Anita Goldschmied

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  4. Anita Goldschmied

Dr Anita Z Goldschmied PhD, MRes, BA (Hons), PgDip Mgmt, PgCert Ed, RNLD, RSW, FHEA

Senior Lecturer Learning Disability Nursing and Social Work


I am a senior lecturer and researcher in learning disability nursing and social work. The theme of interdisciplinary academic aspiration is central to my research and my role as a lecturer. I am actively involved in developing solution focused research and practice. My current areas of interest are applying complexity science and live methods to various cases, primarily in the field of hidden disability and integrated health and social care.


I am a practitioner, teacher, supervisor, and researcher specialising in learning disability, neurodiversity, integrated care and solution focused practice . My dual nursing and social work background has always offered unique opportunities to my practice and the courses I teach at both national and international institutions, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including doctoral level. I am an experienced external examiner and reviewer.

I have a particular interest in research as a discipline. (I have a Master of Research and a PhD in Contemporary Research and Practice.) I am experienced in teaching all elements of research linked to practice, including project proposals and management, ethics, appointing and liaising with doctoral supervisors, delivering workshops, developing modules and doctoral curricula, and being a postgraduate research skill tutor.

I have extensive experience using solution focused approaches in the business, public and health and social care sectors. Experience in industry:

  • Various health and social care roles in the NHS, Local Government, Third Sector Organisations
  • Management Trainee, National Graduate Development Programme, Local Government Association
  • Audit, peer review and quality assurance in health and social care and higher education
  • Project lead, office manager and consultant for private businesses
  • Trustee and counter signatory for Non-Profit Organisations
  • Editorial assistant, publishing and web design


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

I teach on the BSc (Hons) Applied Nursing (Learning Disabilities) and Generic Social Work. I cover profession-specific, research and integrated modules. I supervise undergraduate, master, and doctoral projects and support my students in placements and academic matters. I utilise varied forms of teaching to connect theory with practice, including experiential learning opportunities and information technology. I use collaborative sessions with the students and advanced debate and discussion as a form of learning.


My master of research and doctoral work translate into the confident application of a wide range of contemporary methods including digital, creative and arts-informed approaches. In my work, I am intrigued by how research could better accommodate humans' complex and abductive world at the centre of applied research. I have developed a novel method that I call 6D solution focused practice (details, dimensions, dynamics, dispositions, dislocations, descriptions). My post-doctoral work explores the application of 6D to diverse issues, currently to neurodiversity, digital and integrated care and patient safety.


Journal articles

Goldschmied, A.Z., & Holyoake, D.-.D. (2024). Resisting to Exist and the Subtle Invisible Protest: Six Solution Focused Tactics about Challenging Behaviour. Adolescents, 4 (3), 426-439.

Powell, K., Fox, N.J., Bhanbhro, S., Chauhan, A., Z, A.G., Jackson, K., ... Salway, S. (2024). Sociologists in public health: marginal observers or mainstream collaborators? Perspectives in Public Health, 144 (2), 72-74.

Goldschmied Z, A., Zumpalov, L.G., & Holyoake, D.-.D. (2022). Two psychiatrists, three boat builders and a million gap hunters: the choices we make in literature reviews. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, 4 (1), 55-61.

Goldschmied Z., A. (2018). Composing inclusive learning and teaching culture: a case-study. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, 2 (1), 15-26.

Goldschmied,, A., & McClimens, A. (2015). How nursing students can empower professionals. Learning disability Practice, 18 (2), 23-27.

Goldschmied, A. (2014). Student life - the right care combination. Nursing standard, 28 (31), 66.

Conference papers

Goldschmied Z., A. (2021). Exploring joy as an active actor in reframing experiences of dis/ability. In 53rd Annual Conference of the BSA Medical-Sociology Group, Virtual, 1 September 2021 - 30 September 2021.

Book chapters

Goldschmied Z, A., & Holyoake, D.-.D. (2024). Notes on Essential Study Skills for Nurses. In Hayward, M. (Ed.) Successful Studying for Nursing Students. Elsevier

Holyoake, D.-.D., & Goldschmied, A.Z. (2021). A solution focused consideration of cyberchondria. In Handbook of Research on Cyberchondria, Health Literacy, and the Role of Media in Society’s Perception of Medical Information. (pp. 153-172). IGI Global:

Goldschmied, A.Z. (2020). Ten affects of hidden, mental dis/abilities and the act of disclosure. In Social Research and Disability. (pp. 90-107). Routledge:


Horton, E., McLafferty, M., Sweeney, J., & Goldschmied Z, A. (2024). Creating opportunities for meaningful co-production with neurodiverse students. Presented at: SMARTEN, London

Horton, E., McLafferty, M., Sweeney, J., & Goldschmied Z, A. (2024). Creating opportunities for meaningful co-production with neurodiverse students. Presented at: SMARTEN, London

Goldschmied Z, A. (2023). Stories of Connectedness. Presented at: Mental Health and Learning Disability Network, SHU, 2023

Goldschmied Z, A., & Holyoake, D.-.D. (2023). Collaborative components of solutionfocused flexible learning: a case study. Presented at: Flexible Learning Symposium: Co-creating a flexible learning model, Leeds, UK, 2023

Goldschmied Z., A. (2020). Composing 6d material-semiotic-network practice to re-assemble hidden dis/ability and the everyday performance. Presented at: Research seminar, Virtual, 2020


Goldschmied Z, A. (2018). Creating a research culture in nursing education - the Ref, the TEF and the KEF.

Goldschmied Z., A. (2017). Rendering the invisible visible. Presented at: BSA Medical Sociology Study Group - 49th annual conference programme, York, 2017

Goldschmied Z., A. (2013). Ambassadors of integrated health and social care. Presented at: Departmental Visit, Sheffield

Other publications

Goldschmied Z., A. (2018). Sociology and the New Materialism. Theory, Research, Action by Nick J. Fox and Pam Alldred, London, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017, 240 pages, £26.99 (paperback), ISBN 9781473942226 [Book review]. Taylor and Francis Online:

Other activities

  • Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, Managing Editor
  • Grant Reviewer, RCN Foundation
  • Reviewer, NIHR
  • British Academy ECRN member
  • Instructor North-American curriculum
  • Autism Partnership
  • External Examiner

Postgraduate supervision

I am currently supervising 6 doctoral students (PhD and Professional Doctorate) in social work, nursing, psychology and history. They cover topics of autism, children and adolescents' mental health services, suicide exposure, working from home, maternity and higher education.

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