Dr Alisha Ali PhD, MSc, PgCert, BSc
Principal Lecturer
I am the PhD Programme Leader in the Sheffield Business School.
In 2018, I won the Council for Hospitaity Manaement Education (CHME)/Smith Travel Research (StR) Share Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (with Dr. Emma Martin).
I was awarded the The Institute of Hospitality Research Award for the best research paper (with co-authors Professor Hilary Murphy & Dr. Sanjay Nadkarni) at the European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (EuroCHRIE) conference in 2014.
I am the the Regional Editor – Europe - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT). My research and teaching reflects my comprehensive practical experiecnce.
I teach in the areas of innovation, IT, sustainable tourism, operations management, hospitality and tourism. This is complemented by my research interests in sustainable development, ICT, innovation, operations management, corporate social responsibility, destination management, hospitality and tourism, consultancy, employability and how students' learn.
I have a sustained a record of research activity with over 30 publications in peer reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, book reviews and articles in the trade press. I also have extensive experience in PhD supervision, completions and examinations.
In addition to academic activities, I have a background in consultancy, working with government offices, destination management organisations (DMOs) and international, national and local businesses. Some of my career highlights include developing feasibility studies for DMOs, developing marketing communication material for the travel and tourism industry, conducting market research and analysis of worldwide trends in the hospitality and tourism industry and working on live tourism plans and projects and participating in their implementation in the Caribbean.
I have been invited as a guest speaker in Australia, Switzerland, Dubai, Botswana, Canada and Finland. I am frequently consulted as an external expert on grants for research funding, for validation of hospitality and tourism programmes, journal reviewing and is an external examiner at a number of UK universities. I am a member of the scientific review committees for the ENTER, CHME and EUROCHRIE conferences.
I have guest edited a special issue (with Prof. Andy Frew) of the Journal of Information Technology & Tourism on ICTs for sustainable tourism and ran workshops with the aim of building a research domain on ICT and sustainable tourism development.
- 2011: Post Graduate Certificate - Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2010: Doctor of Philosophy, Tourism Management, Queen Margaret University
- 2006: MSc Management (Human Resource Management), Other, United Kingdom
- 2000: BSc Tourism Management, Other, United Kingdom
Member of professional body
- 2013 to 2017: , European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (EuroCHRIE), United Kingdom
- 2012 to 2018: , Institute of Hospitality , United Kingdom
- 2011: , Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom
Principal Lecturer
Teaching expertise
- Hospitality
- Operations
- Tourism
- Service Sector Management
Industry Links
- Consultancy
- Developing student projects
- Member of prof body
- Partnership development
- Working with Prof body
Department of Service Sector Management
Sheffield Business School
2015 to 2016: Hospitality Business Solutions, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
2011 to 2016: Managing Hospitality Resources, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
2009 to 2016: Understanding Hospitality Resources, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
2009 to 2011: Hospitality Service Excellence, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
2009 to 2016: Hospitality Concepts and Innovation, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
2009 to 2016: MSc Dissertations, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Journal articles
Ali, A., & Chomitz, J. (2023). Workplace toxicity during disruptions. Hospitality Insights, 7 (2), 8-10. http://doi.org/10.24135/hi.v7i2.151
Stalmirska, A.M., & Ali, A. (2023). Sustainable development of urban food tourism: a cultural globalisation approach. Tourism and Hospitality Research. http://doi.org/10.1177/14673584231203368
Tomasella, B., Ali, A., & Gill, D. (2023). Hospitality that cares: A qualitative investigation into small foodservice businesses’ social responsibility. Current Issues in Tourism. http://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2023.2214849.
