Laura Jacques MSc, BSc, FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Radiotherapy and Oncology
I have worked as a Therapeutic Radiographer in both the NHS and private sector prior to working as a Lecturer here at Sheffield Hallam University in 2020.
My main interests are in research, with special interests including; gynaecological malignancies, patient information and support (physical and psychological management), and cancer screening.
I completed a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science at the University of Sheffield in 2013. I wanted to use my science and anatomy knowledge in a role in healthcare where I could help people and therefore pursued a career in Radiotherapy and Oncology, completing the PG/DIP at Sheffield Hallam University in 2015. I worked as a Therapeutic Radiographer at Weston Park Hospital where I had a keen interest in supporting students, working as part of the student liaison team.
I then worked at Genesis Care Oxford as a Senior Therapeutic Radiographer. Whilst here, I completed my MSc in Radiotherapy and Oncology. As a clinical radiographer, I was involved in setting up a SRS service, used SGRT to treat all our patients, as well as treating complex SABR cases and was part of one of the first UK teams to utilise SpaceOAR for our prostate cancer patients.
Within my current role, I am a Year Lead for the BSc course as well as Module Lead for all courses (Pre-Reg, DA, and Post-Reg). I am Module Lead for Future Directions and Psychology of Cancer Care MSc modules.
I have a keen interest in research, with my special interests focusing on psychological support for cancer patients, patient information giving and support with a key interest in gynaecological cancers and cancer screening which directly relates to my teaching. I completed my FHEA whilst working at SHU.
School of Health and Social Care
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Subject area
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Courses taught
BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
DA Therapeutic Radiography
Pre-Reg MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
Post-Reg MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
Modules taught
Future Directions (MSc)
Psychology of Cancer Care (MSc)
Current research projects
Scoping review: Early menopause information giving and support for patients undergoing radiotherapy for gynaecological cancers
Aurora Cancer and Community Wellbeing Centre Project: Evaluation of exercise and beauty services
Evaluating the impact of a brachytherapy workbook on student learning and engagement in radiotherapy department
Featured research projects
The psychological impact of prostate cancer after treatment: a critical review of the literature
Could surface imaging in breast cancer radiotherapy detect early lymphoedema? : The Calibrate Study
Journal articles
Rigby, K., Probst, H., Ulman, J., Appleyard, R., & Jacques, L. (2024). CommEmorating the Last Event: calling time on the end of treatment Bell following RAdioThErapy? The CELEBRATE study. Radiography, 30 (3), 920-925.
Binks, L., Drury-Smith, H., & Holborn, C. (2021). The psychological impact of prostate cancer after treatment: a critical review of the literature. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.
Other activities
Reviewer for the Journal Radiography