Dr Andrew Morrison

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  4. Dr Andrew Morrison

Dr Andrew Morrison FHEA, BA (Hons), MPA, Dip., FAHE

Associate Head


I am an Associate Head within SIOE where I have primary responsibility for student recruitment.


I am an Associate Head within SIOE where I have primary responsibility for student recruitment. I also have teaching and research interests in the sociology of education, and I have published in this area over a number of years.



Sheffield Institute of Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

My research interests lie in the area of young people’s educational and occupational decision-making, and of how these processes are mediated through lived experiences of ‘race’, class and gender.


Courses Taught

BA (Hons) Education with Psychology and Counselling


I am currently engaged in researching how the concept of 'experience' is expounded in the work of E.P. Thompson, Raymond Williams, Michael Oakeshott, and F.A. Hayek with the ultimate intention of producing a monograph on this subject.


Morrison, A. (2021). The moral economies of marketised higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education. http://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2021.2011708

Morrison, A. (2020). Just deserts? Grade inflation and desert-based justice in English higher education. British Journal of Educational Studies. http://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2020.1832957

Morrison, A. (2020). The Foundations of Distributive Justice: A Morphogenetic Analysis of Gomberg and Fraser. Sociology, 55 (2), 227-242. http://doi.org/10.1177/0038038520947305

Morrison, A. (2019). Contributive justice: Social class and graduate employment in the UK. Journal of education and work. http://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2019.1646414

Morrison, A. (2018). Social justice in a market order: graduate employment and social mobility in the UK. Critical Studies in Education, 1-16. http://doi.org/10.1080/17508487.2018.1553794

Morrison, A. (2017). Bourdieu and higher education research: a bricolage approach. Higher Education Review, 49 (3), 53-75. http://www.highereducationreview.com/news/bourdieu-and-higher-education-research-a-bricolage-approach.html

Morrison, A. (2017). The responsibilised consumer: neoliberalism and English higher education policy. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 17 (3), 197-204. http://doi.org/10.1177/1532708616672675

Morrison, A. (2017). A sociologist teaches history: some epistemological and pedagogical reflections. Educational Studies, 53 (3), 233-246. http://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2017.1297301

Morrison, A. (2016). Diversity's promise for higher education: making it work (2nd edition) by Daryl G. Smith, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, ISBN: 9781421417349 (Book review). Higher Education Review, 49 (1).

Morrison, A. (2015). Education, privatisation and social justice: case studies from Africa, South Asia and South East Asia by Ian MacPherson, Susan Robertson and Geoffrey Walford (eds.), ISBN 978-1-873927-37-3, £28 (Book review). Higher Education Review, 48 (1).

Morrison, A. (2014). Hegemony through responsibilisation : getting working-class students into higher education in the United Kingdom. Power and Education, 6 (2), 118-129. http://doi.org/10.2304/power.2014.6.2.118

Morrison, A. (2014). ‘I think that’s bad' : lay normativity and perceived barriers to employment in primary teaching in the UK. Sociology, 49 (4), 643-659. http://doi.org/10.1177/0038038514546663

Book chapters

Morrison, A. (2018). Whose employability?: Fees, labour markets and the unequal rewards of undergraduate study. In Burke, C., & Christie, F. (Eds.) Graduate careers in context: research, policy and practice. (pp. 29-40). Abingdon: Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/Graduate-Careers-in-Context-Research-Policy-and-Practice/Burke-Christie/p/book/9781138301764

Morrison, A. (2015). Theorising inequality : two-dimensional participatory justice and higher education research. In Huisman, J., & Tight, M. (Eds.) Theory and method in higher education research. (pp. 257-276). Bingley: Emerald: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/S2056-375220150000001012


Bowers-Brown, T., Stahl, G., Lacey, S., & Morrison, A. (2017). Higher education, social class and social mobility: the degree generation (Book review). Taylor & Francis. http://doi.org/10.1080/09620214.2017.1359230

Theses / Dissertations

O'Connor, C. (2024). Evaluation of employer-student co-creation activities to address the digital skills gap. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Mccaig, C., & Morrison, A. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00666

Holmes, S. (2017). A field analysis of a 14-19 educational partnership. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Maxwell, B., Morrison, A., & Garland, P.

Doran, C. (2016). An investigation of Youth Work in Irish Youth Services. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garland, P., Coldwell, M., & Morrison, A.

Internet Publications

Morrison, A. (2024). Sceptical of scepticism? The political epistemologies of experience. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2024/12/09/sceptical-of-scepticism-the-political-epistemologies-of-experience/#

Other activities

BERA, BSA, Higher Education Research Group (HERG) at SHU

ESRC Peer-review Rapporteur

Peer reviewer for: Journal of Further and Higher Education; Journal of Youth Studies; Journal of Vocational Education and Training; Educational Review; Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education; Sociology.

Postgraduate supervision

I have supervised students for Masters and doctoral level projects.

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