Busoi, G., Ali, A., & Gardiner, K. (2022). Antecedents of emotional labour for holiday representatives: A framework for tourism workers. Tourism Management, 89, 104450. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104450
Chomitz, J., & Ali, A. (2022). Exploring toxic personalities in resorts: a managerial perspective. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 21 (2). http://doi.org/10.1080/15332845.2022.2031608
Graham, D., Ali, A., & Tajeddini, K. (2020). Open kitchens: customers' influence on chefs' working practices. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 27-36. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.07.011
Tajeddini, K., Martin, E., & Ali, A. (2020). Enhancing Hospitality Business Performance: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Networking Ties in a Dynamic Environment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90, 102605. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102605
Ali, A., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., & Cobanoglu, C. (2020). Technology in Tourism and Hospitality to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(Editorial). Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11 (2), 177-181. http://doi.org/10.1108/JHTT-05-2020-146
Tomasella, B., & Ali, A. (2019). The importance of personal values and hospitableness in small foodservice businesses’ social responsibility. Hospitality and Society, 9 (3), 307-329. http://doi.org/10.1386/hosp_00004_1
Herstein, R., Gilboa, S., Gamliel, E., Berger, R., & Ali, A. (2018). The role of private label brands in enhancing service satisfaction in the hotel industry: comparing luxury and boutique hotels. Services Marketing Quarterly, 39, 140-155. http://doi.org/10.1080/15332969.2018.1437250
Ali, A., Murphy, H., & Nadkarni, S. (2018). Hospitality employers’ perceptions of technology for sustainable development: The implications for graduate employability. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18 (2), 131-142. http://doi.org/10.1177/1467358416636929
Ali, A., Murphy, H., & Nadkarni, S. (2017). Sustainable development and hospitality education : employers’ perspectives on the relevance for graduate employability. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 17 (3), 159-172. http://doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2017.1331782
Dodds, R., Ali, A., & Galaski, K. (2016). Mobilising Knowledge: Determining key elements for success and pitfalls in developing Community Based Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 21 (13), 1547-1568. http://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2016.1150257
Ali, A. (2016). Innovation and Tourism Destination Development. Tourism Planning & Development, 13 (1), 123-125. http://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2015.1106772
Ali, A., & J. Frew, A. (2014). ICT and sustainable tourism development: an innovative perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 5 (1), 2-16. http://doi.org/10.1108/JHTT-12-2012-0034
Ali, A., Murphy, H., & Nadkarni, S. (2014). Hospitality students' perceptions of digital tools for learning and sustainable development. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & Tourism Education, 15, 1-10. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2014.02.001
Ali, A., & Sharma, V. (2014). Can brand personality differentiate fast food restaurants? Research in Hospitality Management, 4 (1/2), 13-19.
Ali, A. (2014). Hospitality Students' Perceptions of Digital Tools for Learning and Sustainable Development. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 15.
Ali, A., & Frew, A.J. (2014). ICT for sustainable tourism: a challenging relationship? Information Technology & Tourism, 14 (4), 261-264. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-014-0020-x
Ali, A., & Frew, A.J. (2014). Technology innovation and applications in sustainable destination development. Information Technology & Tourism, 14 (4), 265-290. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40558-014-0015-7
Ali, A., & Frew, A. (2010). ICT - A sustainable approach to sustainable tourism development. Journal of Hospitality Application and Research, 5 (2), 28-58. http://www.bitmesra.ac.in/johar/index.html
Huyser, M., Van der Merwe, P., & Ali, A. (n.d.). Contingency Strategies to Foster Resilience in National Parks During Crisis Events such as COVID-19. Tourism Planning and Development.
Conference papers
Ali, A., Egan, D., & Haynes, N. (2022). Enhancing industry engagement within hospitality and tourism education: a collaborative learning approach. In CHME 2022, Edinburgh, 25 May 2022 - 27 May 2022.
Ali, A., & Frew, A.J. (2010). ICT and its Role in Sustainable Tourism Development. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, (pp. 479-491). Springer Vienna: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-211-99407-8_40
Ali, A., & Frew, A. (2008). ICT for sustainable tourism development - An emergent framework. In 2nd International Scientific Conference of the e-Business Forum: E-Business in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, London.
Tomasella, B., & Ali, A. (2018). Hospitableness: driving Social Responsibility (SR) in independent restaurants. In The INC 2018: Tourism, Hospitality & Events in a Changing World, Derby, UK, 26 June 2018 - 28 June 2018 (pp. 87-89). The INC: https://theconference2018.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/the-inc-2018-proceedings1.pdf
Chomitz, J., & Ali, A. Can the global pandemic create toxic hotel workplaces? In CHME 2021.
Ali, A., Eva, H., & Jarmo, R. Competencies enhancing university students’ employability. In International Competence Network for Tourism Research and Education (ICNT).
