Jon Painter

Dr Jon Painter PhD, MSc, RNM (Specialist Practitioner), RNMH, BSc(Hons), BMedSci (Hons)

Senior Lecturer in Mental Health


I lecture in a broad range of topics related to mental health nursing, and am particularly interested in working with people who experience psychosis. Previously, I was involved in developing the use of health data to inform and drive service improvements in mental healthcare. This work has been adopted by NHS England and is now mandated nationally.


Before joining Sheffield Hallam University, I was the clinical lead for a regional programme that combined statistical approaches with clinical expertise to develop a needs-led classification system for mental health service users.  The work was subsequently adopted by NHS England and Monitor and is now nationally mandated. Since then I have continued to undertake quantitative research, based on analyses of local and national mental health datasets.

I have an MSc in Health Informatics and have designed a range of different elements of electronic patient records including patient self-assessments and staff assessment tools. I am interested in turning data from these sources into real-time clinical decision support.

Having worked as a Director of Transformation in the NHS, I have a continued interest in change management, programme management, Toyota Production Techniques (LEAN) and leadership techniques.

I am a Specialist Nurse Practitioner in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis and have a passion for working with people who hear voices and their families. This fits with my role as the collaborative course leader for Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust's PG Dip in Recovery in Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy courses. I am also the departmental lead for the theory and practice of prevention and management of violence and aggression

Mental Health


I deliver sessions in most modules of the undergraduate and post graduate pre-registration mental health nursing courses.


I have recently completed my doctoral thesis through the publication of seven research articles related to:

"Characterising, assessing and responding to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and people with mental health problems".

I have a particular interest in quantitative research and hence most of my publications were of this nature.


Dlamini, T., Usman, J., Turner, J., & Painter, J. (2023). An evaluation of a peer support depression group intervention. Mental Health Nursing.

Orpin, J., Rodriguez, A., Harrop, D., Mills, E., Campbell, F., Martin-Kerry, J., ... Swallow, V. (2023). Supportive use of digital technologies during transition to adult healthcare for young people with long-term conditions, focusing on Type 1 diabetes mellitus: A scoping review. Journal of child health care.

Painter, J., Adams, N., Ingham, B., James, M., Majid, M., Roy, A., ... Smith, M. (2023). Review and update of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities (HoNOS-LD). International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69 (7), 1807-1813.

Hodgson, S., Painter, J., Kilby, L., & Hirst, J. (2023). “Crying on the bus”: first time fathers’ experiences of distress 2 on their return to work. Healthcare, 11 (9).

Gore, B., Omoni, F., Babiker, J., & Painter, J. (2023). Service users’ perspectives on the implementation of a psychoeducation group for people on the waiting list of a specialist ADHD service: a pilot study. Nursing Reports, 13 (2), 659-669.

Painter, J., Chio, W., Black, L., & Newman, D. (2022). A STOMP-focused evaluation of prescribing practices in one assessment and treatment unit for people with intellectual disabilities. Tizard Learning Disability Review.

Harris, M., Tapp, C., Arnautovska, U., Coombs, T., Dickinson, R., James, M., ... Burgess, P. (2022). Assessing the Content Validity of the Revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS 2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (16).

Harris, M., Tapp, C., Arnautovska, U., Coombs, T., Dickinson, R., Smith, M., ... Burgess, P. (2022). Assessing the content validity of the revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales 65+: the HoNOS Older Adults. BJPsych Bulletin.

Turner, J., Cooper, L., Woodward, A., Painter, J., Day, P., Hazelby, G., ... Moore, K. (2022). Report on a scoping review of nursing interventions for young people’s psychological wellbeing. British journal of Child Health, 3 (2).

Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2021). Understanding and accommodating patient and staff choice when implementing video consultations in mental health services. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.

Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2021). If There’s Something Strange in Your Neighbourhood, Who You Gonna Call? Perceived Mental Health Service User Suitability for Video Consultations. Healthcare, 9 (5).

