Cath Burke RGN; RMDip; BMed Sci (Hons); MPh; PGCert HE
Senior Lecturer In Midwifery
I have a passion for female empowerment and the public health remit related to midwifery and the broader family. I have worked locally as a midwife in hospital, community settings and as a clinical educator as well as strategically on a regional programme of change. I have extensive experience in managing change and developing services which I can share with students on a multi-disciplinary level.
I am passionate about empowering vulnerable families and this translates within my teaching through my extensive experience of working in areas of multiple deprivation. The research and evidence into practice work I have been involved in reflects this passion through promoting normal birth and with women from compromised communities and backgrounds; implementing research based support for pregnant migrant women.
I have developed face to face and distance learning opportunities and continue to work with NHS England expand opportunities for development across under and post graduate provision. As part of this work I am the course lead for Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery as well as teaching into the midwifery and nursing curricula at BSc and MSc level.
I work with Professor Hora Soltani and Dr Frankie Fair to implement the outcomes of our collaborative, EU funded study which developed an Operational Refugee and Migrant Maternal Approach (ORAMMA) This work has led to development of a training package which has been delivered to and evaluated by second year students across the Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences school. The Trauma aware, Compassionate and Culturally sensitive care - T-CC care training is now assimilated into the curriculum across all 3 years.
School of Health and Social Care
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Subject area
Courses taught
BSc Midwifery
BSc Nursing
MSc Midwifery
MSc Nursing
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Modules taught
Foundations in Midwifery care
Fundamentals of Midwifery
Informing Midwifery Practice
Management and leadership in midwifery care
Personalised midwifery care
Promoting excellence in midwifery care
Universal care in labour and birth
Collaboration for Individual and community wellbeing
Assessing & Addressing Complexity
Dissertation module
Informing Midwifery Practice
Enhanced Midwifery Care
Towards Autonomous Midwifery Practice
The Midwife as leader
Enhanced Midwifery Care
The proficient Midwifery Practitioner
Soltani, H., Watson, H., Fair, F., Burke, C., Oshaghi, G., Vivilaki, V., & Team, O.R.A.M.M.A. (2020). Improving pregnancy and birth experiences of migrant mothers: A report from ORAMMA and continued local impact. European Journal of Midwifery, 4.
Fair, F., Soltani, H., Raben, L., van Streun, Y., Sioti, E., Papadakaki, M., ... Vivilaki, V. (2021). Midwives’ experiences of cultural competency training and providing perinatal care for migrant women a mixed methods study: Operational Refugee and Migrant Maternal Approach (ORAMMA) project. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1).
An exploration of the lived experience of student midwives in relation to their ethnic identity. Scholfield V, Freeman S, Burke C, Stephenson J (2022).
Current research projects
Soltani, H., Watson, H., Fair, F., Burke, C., Oshaghi, G., Vivilaki, V., & Team, O.R.A.M.M.A. (2020). Improving pregnancy and birth experiences of migrant mothers: A report from ORAMMA and continued local impact. European Journal of Midwifery, 4.
Fair, F., Soltani, H., Raben, L., van Streun, Y., Sioti, E., Papadakaki, M., ... Vivilaki, V. (2021). Midwives’ experiences of cultural competency training and providing perinatal care for migrant women a mixed methods study: Operational Refugee and Migrant Maternal Approach (ORAMMA) project. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1).
An exploration of the lived experience of student midwives in relation to their ethnic identity. Scholfield V, Freeman S, Burke C, Stephenson J (2022).
Journal articles
Fair, F., Soltani, H., Raben, L., van Streun, Y., Sioti, E., Papadakaki, M., ... Vivilaki, V. (2021). Midwives’ experiences of cultural competency training and providing perinatal care for migrant women a mixed methods study: Operational Refugee and Migrant Maternal Approach (ORAMMA) project. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1).
Soltani, H., Watson, H., Fair, F., Burke, C., Oshaghi, G., Vivilaki, V., & Team, O.R.A.M.M.A. (2020). Improving pregnancy and birth experiences of migrant mothers: A report from ORAMMA and continued local impact. European Journal of Midwifery, 4.
Baston, H., & Burke, C. (2010). The newborn physical examination step by step. 1. Eyes. The practising midwife, 13 (6), 27-28.
Conference papers
Soltani, H., Watson, H., Fair, F., van den Muijsenbergh, M., Papadakaki, M., Jokinen, M., ... Vivilaki, V. (2021). Perinatal mental health services for mothers from ethnic minority and migrant backgrounds. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 31, 176.
Book chapters
Albertson, K., Burke, C., & Lessing-Turner, G. (2019). Mother figures behind bars: Pregnant women and mothers in prison in England and Wales. In Portier-Le Cocq, F. (Ed.) Motherhood in Contemporary International Perspectives: Continuity and Change. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Routledge Research in Gender and Society Series, (Eds) Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq. Routledge:
Albertson, K., O'Keeffe, C., Burke, C., Lessing-Turner, G., & Renfrew, M. (2014). Addressing health inequalities for mothers and babies in prison: findings from a consultation exercise. In Todd, A., & Hirst, J. (Eds.) Health and Inequality: Applying Public Health Research to Policy and Practice. (pp. 39-47). Abingdon: Routledge
Tod, A., & Hirst, J. (Eds.). (2014). Health and inequality: applying public health research to policy and practice. London: Routledge.
Postgraduate supervision
MSc Dissertation supervision