Alessandra Princivalle

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  4. Alessandra Princivalle

Dr Alessandra Princivalle BSc, PhD, FHEA

Senior Lecturer Pharmacology


I was appointed as Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University after completing a Laurea in Molecular Biology at the University of Milan (IT), and a Professional Body course and examination at University of Pavia (IT) and a PhD at University of Birmingham. I have taught molecular biology at the University of Milan at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Molecular Pharmacology and Neurobiology at Sheffield Hallam. I am an internationally known researcher in the area of epilepsy. 


I was appointed as Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University after completing a Laurea in Molecular Biology at the University of Milan (IT), and a professional body course and examination at the University of Pavia (IT) and a PhD at the University of Birmingham. I have taught molecular biology at the University of Milan at the Faculty of Pharmacy.  During my time at Sheffield Hallam University, I have mainly taught neurobiology and molecular pharmacology plus molecular biology. I have always been interested in curriculum development and have developed and am still leading a Masters Course in pharmacology and biotechnology. Also I have been nominated Inspirational Teacher for four years in a row.

I was an Invited Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT), Department of Biomedical Science, International Doctorate School (PhD) in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, and International Doctorate School (PhD) in Neuroscience (2008-2012). Currently, I am also a member of the International Scientific Committee.

I am collaborating with different groups in the UK, both scientists and clinicians, on molecular biomarkers and pathways basis of epilepsy. I have published over 90 papers and abstracts and regularly present my work at national and international meetings.

I act as a referee for numerous journals and grant awarding bodies including the MRC and Wellcome Trust.

I have active memberships to various scientific societies such as Epilepsy Research UK.


Course Leader for MSc Pharmacology and Biotechnology, L6 Neurobiology, Neuropharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology

MSc Biosciences Programme and BSc Biosciences Programme


Systems Pharmacology


The emphasis of my research is on neuronal plasticity in epilepsy using immunohistochemical and molecular techniques.

Molecular signatures of epilepsy

The project aims to study the heterogeneity in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients who are resistant to drug therapy and undergo surgical treatment. There is currently no understanding of the molecular basis of such resistance and no valid criteria to guide a therapeutic strategy. A microarray technique is being employed to identify molecular substrates which we can then investigate further. This work is in collaboration with Prof F Falciani, Bioscience, University of Liverpool and Mr D. Bhattacharyya, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. 

Collaborators and sponsors:
  • Prof. F. Falciani, Bioscience, University of Liverpool 
  • Mr D. Bhattacharyya, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield
  • Prof. NM Barnes, Neuropharmacology, University of Birmingham

Awarded PhD Student Grant by Libyan Embassy July-2012-June 2016 

Awarded Faculty Research Grant by Sheffield Hallam University September 2007 - August 2010

Awarded Faculty Research Grant by University of Birmingham March 2004


Journal articles

Princivalle, A.P. (2021). GABAB Receptors in Neurodegeneration. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences.

Sheilabi, M.A., Takeshita, L.Y., Sims, E.J., Falciani, F., & Princivalle, A. (2020). The Sodium Channel B4-Subunits are Dysregulated in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Drug-Resistant Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (8), e2955.

Hudspith, L., Shmam, F., Dalton, C.F., Princivalle, A., & Turega, S. (2019). Neurotransmitter selection by monoamine oxidase isoforms, dissected in terms of functional groups by mixed double mutant cycles. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.

Sheilabi, M., Battacharyya, D., Caetano, L., Thom, M., Reuber, M., Duncan, J.S., & Princivalle, A. (2018). Quantitative expression and localization of GABAB receptor protein subunits in hippocampi from patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropharmacology, 136 (A), 117-128.

Salman, M., Sheilabi, M.A., Bhattacharyya, D., Kitchen, P., Conner, A.C., Bill, R.M., ... Princivalle, A. (2017). Transcriptome analysis suggests a role for the differential expression of cerebral aquaporins and the MAPK signalling pathway in human temporal lobe epilepsy. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 46 (5), 2121-2132.

Princivalle, A., Parker, R.M., Dover, T.J., & Barnes, N.M. (2012). Detection of mRNA encoding receptors by in situ and northern hybridization. Methods in Molecular Biology, 897 (897), 261-302.

Trim, P.J., Henson, C.M., Avery, J.L., McEwen, A., Snel, M.F., Claude, E., ... Clench, M.R. (2008). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-ion mobility separation-mass spectrometry imaging of vinblastine in whole body tissue sections. Analytical chemistry, 80 (22), 8628-8634.

