Angela Ellis

Angela Ellis MSc

Senior Lecturer in Nursing


Angela Ellis RGN, ONC(Hons) BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice, MSc Health Professional Education.

I am a Lecturer in Adult Nursing here at Sheffield Hallam University. I have worked in many different clinical settings and throughout my career I have had a passion for health care management, safeguarding adults and children, orthopaedics, and neurosciences.


I trained as a Nurse in Wakefield, qualifying in 1985. I have professional registrations with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Registered General Nurse and a Registered Teacher. I have worked clinically as a registered nurse in a variety of adult care environments.

I completed a Master of Health Professional Education at the Huddersfield University in 2009.

I am involved in the Sheffield Hallam University recruitment team, with a focus on the recruitment of pre-registration students to undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and midwifery courses.

I am a Link Lecturer covering the Barnsley area placement sites, working in partnership with learners in practice, clinical practice colleagues and university placement leads.


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Nursing and Allied Health professionals


I teach on several nursing modules including interprofessional education.

I teach across the undergraduate and post graduate adult nursing degrees, focusing on teaching a wide variety of topics connected to nursing and health and social care in the following areas:

  • BSc Nursing
  • MSc Nursing
  • Health and social care
  • Sciences for Nursing Practice
  • Collaboration for Individual and Community Wellbeing
  • Applied Science for professional practice
  • Understanding Complexity in Practice
  • Assessing and Addressing Complexity
  • Science for nursing practice

Other activities

In addition to my university roles, I am a Safeguarding Tutor for the English Football Association.

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