Hodgson, S., Painter, J., Kilby, L., & Hirst, J. (2021). The Experiences of First-Time Fathers in Perinatal Services: Present but Invisible. Healthcare, 9 (2), e161.

Bowring, D., Painter, J., & Hastings, R.P. (2019). Prevalence of challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disabilities, correlates, and association with mental health. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 6 (4), 1-9.

James, M., Buckingham, B., Cheung, G., McKay, R., Painter, J., & Stewart, M. (2018). Review and update of the Health of the NationOutcome Scales for Elderly People (HoNOS65+). British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Painter, J., ingham, B., Trevithick, L., Hastings, R.P., & Roy, A. (2018). Identifying needs-based groupings among people accessing intellectual disability services. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123 (5), 426-442.

James, M., Painter, J., Stewart, M., & Buckingham, B. (2018). A Review and update of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS). BJPsych Bulletin, 42 (2), 63-68.

Painter, J., Hastings, R., Ingham, B., Trevithick, L., & Roy, A. (2018). Associations between mental health problems andchallenging behavior in adults with intellectual disabilities: A test of the behavioral equivalents hypothesis. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 1-16.

Painter, J., Ingham, B., Trevithick, L., Hastings, R.P., & Roy, A. (2018). Correlates for the risk of specialist ID hospital admission for people with intellectual disabilities: development of the LDNAT inpatient index. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 23 (1), 42-50.

Painter, J., Trevithick, L., Hastings, R., Ingham, B., & Roy, A. (2017). The extension of a set of needs-led mental health clusters to accommodate people accessing UK intellectual disability health services. Journal of Mental Health, 27 (2), 103-111.

Painter, J., Trevithick, L., Hastings, R., Ingham, B., & Roy, A. (2016). Development and Validation of the Learning Disabilities Needs Assessment Tool (LDNAT), a HoNOS-based needsassessment tool for use with people with intellectualdisability. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (12), 1178-1188.

Trevithick, L., Painter, J., & Keown, P. (2015). Mental health clustering and diagnosis in psychiatric in-patients. BJPsych Bulletin, 39 (3), 119-123.

Painter, J., Moulin, L., & Green, C. (2011). Sowing the seeds. Healthcare Finance.

Chave, J., Painter, J., Peet, M., & Wakefield, S. (2004). Using an Integrated Care Pathway to Deliver a Nurse-Led Clozapine Clinic. Journal of integrated Care Pathways, 8 (3), 114-118.

Book chapters

Wakefield, S., Painter, J., Peet, M., & Chave, J. (2006). Using an Integrated Care Pathway to Deliver a Nurse-Led Clozapine Clinic. In Integrated Care Pathways in Mental Health. (1st). Elsevier Health Sciences


Cottam, C., Beard, D., & Painter, J. (2024). PeerTalk: A service Evaluation.

Wood, N., & Painter, J. (2022). What does a PeerTalk support group offer that other mental health services do not? PeerTalk.

Harris, M., Tapp, C., Arnautovska, U., Coombs, T., Dickenson, R., Smith, M., ... Burgess, P. (2021). Assessing the content validity of the revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales 65+: the HoNOS Older Adults. Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN).

Harris, M., Tapp, C., Arnautovska, U., Coombs, T., Dickson, R., James, M., ... Burgess, P. (2021). Assessing the content validity of the revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS 2018). Australian Mental Health Outcomes Classification Network (AMHOCN).

Dlamini, T., Usman, J., Painter, J., & Turner, J. (2021). Evaluation of The PeerTalk Charitable Foundation. PeerTalk Charitable Foundation.

Painter, J., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2020). Evaluation of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust's Video-Consultation Project. N/A.

Painter, J., Martin, R., Turner, J., & Procter, P. (2020). Independent academic evaluation of: Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust's Tele-consultation pilot project Interim Report.