Trim, P.J., Atkinson, S.J., Princivalle, A.P., Marshall, P.S., West, A., & Clench, M.R. (2008). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry imaging of lipids in rat brain tissue with integrated unsupervised and supervised multivariant statistical analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 22 (10), 1503-1509.

Brady, C.A., Dover, T.J., Massoura, A.N., Princivalle, A.P., Hope, A.G., & Barnes, N.M. (2007). Identification of 5-HT3A and 5-HT3B receptor subunits in human hippocampus. Neuropharmacology, 52 (5), 1284-1290.

Princivalle, A.P., Parker, R.M.C., Dover, T.J., & Barnes, N.M. (2005). mRNA: detection by in situ and northern hybridization. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 306, 51-91.

Chandler, K.E., Princivalle, A.P., Fabian-Fine, R., Bowery, N.G., Kullmann, D.M., & Walker, M.C. (2003). Plasticity of GABAB receptor-mediated heterosynaptic interactions at mossy fibers after status epilepticus. Journal of neuroscience, 23 (36), 11382-11391.

Princivalle, A.P., Duncan, J.S., Thom, M., & Bowery, N.G. (2003). GABAB1a, GABAB1b AND GABAB2 mRNA variants expression in hippocampus resected from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuroscience, 122 (4), 975-984.

Princivalle, A.P., Richards, D.A., Duncan, J.S., Spreafico, R., & Bowery, N.G. (2003). Modification of GABAB1 and GABAB2 receptor subunits in the somatosensory cerebral cortex and thalamus of rats with absence seizures (GAERS). Epilepsy research, 55 (1-2), 39-51.

Princivalle, A.P., Duncan, J.S., Thom, M., & Bowery, N.G. (2002). Studies of GABAB receptors labelled with [3H]-CGP62349 in hippocampus resected from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. British journal of pharmacology, 136 (8), 1099.

Monk, S.A., Desai, K., Brady, C.A., Williams, J.M., Lin, L., Princivalle, A., ... Barnes, N.M. (2001). Generation of a selective 5-HT3B subunit-recognising polyclonal antibody ; identification of immunoreactive cells in rat hippocampus. Neuropharmacology, 41 (8), 1013-1016.

Princivalle, A.P., Pangalos, M.N., Bowery, N.G., & Spreafico, R. (2001). Distribution of GABA(B(1a)), GABA(B(1b)) and GABA(B2) receptor protein in cerebral cortex and thalamus of adult rats. Neuroreport, 12 (3), 591-595.

Towers, S., Princivalle, A., Billinton, A., Edmunds, M., Bettler, B., Urban, L., ... Bowery, N.G. (2000). GABAB receptor protein and mRNA distribution in rat spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 12 (9), 3201-3210.

Princivalle, A., Regondi, M.C., Frassoni, C., Bowery, N.G., & Spreafico, R. (2000). Distribution of GABA(B) receptor protein in somatosensory cortex and thalamus of adult rats and during postnatal development. Brain Research Bulletin, 52 (5), 397-405.

Princivalle, A., Spreafico, R., Bowery, N., & De Curtis, M. (2000). Layer-specific immunocytochemical localization of GABA(B)R1a and GABA(B)R1b receptors in the rat piriform cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 12 (4), 1516-1520.

Cavadini, P., Diblasi, C., Baratta, S., Princivalle, A., Didonato, S., Battaglia, G., ... Taroni, F. (1997). Expression and mitochondrial localization of frataxin, the Friedreich's ataxia gene product. Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 18 (4), 25.

Battaglia, G., Princivalle, A., Forti, F., Lizier, C., & Zeviani, M. (1997). Expression of the SMN gene, the spinal muscular atrophy determining gene, in the mammalian central nervous system. Human molecular genetics, 6 (11), 1961-1971.

Di Luca, M., Caputi, A., Cinquanta, M., Cimino, M., Marini, P., Princivalle, A., ... Cattabeni, F. (1995). Changes in protein kinase C and its presynaptic substrate B-50/GAP-43 after intrauterine exposure to methylazoxy-methanol, a treatment inducing cortical and hippocampal damage and cognitive deficit in rats. The European journal of neuroscience, 7 (5), 899-906.

Battaglia, G., Lizier, C., Colacitti, C., Princivalle, A., & Spreafico, R. (1994). A reticuloreticular commissural pathway in the rat thalamus. The Journal of comparative neurology, 347 (1), 127-138.

Balduini, W., Cimino, M., Renò, F., Marini, P., Princivalle, A., & Cattabeni, F. (1993). Effects of postnatal or adult chronic acetylcholinesterase inhibition on muscarinic receptors, phosphoinositide turnover and m1 mRNA expression. European journal of pharmacology, 248 (4), 281-288.

