policing and academia in order to support students.
I have completed a range of qualifications in the past from assessing and teaching qualifications to Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Management with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and have been a Chartered Fellow with CMI since June 2014. In 2024 I completed my PGCE in Higher Education.
In the Kings Birthday Honours List 2024, I was awarded MBE for Services to Policing.
Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Courses taught:
Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship
Modules taught:
Academic and Professional Skills - Level 4
Operational Policing - Level 4
Enhancing Academic and Professional Standards - Level 5
Advanced Policing Practice - Level 6
Leadership Behaviours for Effective Policing (Published in April 2024). Authored the chapter – Leading Police Volunteers. Edited by Martin Wright and Mark Kilgallon. Critical Publishing.