Huyser, M.M., Van Der Merwe, P., & Ali, A. (2024). Newly enthused visitors to the Peak District National Park due to Covid-19: Challenges and opportunities. In Travel and Tourism Research Association, George, South Africa, 21 April 2024 - 24 April 2024. file:///C:/Users/sbsaa2/Downloads/Book%20of%20abstracts%204%20(1).pdf
Book chapters
Ali, A., & Murray, P. (2023). The Growth of De Temporalisation in Tourism. In Goulding, P. (Ed.) Tourism: A temporal analysis. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers: http://doi.org/10.23912/9781911635840-5467
Jarmo, R., & Ali, A. (2023). Finnish tourists' responsible travel intentions in times of COVID-19: implications for travel intermediaries. In Towards Sustainable and Resilient Tourism Futures: Insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT). Erich Schmidt: https://esv.info/978-3-503-21195-1
Ali, A. (2022). Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Tourism Development. In Zheng, X., Fuchs, M., Gretzel, U., & Höpken, W. (Eds.) Handbook of e-Tourism. (pp. 1645-1665). Cham: Springer: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48652-5_103
Ali, A. (2022). Technology for Sustainable Tourism. In Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. (pp. 342-345). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing: http://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486
Ali, A. (2022). Technology for Sustainable Tourism. In Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. (pp. 342-345). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing: http://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486
Ali, A. (2022). Technology for Sustainable Tourism. In Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. (pp. 342-345). Edward Elgar Publishing: http://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486.technology.for.sustainable
Ali, A., & Murray, P. (2021). Learning in the workplace: an innovative approach to work experience. In Lück, M., & Liu, C. (Eds.) A kaleidoscope of tourism research: Insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT). (pp. 19-31). Peter Lang Verlag: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1059496#document-details-anchor
Ali, A. (2015). Theoretical perspectives on destination image. In Bricker, K., & Donohoe, H. (Eds.) The demystifying theories in tourism. (pp. 104-117). Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI
Eastham, J., & Ali, A. (2013). Procurement in hospitality. In Wood, R.C. (Ed.) Key concepts in hospitality management. (pp. 135-139). London: Sage: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/key-concepts-in-hospitality-management/book236094#description
Ali, A., & Carson, D. (2011). Information and communications technology (ICT) and the challenge of sustainable self-drive tourism. In Prideaux, B., & Carson, D. (Eds.) Drive tourism : trends and emerging markets. (pp. 124-145). London: Routledge
Ali, A., & Hull, J. (Eds.). (2018). Multi-stakeholder Perspectives of the Tourism Experience. Peter Lang. https://www.peterlang.com/abstract/title/67791?rskey=amqed4&result=2
Ali, A., & Frew, A.J. (2013). Information and communication technologies for sustainable tourism. Routledge.
Ali, A., Egan, D., Haynes, N., & Holland, C. (2022). The future of hospitality management education addendum. CHME. https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/updated-report-on-the-future-of-hospitality-management-education-now-available/
Ali, A., Egan, D., Haynes, N., Holland, C., & Martin, E. (2020). The Future of Hospitality Management Education. Council for Hospitality Management Education. https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/June-2020Update-Future-of-Hospitalty-Management-Education-CHME-Report1.pdf
Theses / Dissertations
Wingfield, H.L. (2023). A critical analysis of the relationship between cycling tourism and wellbeing. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Doran, A., & Ali, A. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00526
Tomasella, B. (2019). A critical analysis of small business socialresponsibility in independent foodservicebusinesses. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ali, A., & Egan, D. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00251
Busoi, G. (2017). An investigation into the influences of emotional labour of holiday representatives. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ali, A. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00093
Sadik, A. (2017). Emerging trends and influences in Ghanaian hospitality industry education and employability. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ali, A. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00037
Graham, D. (2015). The chef as an emotional and aesthetic labourer; an employee in transition. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ali, A., Martin, E., & Spencer, P.
Şanlıöz-Özgen, K.H., & Ali, A. (2024). Interrelationship between high-tech and high-touch for personalised customer experience in hotels: A sensemaking and sensegiving approach. Presented at: Council for Hospitality Management Conference, Leeds
Ali, A., Chomitz, J., & IIling-Downing, R. (2023). The pandemic and toxic hotel workplaces. Presented at: Council for Hospitality Management Education Conference, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Ali, A., Egan, D., & Haynes, N. (2022). How the novel use of technology in experiential learning and industry collaboration can be used to enhance student employability and enterprise? Presented at: Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the Spotlight, Northumbria University, 2022
Ali, A. (2021). Technology for Sustainable Tourism – Blessing or Curse?
