Dr Amy Wigelsworth

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Dr Amy Wigelsworth

Senior Lecturer



  • 2014: Fellow - Higher Education Academy, Other
  • 2013: PhD (Re-)mystifying the city: the mystères urbains and the palimpsest, 1842–1905, Durham University
  • 2009: European Masters in Publishing, Other
  • 2002: BA (Hons) Modern Languages, Durham University

Member of professional body


  • 2014: , Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Organiser of a conference stream

International Conference

  • 2016: , Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  • 2012: , Durham University

UG External Examiner


  • 2016: , University of Wolverhampton

Senior Lecturer


Department of Management

Sheffield Business School

Languages Studies


Wigelsworth, A. (2015). Sex and the city : représentations du féminin dans les mystères urbains [également disponible en anglais]. Les Mystères urbains au XIXe siècle : circulations, transferts, appropriations. http://www.medias19.org/index.php?id=21316

Wigelsworth, A. (2014). Detection in the second degree in French urban mystery novels. Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 3 (1), 19-31. http://doi.org/10.1386/ajpc.3.1.19_1

Wigelsworth, A. (2012). Au seuil des bas-fonds: Footnotes in the mysteres urbains. Dix-Neuf, 16 (3), 243-259.

Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Eugene Sue (biography). The Literary Encyclopedia.

Wigelsworth, A. (n.d.). ‘Sandrine Bonnaire regained’: space and mobility in Sans toit ni loi and Prendre le large. French Screen Studies.

Book chapters

Wigelsworth, A. (2022). Woman at Sea? Space and work in Catherine Poulain’s Le grand marin. In Bouamer, S., & Stojanovic, S. (Eds.) ‘Taking up Space’: Women at Work in Contemporary France. University of Wales Press: https://www.uwp.co.uk/book/taking-up-space/

Wigelsworth, A. (2014). Finishings off: Murder à la malet in Simsolo’s Les Derniers mystères de Paris. In Kimyongur, A., & Wigelsworth, A. (Eds.) Rewriting wrongs: French crime fiction and the palimpsest. (pp. 175-190). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/rewriting-wrongs


Kimyongür, A., & Wigelsworth, A. (Eds.). (2014). Rewriting Wrongs: French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Wigelsworth, A. (2017). La transnationalité des mystères urbains.

Wigelsworth, A. (2016). The transnational agency of French urban mystery fiction.

Wigelsworth, A. (2014). The American in Paris: The Americanization of City and Text in French Urban Mystery Novels'.

Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Sex and the City: rewriting the feminine in the mysteres urbains'.

Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Underworlds and Utopias : Eugene Sue's Mysteres de Paris and Jules Lermina's Mystereville'.

Wigelsworth, A. (2012). Au seuil des bas-fonds: Footnotes in themystères urbains. http://doi.org/10.1179/1478731812z.00000000020

Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Dirt and debris: paratext and paradox in the mysteres urbains'.

Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Smoke and mirrors: secret societies, from mysteres urbains to roman policier'.

Wigelsworth, A. (2011). Sur la piste du policier: the detective au second degre in the mysteres urbains'.

Other publications

Wigelsworth, A. (2017). Review of Goulet, Andrea. (2015). Legacies of the Rue Morgue: Science, Space, and Crime Fiction in France. University of Pennsylvania Press. L’Esprit Créateur, Vol. 57, No. 1: 139–142. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press

Wigelsworth, A. (2015). Online Article - «Sex and the City : représentations du féminin dans les mystères urbains [également disponible en anglais]», Médias 19 [En ligne], Politique des Mystères urbains, Publications, Dominique Kalifa et Marie-Ève Thérenty (dir.), Les Mystères urbains au XIXe siècle : Circulations, transferts, appropriations, mis à jour le : 13/03/2015, URL : http://www.medias19.org/index.php?id=21316.

Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Affaires de famille – review of Bernard, C. (2013). Le Jeu des familles dans le roman du XIXe siècle. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne. http://www.fabula.org/revue/document9071.php. Sheffield

Wigelsworth, A. (2013). Book Review: HOLMES, Diana, PLATTEN, David, ARTIAGA, Loïc and MIGOZZI, Jacques (eds) Finding the Plot: Storytelling in Popular Fictions, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013 345 pp., £49.99, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4238-9. Modern & Contemporary France http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09639489.2013.861403#.UxXp4eNdPfE. Sheffield

Wigelsworth, A. (2012). ‘Le populaire au pluriel’ – review of Daniel Compère, Les Romans populaires, Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, coll. « Les fondamentaux de la Sorbonne nouvelle », 2012 http://www.fabula.org/revue/document7066.php. Sheffield

Wigelsworth, A. (2010). ‘Sur la piste de la littérature du XIXe siècle : Eugène Sue à l’étranger et l’éclosion du roman policier’ – review of Le Rocambole, n°42, printemps 2008, Dossier « Eugène Sue à l'étranger » and Elsa de Lavergne, La Naissance du roman policier français http://www.fabula.org/revue/document5432.php. Sheffield

Other activities


  • 2009: AHRC Doctoral Studentship, Durham University
  • 2007: AHRC Professional Preparation Master’s Scheme, Durham University

HEA fellow or senior fellow

  • 2014: Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom

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