Jessica Harris

Jessica Harris BSc

Course Leader - BSc Physiotherapy


My main area of clinical speciality is Respiratory Physiotherapy with a specific focus in Critical Care.
I have a keen interest in curriculum development and close working with our local NHS providers to ensure the curriculum meets the professional requirements.



I qualified as a physiotherapist in 2012 from Sheffield Hallam University and worked locally in the NHS in rotational posts before specialising in critical care and surgery. I started teaching in Higher Education at the University in 2018 as a Lecturer Practitioner, working part-time at the university whilst remaining in my role on critical care part-time, I moved into a permanent role at the University as a Lecturer in 2021. I am about to complete my MSc in Advancing Professional Practice.
I strive to progress our profession forward through ongoing development of our Undergraduate Curriculum and forging robust relations with our local practice providers. I have been in the role of Placement Lead for the last two years, helping to develop and secure high quality placement opportunities across all four pillars of clinical practice.
I continue to practise in a private capacity seeing patients with complex cardiovascular respiratory needs in outpatient settings.




School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Subject Area:



BSc Physiotherapy
(DA) BSc Physiotherapy
(MSc Pre-Registration) Physiotherapy
(MSc Post-Registration) Physiotherapy


Current Research:

The development of quality practice-based learning is an ongoing project that follows on from my MSc Dissertation. 


Journal articles

Brinkley, J., Dean, S., Wilkinson, L., Szczepanski, R., Gray, L., Cox, M., ... Cornell, G. (2021). Balancing quality and capacity: Exploring collaborative learning models for effective learning environments and increase capacity for pre-registration practice-based learning placements. Physiotherapy, 113 (Supp 1), e115-e116.

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