Joseph Lee

Joseph Lee

Lecturer in Operating Department Practice


Lecturer in Operating Department practice 
With specific interest in student experience, quality teaching and clinical excellence. 


I qualified as an Operating Department practitioner (ODP) here at Sheffield Hallam University in 2011. Within clinical practice I spent the majority of my professional career specialising in Paediatric anaesthetics, with experience in Cardiothoracic surgery, Operation management and I was the first ODP to work in a paediatric and neonatal critical care transport network - part of diversifying our profession. 

I started at Sheffield Hallam University in September 2022 and thoroughly enjoy inspiring and motivating the future generation of healthcare professionals. Shortly after commencing I was able to complete my Postgraduate Certificate in higher education and obtain Fellowship status with the Higher Education Academy. Currently I module lead across both the BSc and Degree apprenticeship provisions. 



College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Operating Department Practice

Courses taught

  • BSc (Hons) Operating department practice
  • Degree apprenticeship (DA) BSc (Hons) Operating department practice
  • Operating department practice

Modules taught:

  • Developing Intraoperative practice
  • Developing complex perioperative practice
  • Managing emergency perioperative practice and Critical care

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