Carissa Honeywell

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  4. Carissa Honeywell

Dr Carissa Honeywell PhD

Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations


I teach and research in the field of political thought and peacebuilding communication.


Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject Area

Political and International Relations

Courses taught

Politics and International Relations BA
International Relations and Global Crises MA

Modules taught

Introduction to Political Thought and Dialogue
Globalisation and Militarism
Peacebuilding Communication


Journal articles

Honeywell, C. (2015). Anarchism and the British warfare state : The prosecution of the War Commentary Anarchists, 1945. International Review of Social History, 60 (02), 257-284.

Honeywell, C. (2011). Paul Goodman: finding an audience for anarchism in twentieth-century America. Journal for the study of radicalism, 5 (2), 1-33.

Honeywell, C. (2011). Colin Ward : anarchism and social policy. Anarchist studies, 19 (2), 69.

HONEYWELL, C. (2007). Utopianism and anarchism. Journal of Political Ideologies, 12 (3), 239-254.

Book chapters

Honeywell, C. (2025). Anarchism and Psychology (2nd). In Levy, C., & Adams, M. (Eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism. Palgrave

Honeywell, C. (2024). Emptying cages: abolition, accountability and dialogue. In Springer, S., & White, R. (Eds.) Towards Anti-Policing: Prefiguring Possibilities Beyond the Thin Blue Line. (pp. 83-102). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books:

Dean, J., Honeywell, C., & Price, A. (2019). Volunteering: From Social Control to Prefigurative Participation. In Eikenberry, A.M., Mirabella, R.M., & Sandberg, B. (Eds.) Reframing Nonprofit Organizations: Democracy, Inclusion, and Social Change. Melvin & Leigh

Honeywell, C. (2012). Anarchism old and new. In Kinna, R. (Ed.) The Continuum Companion to Anarchism. (pp. 111-139). Continuum


Honeywell, C. (2020). Anarchism. Polity Press.

Honeywell, C. (2011). A British anarchist tradition: Herbert Read, Alex Comfort and Colin Ward. New York, N.Y. ; London: Continuum.

Postgraduate supervision

The Kurdish Women's Movement
Feminist International Relations


Carissa Honeywell is trained in conflict resolution and is an accredited mediator. She currently researches in the area of nonviolent conflict resolution strategies and restorative conceptualisations of justice. She also researches in the area of anarchist political thought, and the 20th century history of anarchist ideas. This includes figures such as Herbert Read, Alex Comfort, Paul Goodman and Colin Ward.

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