Turner, J., Painter, J., Ashmore, R., Healey, J., Harrop, D., & Brown, H. (2019). Service Evaluation of End of Life care arrangements of a Hospice to Care Home initiative.

Turner, J., Painter, J., Ashmore, R., Healey, J., Brown, H., & Harrop, D. (2019). An evaluation of a Hospice to Care Home initiative. SHU.

Painter, J., Ingham, B., & Mayer, H. (2015). Training Needs Analysis Report: Method and results of an analysis of learning disability clustering data on behalf of Health Education England. Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.

Mayer, H., Painter, J., & James, M. (2015). Care Transition Analysis Plan: Summary of Results. CPPP/NHS.

Brown, C., Craig, B., Duncan, J., Green, C., Hunter, R., Ingham, B., ... Whitelock, T. (2015). Care Pathways and Packages Project - Developing Currencies for Mental health: The Legacy. CPPP/NHS.

Ingham, B., Painter, J., Roy, A., Hastings, R., Robinson, S., & Green, C. (2013). Development of a needs based payment system for specialist Learning Disability health services: Results of a pilot project.

Painter, J., & Nowack, S. (2012). Report on the development of an algorithm to provide decision-support to clinicians when allocating to clusters. CPPP/NHS.

Self, R., Painter, J., & Davis, R. (2008). Study: To improve and demonstrate the structural properties of the care clusters that form the basis of the PbR currency development programme (Care Pathways and Packages Project). Department of Health.

Theses / Dissertations

Painter, J. (2019). Characterising, assessing and responding to the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and adults with mental health problems. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by hastings, R.

Internet Publications

Painter, J. (2008). An innovative approach to implementing NICE guidance via a needs-lead framework for mental health care.


Painter, J. (2023). Update to HoNOS-LD. Presented at: QNLD conference, Online, 2023

Painter, J. (2023). Review and update of the health of the nation outcome scales for people with learning disabilities. Presented at: Faculty of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Annual Conference, Leeds, 2023

Painter, J. (2022). Psychotropic medication prescribing for people with a learning disability. Presented at: Creating Knowledge Conference, Sheffield, 2022

Painter, J. (2021). If There’s Something Strange in Your Neighbourhood, Who You Gonna Call? : Staff perceptions of patient suitability for video consultations. Presented at: Annual Nursing Conference, Sheffield, UK

Painter, J. (2021). Evaluation of PeerTalk Charitable Foundation’s peer support groups. Presented at: Lets Have a Chat Day, Online, 2021

Turner, J., Painter, J., Ashmore, R., Healey, J., Harrop, D., & Brown, H. (2019). An evaluation of Rotherham Hospice to care Home initiative. RCN International Conference. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference and Exhibition 2019, Sheffield Hallam Uniiversity, 2019

Painter, J., & Frankland, S. (2018). Academic skills development for undergraduate nursing students: Can the use of a tool designed to aid the co-production of academic action plans improve student engagement and enhance academic performance / confidence? Presented at: Net2018 (Networking for healthcare education) conference, Cambridge, England, 2018


Tuohy, S., White, C., Turner, J., Painter, J., & Jahaan, D. (2024). Evaluation of genetic testing for children and young people with moderate to profound intellectual disability and epilepsy. Presented at: British Paediatric Neurology Association Conference 2024, Delta Hotels by Marriott , Bristol, United Kingdom, 2024

Painter, J., & Frankland, S. (2018). Academic skills development for undergraduate nursing students: Can the use of a tool designed to aid the co-production of academic action plans improve student engagement and enhance academic performance / confidence? Presented at: Net2018 (Networking for healthcare education) conference, Cambridge, England, 2018

Painter, J., & Frankland, S. (2018). Academic skills development for undergraduate nursing students: Can the use of a tool designed to aid the co-production of academic action plans improve student engagement and enhance academic performance / confidence? Presented at: Learning, Teaching and Assessing Conference, Sheffield, UK, 2018

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