CIMINO, M. (1992). Effects of chronic organophosphate administration on muscarinic and nicotinic neurotransmission at different stages of postnatal development of the rat brain. Pharmacological Research, 26, 48.

Conference papers

Massoura, A.N., Brady, C.A., Dover, T.J., Princivalle, A.P., Hope, A.G., & Barnes, N.M. (2006). The human hippocampus displays the potential to express both homomeric and heteromeric 5-HT3 receptors. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 101, 121.

Bowery, N.G., Whitehead, K.J., Pangalos, M.N., Price, G.W., Amantea, D., Princivalle, A., ... Pearce, S.M. (2003). Inhibition of absence seizures in rats (GAERS) by thalamic administration of a GABAB1 antisense ligand. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 138, U1.

Bowery, N., Meza-Toledo, S., Bowery, B., Amantea, D., & Princivalle, A. (2002). Mammalian presynaptic GABAB receptors. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 136.

Princivalle, A., Bowery, N.G., Pangalos, M., & Spreafico, R. (2001). Expression of GABAB(1a), GABAB(1b) and GABAB2 subunit proteins in the cortex and thalamus of rat. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 133, U92.

Giavazzi, A., Princivalle, A., Cavadini, P., Taroni, F., & Battaglia, G. (1998). Expression of frataxin gene and gene product in the mammalian central nervous system. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 10, 314.

Cavadini, P., DiBlasi, C., Princivalle, A., Baratta, S., DiDonato, S., Battaglia, G., ... Taroni, F. (1997). Evidences that human frataxin localizes in the mitochondria and is expressed in neural tissues selectively affected in Friedreich's ataxia. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, 61 (4), A42.

Princivalle, A. (2015). Impact of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis upon expression of 5-HT3 receptors: potential novel antiepileptic targets. In Society for neuroscience, Chicago, 17 October 2015 - 21 October 2015.

Princivalle, A. (2015). Transcriptome analysis of sclerotic hippocampi from patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. In International league against epilepsy British chapter, London, 23 September 2015 - 25 September 2015.

Princivalle, A. (2015). Aquaporin translocation and expression: a possible new drug target for temporal lobe epilepsy. In Second world congress on water channel proteins, Romania, 6 May 2015 - 10 May 2015.

Princivalle, A. (2014). Assessment of the expression of 5-ht3 receptor on temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. In International conference on sport law and ethics, London, 26 September 2014 - 27 September 2014.

Princivalle, A. (2014). The expression of GABAB receptor subunits in human TLE hippocampi. In International league against epilepsy British chapter, Nottingham, 18 September 2014 - 20 September 2014.

Princivalle, A. (2014). Characterisation of temporal lobe epilepsy biomarkers in human sclerotic hippocampi. In Federation of European neuroscience societies, Milan, 5 July 2014 - 9 July 2014.

Princivalle, A. (2013). Quantitative fluorescence western blot analysis of GABAB receptors in human TLE hippocampi. In nternational league against epilepsy British chapter, 5 September 2013 - 7 September 2013. Glasgow

Book chapters

Princivalle, A.P. (2024). Norman G. Bowery: A Founding Father of the GABAB Receptor Research Field: Reflections on His Contribution. In The Receptors. (pp. 329-341). Springer International Publishing:

Princivalle, A. (2024). Norman G. Bowery: A Founding Father of the GABAB Receptor Research Field: Reflections on His Contribution(Second Edition). In Colombo, G. (Ed.) GABA B Receptor. Springer Nature

Princivalle, A.P. (2022). GABAB Receptors in Neurodegeneration. (pp. 267-290).

Theses / Dissertations

Wootton, T.L. (2024). Synthesis and drug development ofsmall molecule inhibitors of PTP1B. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Allwood, D., Aberdein, N., & Princivalle, A.

Sheilabi, M.A. (2016). Studies of biomarkers in temporal lobe epilepsy. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Princivalle, A.

Other activities

2012 External Examiner PhD thesis, University of Liverpool (UK)

2009/2011 External Examiner PhD thesis, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT)

2008 - 2012 Visiting Professor at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Biomedical Science, teaching at the Doctorate School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Topic taught: "Morpho-functional studies on human tissues"

Invited Reviewer

  • Wellcome Trust grant round
  • MRC grant round
  • ERUK grant round
  • MS Society grant rounds
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Neuroscience Letters
  • Epilepsia
  • Molecular Psychiatry
  • Neurochemistry International
  • Seizures (regularly)

Member of Academic Directorate of Neuroscience

University of Sheffield /Sheffield Teaching Hospital/ SITraN (Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience)


Member of Human Tissue Group

Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle, UK.

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