Dr Catherine Homer

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  4. Dr Catherine Homer

Dr Catherine Homer BSc, MA, PhD, FRSPH

Associate Professor of Obesity and Public Health


Dr Catherine Homer is an Associate Professor of Obesity and Public Health in the Physical Activity and Public Health research group based in the Sport & Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC) and Healthy and Active 100 research theme co-lead in the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC).


Catherine has worked at Sheffield Hallam University for 12 years in both Health and Social Care and Sport and Physical Activity Research Centres. She is an expert in public health and obesity with 20+ years' research and practice experience as a Public Health Specialist in a NHS Trust and Local Authority. Catherine has over 60 peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings on qualitative health evaluations of paediatric/adolescent obesity, experiences of bariatric surgery, and fuel poverty health risks (old and cold) and on research grants worth over £7.4m as PI/Co-I.

Catherine's current research interests focus on public health, obesity, research capacity development and inequalities.

She is keen on using coproduction and person-centred approaches to research and service evaluation and co-led the development of the ‘Public Involvement in Research Group’ and is a member of the steering group for the Obesity Voices PPIE steering committee at Leeds Beckett University. Catherine other interests include research capacity development in statutory and voluntary sectors.

Catherine has strong collaborations with external partners and academic institutions and is currently Co-I on a £1.5m NIHR HS&DR funded (2020-23) project 'developing a co-produced mixed-method evaluation of the NHS England low calorie diet pilot' led by academics from seven northern universities. Catherine is also Co-I on a £5m NIHR PHR project Doncaster Health Determinants Research Collaboration (2022-2027).

Catherine is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health and Deputy Editor of the journal Perspectives in Public Health and regularly reviews for international peer review journals and research submissions.

Following the completion of her PhD in 2020 entitled Expectation and Experiences of Bariatric Surgery: a longitudinal qualitative study, Catherine now supervises 6 Doctoral students.


Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre

Physical Activity, Wellness and Public Health

Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre





Leeds Beckett University

University of Sheffield

Office for Health Inclusion and Disparities

Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

Teesside University

University of York

University of Leeds

La Trobe University

Royal Society of Public Health

Sport England

Sheffield Childrens Hospital Trust

University of Bristol

Clinical Research Network Y&H


Journal articles

Garside, M., Homer, C., Dayson, C., Dowrick, L., Pickering, K., & Wright, N. (2024). Mapping Community-based Services for Social Prescribing for Children and Young People living with Obesity across South Yorkshire. Health and Social Care in the Community. http://doi.org/10.1155/2024/3566729

Homer, C., Marwood, J., Kinsella, K., Drew, K., Brown, T., Evans, T., ... Ells, L. (2024). Is the NHS low calorie diet programme delivered as planned? An observational study examining adherence of intervention delivery to service specification. Clinical Obesity, 14 (4). http://doi.org/10.1111/cob.12652

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2024). Preventing Type 2 Diabetes after Gestational Diabetes: A Systematic Review Mapping Physical Activity Components using the Socio-Ecological Model. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28 (8), 1354-1379. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-024-03948-w

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2024). Barriers and system improvements for physical activity promotion after gestational diabetes: A qualitative exploration of the views of health care professionals. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15426

Homer, C. (2024). Editorial. Perspectives in public health, 144 (4), 202. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139241269090

Woodall, J., Homer, C., Freeman, C., South, J., Cooke, J., Holliday, J., ... Stafford, B. (2024). Evidence-based decision making in a climate of political expediency: insights from local government. Perspectives in Public Health. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139241256879

Burton, W., Padgett, L., Nixon, N., Ells, L., Brown, T., Bakhai, C., ... Bryant, M. (2024). Transferability of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme: a qualitative exploration of factors influencing the programme’s transfer ahead of wide-scale adoption. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15354

Radley, D., Evans, T., Marwood, J., Keyworth, C., Homer, C., & Ells, L. (2024). The NHS Low-Calorie Diet Digital Programme: Fidelity of behaviour change technique delivery. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15350

Holding, E., Gettings, R., Foster, A., Dowrick, L., Hampshaw, S., Haywood, A., ... Goyder, E. (2024). Developing the embedded researcher role: learning from the first year of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC), Doncaster, UK. Public Health in Practice. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhip.2024.100516

Dhir, P., Maynard, M., Drew, K.J., Homer, C., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L.J. (2024). A Qualitative evaluation in community settings in England exploring the experiences of coaches delivering the NHS Low Calorie Diet programme pilot to ethnically diverse participants. BMJ Open, 14 (5). http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2024-085200

Radley, D., Drew, K., Homer, C., Brown, T., Kinsella, K., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L. (2024). Participant experiences during the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. Findings from an online survey. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.431

Homer, C., Kinsella, K., Drew, K.J., Marwood, J., Brown, T., Rowlands, S., ... Ells, L. (2024). A fresh start with high hopes: a qualitative evaluation of experiences of the Total Diet Replacement phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.435

Homer, C., Kinsella, K., Brown, T., Marwood, J., Drew, K., Radley, D., ... Ells, L. (2024). ‘Life changing or a failure’? Qualitative experiences of service users from the weight maintenance phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.432

