Adrian Fearn MSc, PG Dip, PGCE, BA Hons
Principal Lecturer - Partnership Lead for Teacher Education
I am the cross-phase Partnership Lead for the four Teacher Education phases of: Early Years (0-5), Primary and Early Years (3-11), Secondary (11-18) and Post 16. In this role, I oversee the strategic direction and quality of student experiences for the SHU Partnership with schools and other settings.
I taught in Primary schools for 12 years from Reception to Y6, and for the last four years worked as an Advanced Skills Teacher, supporting teachers in their use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning. I then worked as an LA consultant working with schools in special measures before gaining a role as a teacher leader for the development of Every Child Counts (ECC), which was an initiative to support young children who find mathematics difficult or are dis-engaged from the subject.
I started at SHU in September 2010 and greatly value sharing my enthusiasm for teaching with all trainees that I come into contact with.
Early Years and Primary maths; integration of subject knowledge in ITT.
Department of Teacher Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
I teach maths and professional studies on Primary PGCE courses and work with regional SCITTs on the PGCE Masters level element of their courses.
Applying for HEA accreditation.
Chapter on Maths Subject Knowledge in Owen, David, and Cathy Burnett. Getting into Primary Teaching. St Albans, St Albans: Critical Publishing, 2014
TEAN Conference Presentation 2013: Lesson Study in ITE