Ritalahti, J., & Ali, A. (2020). Tourists behaviour and sustainable tourism: Finnish tourists' perspectives. Presented at: 2nd TOURIST Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
Chomitz, J., & Ali, A. (2019). How do resort managers cope with toxic personalities? Presented at: CHME 2019, London
Chomitz, J., Ali, A., & John, H. (2018). Toxic personalities and resort management: A human resource perspective. Presented at: International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), Johannesburg, South Africa, 2018
Busoi, G., & Ali, A. (2018). Organisational support as an influencer of emotional labour of holiday representatives. Presented at: CHME 2018 Research Conference, Bournemouth, 2018
Tomasella, B., & Ali, A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and digital communication in small independent restaurants. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 2016
Tomasella, B., & Ali, A. (2016). A pluralistic framework for the analysis of corporate social responsibility and its application to small and medium enterprises. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle, UK, 2016
Buosi, G., Ali, A., & Gardiner, K. (2015). The contextual antecedents of emotional labour of holiday representatives: An observational study. Presented at: EuroCHRIE, Manchester, UK, 2015
Ali, A., & Sharkey, J. (2014). An investigation into determinants that drive product innovation in foodservice equipment manufacturers. Presented at: EuroCHRIE Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2014
Nield, K., Sadik, A., & Ali, A. (2014). Ghanaian hospitality industry education and employability: Emerging trends. Presented at: EuroCHRIE Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2014
Ali, A., Murphy, H., & Nadkarni, S. (2014). The employer perspective of sustainability: Implications for hospitality education. Presented at: EuroCHRIE, Dubai, UAE, 2014
Ali, A. (2013). What do students value from their placements? Presented at: EuroCHRIE Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 2013
Ali, A., Murphy, H., & Nadkarni, S. (2012). Hospitality students perceptions of digital tools for learning and sustainable development. Presented at: EuroCHRIE, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012
Ali, A., & Frew, A. (2009). ICT and sustainable tourism development: A literature review. Presented at: Hospitality Information Technology Association Conference, Anaheim, CA
Ali, A., & Frew, A. (2009). ICT and sustainable tourism development: An analysis of the literature. Presented at: ENTER 2009, Amsterdam
Ali, A., & Frew, J. (2008). Innovation, ICT and sustainable tourism development. Presented at: International Society for Travel and Tourism Educators Conference (ISTTE), Dublin, Ireland, 2008
Ali, A., & Murray, P. (n.d.). Learning in the workplace. Presented at: EuroCHRIE, Dublin, 2018
Other publications
Ali, A. (2019). ICT for sustainable tourism. House of Commons
Graham, D., & Ali, A. (2016). Hospitality Education Is Not One Size Fits All. Caterer Magazine
Other activities
- 2018: CHME StR SHARE Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), United Kingdom
Competitve Research Award
- 2018: Principal Investigator, Welcome to Yorkshire, The Value of Tourism to Yorkshire, Welcome To Yorkshire, United Kingdom
- 2017: Principal Investigator, Welcome to Yorkshire, The Value of Tourism to Yorkshire, Welcome To Yorkshire, United Kingdom
- 2015: Showcasing Sheffield's Social Science Research - Festival of Social Science, ESRC Festival of Social Science, United Kingdom
- 2015: Sheffield Business School Pedagogic Innovation Fund, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2015: ESRC Festival of Social Science, Sharing Sheffield Doctoral Research, ESRC Festival of Social Science, United Kingdom
- 2015: Co-investigator, The Moor Market, Sheffield First 1 Year of Trading Review for the Sheffield City Council, Sheffield City Council, United Kingdom
- 2014: Co-investigator, Impact of HS2 on Stoneleigh Park for ECUS Environmental Consultants, ECUS Consulting Ltd, United Kingdom
- 2014: Co-investigator, The Moor Market, Sheffield First 6 Months of Trading Review for the Sheffield City Council, Sheffield City Council, United Kingdom
- 2014: Hospitality Research Residential, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2012: Developed and delivered Hotel Benchmarking Module for The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, United Arab Emirates
- 2012: Hospitality Research Residential, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2011: Co-investigator, ATTRACT, promoting meeting, discussion and co-operation among different stakeholders on accessible tourism, Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, Belgium
- 2011: Co-investigator, ATTRACT, promoting meeting, discussion and co-operation among different stakeholders on accessible tourism, Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, United Arab Emirates
- 2010: Delivered a workshop on Information Technology and Sustainable Tourism Development, funded by the International Federation for IT in Travel and Tourism and Queen Margaret University, International Federation for IT and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), United Kingdom
Postgraduate supervision
Completed supervisions
- 3 x PhD Supervision (3 students)