May Williams

May Williams MA, BSc, PGC(H)E, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Senior Lecturer in Midwifery


I am a Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, a Registered Midwife and a PMA (Professional Midwifery Advocate). I hold a PGC(H)E Teaching Qualification and am a member of the Higher Education Academy. In 2024 I was humbled to receive the SHU Inspirational Teaching Award. 




I have been in Higher Education since 2021. I worked as a Registered Midwife in the NHS for many years before this, specialising in intrapartum care on a Midwifery-Led-Care unit. I have also worked at a birth centre in Sarawak, East Malaysia, which was an incredible experience. I have always loved working with families, and students - and being a part of their journey, so lecturing in Midwifery is the perfect blend of all my professional interest areas.

I currently lead on modules in Personalised and Complex Midwifery Care at BSc level, and Mental Health Recovery / Proficient Practice at MSc level. I also 'Link-Lecture' at Rotherham NHSFT, which means I support the students on placement at this trust, regularly attend the unit, and liaise with the clinical teams. I am a PMA - Professional Midwifery Advocate; this is a supportive, listening and signposting role for student midwives. I am currently in the process of seeking publication for a piece of research I have written; exploring the feasibility of an international online wellbeing tool being made available for postnatal people in the UK. The tool combines a focus on physical and emotional health, which I believe are intrinsically linked. 


College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Subject area


Courses taught

  • BSc Midwifery
  • MSc Midwifery
  • MSc Perinatal Mental Health

Modules taught


  • Foundations of Midwifery Care
  • Collaboration for Individual & Community Wellbeing
  • Universal Midwifery Care
  • Personalised Midwifery Practice
  • Promoting Excellence in Midwifery Care
  • The Advancing Professional
  • One Credits Modules
  • Midwife as Skilled Practitioner


  • Fundamentals of Midwifery
  • Proficient Midwifery Practitioner 
  • Mental Health Recovery and Maternal Care



Feasibility Study of Nordic Fit Mama
Postnatal Wellbeing Study for a UK Market - currently under peer review


Postgraduate supervision

I supervise students undertaking their MSc dissertation. 



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