Jessica Jowers

Jessica Jowers MA, PgDip, FHEA, BA (Hons)

Senior Lecturer in Criminology


I am a senior lecturer in Criminology at Sheffield Hallam University where I hold the roles of Foundation Year lead for the Institute of Law and Justice and Course Leader of Criminology. I value Equality, Inclusion and Diversity; Widening Participation and Student experience/support. I have completed a BA(Hons) in Criminology and MA in Applied Human Rights here at Sheffield Hallam University before becoming a full-time staff member. 


I am responsible for the Institute's Foundation Years which span across Law, Criminology, Policing, Criminology and Psychology (joint course), Criminology and Sociology (joint course). In this role, I look after students across the Institute of Law and Justice in their first year and support the development of knowledge and skills alongside integration of student support, student experience and academic advising for this provision. This provision focuses on a key value and priority of mine: Widening Participation. Foundation Year focuses on counteracting the barriers to Higher Education and creating a meaningful year of study to encourage student engagement and development.

I am the Joint Criminology Course Leader with Larissa Povey and work to ensure a high student experience across the course and work with module teams in the delivering of teaching and learning to our students. This includes supporting students through their degrees, listening to and acting on student feedback and highlighting student voice. Our focus is to deliver a strong, contemporary provision highlighting the key employability skills needed in future careers and study.

I have trained with Ramapo College on Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG), IGG uses DNA and genealogy techniques to identity to missing body remains, victims/perpetrators in Criminal Justice cases and miscarriages of Justice.

My main research interests include: Gender in Criminology including Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Image-based sexual abuse ('Revenge Porn'), Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) and Human Rights related work. 

Module Leader for:
The Exploration of Law, Crime, Justice and Society
Social Justice in Action

Modules I teach on:
Sex, Gender and Violence
Real World Research

Senior Lecturer


Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice

College of Social Sciences and Arts




Criminology and Sociology

Criminology and Psychology

Criminology with Foundation Year

Criminology and Sociology with Foundation Year

Criminology and Psychology with Foundation Year

Law with Foundation Year

Law with Criminology with Foundation Year

Professional Policing with Foundation Year

The Exploration of Law, Crime, Justice and Society
Social Justice in Action
Sex, Gender, and Violence
Real World Research

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