Warm Homes Service

Warm Homes Service

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Author: Nadia Bashir, Anna Cronin de Chavez, Jan Gilbertson, Angela Tod, Elizabeth Sanderson and Ian Wilson

Last winter, the Foundations Independent Living Trust coordinated the Warm Homes Service, funded by £500,000 from the Department of Health, which aimed to prevent cold related harm and illness among vulnerable people. It was delivered by 55 agencies, reached more than 6,000 people within a four-month period − many of whom had long-term conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, asthma and dementia − and carried out more than 1,200 jobs ranging from fixing faulty boilers to draughty windows.

An evaluation of the service by Sheffield Hallam University was launched on 21 January in Westminster by Baroness Andrews, Chair of FILT Board of Trustees. The event was supported by leading figures including housing campaigner Lord Best, representatives from government departments and senior figures from the energy and property sectors. Professor Angela Tod and Jan Gilbertson from Sheffield Hallam University, who led the evaluation, explained how the service provided information, advice and practical help to keep older and vulnerable people warm and well.

Related documents

An evaluation of the FILT Warm Homes Service (PDF, 1.65MB) (PDF, 1.7MB)

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