- 2014: Fellow - Higher Education Academy, Other
- 2013: PhD (Re-)mystifying the city: the mystères urbains and the palimpsest, 1842–1905, Durham University
- 2009: European Masters in Publishing, Other
- 2002: BA (Hons) Modern Languages, Durham University
Member of professional body
- 2014: , Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Organiser of a conference stream
International Conference
- 2016: , Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2012: , Durham University
UG External Examiner
- 2016: , University of Wolverhampton
Senior Lecturer
Key Publications
Wigelsworth, A. (2016). Rewriting Les Mystères de Paris: The Mystères Urbains and the Palimpsest. Cambridge: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Rewriting-Les-Mysteres-de-Paris-The-Mysteres-Urbains-and-the-Palimpsest/Wigelsworth/p/book/9781909662360
Journal articles
Wigelsworth, A. (2024). Au seuil de la transgression : l’instance préfacielle dans les mystères urbains. Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada, (18). http://doi.org/10.21083/nrsc.v2024i18.7700
Wigelsworth, A. (2024). ‘Sandrine Bonnaire regained’: space and mobility in Sans toit ni loi and Prendre le large. French Screen Studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/26438941.2024.2377456
Wigelsworth, A. (2020). Smoke and mirrors: secret societies and self-reflexivity in the mystères urbains. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 48 (3&4), 258-275. http://doi.org/10.1353/ncf.2020.0008
Wigelsworth, A. (2017). Illustration et dissimulation dans Les Mystères de Paris : enjeux de l’édition illustrée. Romantisme, 175 (175), 97-112. http://doi.org/10.3917/rom.175.0097
Wigelsworth, A. (2015). Sex and the city : représentations du féminin dans les mystères urbains [également disponible en anglais]. Les Mystères urbains au XIXe siècle : circulations, transferts, appropriations. http://www.medias19.org/index.php?id=21316
Wigelsworth, A. (2014). Detection in the second degree in French urban mystery novels. Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 3 (1), 19-31. http://doi.org/10.1386/ajpc.3.1.19_1
Wigelsworth, A. (2012). Au seuil des bas-fonds: Footnotes in the mysteres urbains. Dix-Neuf, 16 (3), 243-259.
Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Eugene Sue (biography). The Literary Encyclopedia.
Book chapters
Wigelsworth, A. (2022). Woman at Sea? Space and work in Catherine Poulain’s Le grand marin. In Bouamer, S., & Stojanovic, S. (Eds.) ‘Taking up Space’: Women at Work in Contemporary France. University of Wales Press: https://www.uwp.co.uk/book/taking-up-space/
Wigelsworth, A. (2014). Finishings off: Murder à la malet in Simsolo’s Les Derniers mystères de Paris. In Kimyongur, A., & Wigelsworth, A. (Eds.) Rewriting wrongs: French crime fiction and the palimpsest. (pp. 175-190). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/rewriting-wrongs
Kimyongür, A., & Wigelsworth, A. (Eds.). (2014). Rewriting Wrongs: French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wigelsworth, A. (2017). La transnationalité des mystères urbains.
Wigelsworth, A. (2016). The transnational agency of French urban mystery fiction.
Wigelsworth, A. (2014). The American in Paris: The Americanization of City and Text in French Urban Mystery Novels'.
Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Sex and the City: rewriting the feminine in the mysteres urbains'.
Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Underworlds and Utopias : Eugene Sue's Mysteres de Paris and Jules Lermina's Mystereville'.
Wigelsworth, A. (2012). Au seuil des bas-fonds: Footnotes in themystères urbains. http://doi.org/10.1179/1478731812z.00000000020
Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Dirt and debris: paratext and paradox in the mysteres urbains'.
Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Smoke and mirrors: secret societies, from mysteres urbains to roman policier'.
Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Sur la piste du policier: the detective au second degre in the mysteres urbains'.
Other publications
Wigelsworth, A. (2017). Review of Goulet, Andrea. (2015). Legacies of the Rue Morgue: Science, Space, and Crime Fiction in France. University of Pennsylvania Press. L’Esprit Créateur, Vol. 57, No. 1: 139–142. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press
Wigelsworth, A. (2015). Online Article - «Sex and the City : représentations du féminin dans les mystères urbains [également disponible en anglais]», Médias 19 [En ligne], Politique des Mystères urbains, Publications, Dominique Kalifa et Marie-Ève Thérenty (dir.), Les Mystères urbains au XIXe siècle : Circulations, transferts, appropriations, mis à jour le : 13/03/2015, URL : http://www.medias19.org/index.php?id=21316.
Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Affaires de famille – review of Bernard, C. (2013). Le Jeu des familles dans le roman du XIXe siècle. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne. http://www.fabula.org/revue/document9071.php. Sheffield
Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Book Review: HOLMES, Diana, PLATTEN, David, ARTIAGA, Loïc and MIGOZZI, Jacques (eds) Finding the Plot: Storytelling in Popular Fictions, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013 345 pp., £49.99, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4238-9. Modern & Contemporary France http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09639489.2013.861403#.UxXp4eNdPfE. Sheffield
Wigelsworth, A. (2012). ‘Le populaire au pluriel’ – review of Daniel Compère, Les Romans populaires, Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, coll. « Les fondamentaux de la Sorbonne nouvelle », 2012 http://www.fabula.org/revue/document7066.php. Sheffield
Wigelsworth, A. (2010). ‘Sur la piste de la littérature du XIXe siècle : Eugène Sue à l’étranger et l’éclosion du roman policier’ – review of Le Rocambole, n°42, printemps 2008, Dossier « Eugène Sue à l'étranger » and Elsa de Lavergne, La Naissance du roman policier français http://www.fabula.org/revue/document5432.php. Sheffield
Other activities
- 2009: AHRC Doctoral Studentship, Durham University
- 2007: AHRC Professional Preparation Master’s Scheme, Durham University
HEA fellow or senior fellow
- 2014: Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom