Keeley Rigby

Keeley Rigby PGCE, FHEA, MSc, PgDip, BSc

Senior Lecturer


Keeley Rigby is a senior lecturer in Radiotherapy and Oncology and the practice learning tutor at Royal Derby hospital. Keeley is the course leader for the degree apprenticeship in therapeutic radiography, and she teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
She is actively involved in research with a passion for improving the patient experience during and after radiotherapy.



Keeley’s background is in BSc Medical Sciences which she studied at the University of Leeds, from this degree stems her passion and interest in anatomy and physiology. After graduating she worked as an Intelligence Analyst for West Yorkshire Police before undertaking the PGDip Radiotherapy and Oncology course at Sheffield Hallam University. She graduated in 2008 and worked at St James' hospital in Leeds as a Radiographer and then a Specialist Practitioner.

At St James’ hospital she was a key trainer in Moving and Handling within the department, delivering training to staff and students.

She joined Hallam as a lecturer in April 2012 since then she has completed her MSc in Radiotherapy and Oncology and PGCert ed in learning and teaching in higher education. She is involved in teaching on both the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Keeley received a CoRIPS Research Grant and undertook a study to explore the experience of ringing the end of treatment bell on patients' finishing radiotherapy treatment, and the impact it has on them and the therapeutic radiographers working in the department. Her previous research interests include using 3D Stereophotogrammetry to evaluate new immobilisation devices for tissue stabilisation, positioning and accuracy during radiotherapy treatment.


Research interests include:
3D Stereophotogrammetry as a tool for evaluating the accuracy and reproducibility of new radiotherapy immobilisation devices.
The use of self-catheterisation for complete voidance of bladder cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.
Evaluating the comfort and dignity of patients using new radiotherapy immobilisation devices.
Patient modesty.
Living well with and beyond cancer.


College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Radiotherapy and Oncology

DA Therapeutic Radiographer

BSc Radiotherapy & Oncology

Pre-Reg MSc Radiotherapy & Oncology

Post-Reg MSc Radiotherapy & Oncology

BSc Diagnostic Radiography


CoRIPS Research Grant - CommEmorating the Last Event: calling time on the end of treatment Bell following RAdioThErapy? The CELEBRATE study

RESPIRE - the use of coaching to support patients with deep inspiration breath hold for radiotherapy.

The NIHR funded Support 4 all project aims to create an immobilisation device for breast cancer patients to wear during external beam radiotherapy. This will ensure their breast tissue is in the same position each day for treatment, improving reproducibility and treatment accuracy. It will also improve patient modesty and their overall radiotherapy experience.


CoRIPS Research Grant - CommEmorating the Last Event: calling time on the end of treatment Bell following RAdioThErapy? The CELEBRATE study

Rigby, K., Probst, H., Ulman, J., Appleyard, R., & Jacques, L. (2024). CommEmorating the Last Event: calling time on the end of treatment Bell following RAdioThErapy? The CELEBRATE study. Radiography, 30 (3), 920-925.

RESPIRE - the development of a resource to support patients prepare for deep inspiration breath hold for radiotherapy.

Probst, H., Barry, J., Clough, H., Lindley, M., Mather, R., Newton, H., Burton, M. (2020). Resource to prepare patients for deep inspiration breath hold: the RESPIRE project. Radiography, 26, S10.

The NIHR funded Support 4 all project aims to create an immobilisation device for breast cancer patients to wear during external beam radiotherapy. This will ensure their breast tissue is in the same position each day for treatment, improving reproducibility and treatment accuracy. It will also improve patient modesty and their overall radiotherapy experience.

Probst, H., Rosbottom, K., Crank, H., Stanton, A., & Reed, H. (2020). The patient experience of radiotherapy for breast cancer: A qualitative investigation as part of the SuPPORT 4 All study. Radiography.


Probst, H., Barry, J., Clough, H., Lindley, M., Mather, R., Newton, H., ... Burton, M. (2020). Resource to prepare patients for deep inspiration breath hold: the RESPIRE project. Radiography, 26, S10.

Burns, D., Rosbottom, K., & Mitchell, J. (2020). Is the bladder filling protocol for prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy fit for purpose? (Abstract only). Radiography, 26 (Supp1), S29.

Conference papers

Burns, D., Rosbottom, K., & Mitchell, J. (2020). Service evaluation of a new bladder filling protocol for radical prostate radiotherapy. RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY, 152, S1027.

Probst, H., Reed, H., Rosbottom, K., Stanton, A., Crank, H., Bryan-Jones, K., & Collins, K. (2018). OC-0192: The development of a device to immobilise the breast during radiotherapy: The SuPPORT 4 All project. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 127, S103-S104.


Bradder, S., & Rosbottom, K. (2018). Assessing quality of life, and the holistic needs of patients diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Presented at: Sheffield CARE conference, Sheffield

Rosbottom, K., Probst, H., Choppin, S., Bragg, C.M., Collins, K., Crank, H., ... Langley, J. (2016). Using 3D stereophotogrammetry to evaluate the stability, and positional accuracy of a breast immobilisation device. Presented at: UK Radiation Oncology Conference, Liverpool, 2016

Law, S., Choppin, S., & Rosbottom, K. (2016). Evaluation of the non-contact 3D laser in the measurement of breast volume. Presented at: Association of Breast Surgery Conference, Manchester, UK, 2016

Rosbottom, K., Smith, S., & Collins, M. (2013). Developing Radiotherapy services in Iraq. Presented at: United Kingdom Radiation Oncology Conference, Nottingham, UK, 2013

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