Homer, C., Kinsella, K., Marwood, J., Brown, T., Radley, D., Clare, K., ... Ells, L. (2024). The Re:Mission study. Evaluating the NHS Low Calorie Diet pilot - an overview of service user data collection methods. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.433

Homer, C., Kinsella, K., Brown, T., Marwood, J., Drew, K., Radley, D., ... Ells, L. (2024). “Trying to make healthy choices”: the challenges of the food reintroduction phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.436

Drew, K.J., Homer, C., Radley, D., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L. (2024). A qualitative study of the experiences of individuals who did not complete the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme Pilot. British Journal of Diabetes. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2024.434

Dhir, P., Evans, T., Drew, K.J., Maynard, M., Nobles, J., Homer, C., & Ells, L. (2024). Views, perceptions, and experiences of type 2 diabetes or weight management programmes among minoritized ethnic groups living in high-income countries: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Obesity Reviews. http://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13708

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2024). Beyond the individual: socio-ecological factors impacting activity after Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15286

Drew, K.J., Homer, C., Radley, D., Jones, S., Freeman, C., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L. (2024). Normalisation and equity of referral to the NHS Low Calorie Diet programme pilot; a qualitative evaluation of the experiences of health care staff. BMC Public Health, 24 (1). http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-17526-2

Jones, S., Brown, T.J., Watson, P., Homer, C., Freeman, C., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L. (2024). Commercial provider staff experiences of the NHS low calorie diet programme pilot: a qualitative exploration of key barriers and facilitators. BMC Health Services Research, 24 (1). http://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-10501-y

Dhir, P., Maynard, M., Drew, K.J., Homer, C., Bakhai, C., & Ells, L.J. (2023). South Asian individuals’ experiences on the NHS low-calorie diet programme: a qualitative study in community settings in England. BMJ Open, 13 (12). http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079939

Drew, K., Homer, C., Radley, D., Freeman, C., Kinsella, K., Maynard, M., ... Ells, L. (2023). Equity and local health systems: a qualitative evaluation of the experiences of local health service leads during the first two years of the NHS Low Calorie Diet programme pilot. British Journal of Diabetes, 23 (2), 77-85. http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2023.416

Radley, D., & Homer, C. (2023). Editorial. Perspectives in public health, 143 (6), 294. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139231214436

Evans, T.S., Drew, K.J., McKenna, J., Dhir, P., Marwood, J., Freeman, C., ... Ells, L.J. (2023). Can the delivery of behavioural support be improved in the NHS England Low-Calorie Diet Programme? An observational study of behaviour change techniques. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15245

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2023). Physical activity after gestational diabetes: more motivation or change the situation? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 77 (Autumn).

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2023). A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the barriers and facilitators to physical activity for women after Gestational Diabetes: A socio-ecological approach. British Journal of Diabetes, 23 (1). http://doi.org/10.15277/bjd.2023.413

Evans, T.S., Dhir, P., Radley, D., Duarte, C., Keyworth, C., Homer, C., ... Ells, L.J. (2022). Does the design of the NHS Low‐Calorie Diet Programme have fidelity to the programme specification? A documentary review of service parameters and behaviour change content in a type 2 diabetes intervention. Diabetic Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15022

Homer, C., Woodall, J., Freeman, C., South, J., Cooke, J., Holliday, J., ... Mullen, S. (2022). Changing the culture: a qualitative study exploring research capacity in local government. BMC Public Health, 22. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13758-w

Fowler-Davis, S., Woodward, C., Greenfield, B., Homer, C., Williams, K., Hameed, W., ... Bryan, G. (2022). Bringing lived experience into research: good practices for public involvement in research. Perspectives in Public Health, 142 (4), 205-208. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139221102229

Clare, K., Ojo, A., Teke, J., Willis, M., Akhtar, G., Clegg, B., ... Ells, L. (2022). 'Valued and listened to’: the collective experience of patient and public involvement in a national evaluation. Perspectives in Public Health, 142 (4), 199-201. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139221103184

Stickley, T., O'Caithain, A., & Homer, C. (2022). The value of qualitative methods to public health research, policy and practice. Perspect Public Health. http://doi.org/10.1177/17579139221083814

Nelson, P., Bissell, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2020). Is Childhood Obesity a Child Protection Concern? The British Journal of Social Work. http://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcaa100

Nelson, P., Homer, C., & Martin, R.W. (2020). What makes a looked after child happy and unhappy? Adoption and Fostering, 44 (1), 20-36. http://doi.org/10.1177/0308575919900665

Cronin De Chavez, A., Gilbertson, J., Tod, A., Nelson, P., Powell-Hoyland, V., Homer, C., ... Thomas, B. (2017). Using environmental monitoring to complement in-depth qualitative interviews in cold homes research. Indoor and Built Environment, 26 (7), 937-950. http://doi.org/10.1177/1420326X17719491

Powell-Hoyland, V., Homer, C., Tod, A., Nelson, P., Cronin De Chavez, A., & Stocks, A. (2016). Cold Snaps - children’s health in a cold, damp home : influencing policy and practice. People, place and policy online, 10 (1). http://extra.shu.ac.uk/ppp-online/cold-snaps-childrens-health-in-a-cold-damp-home-influencing-policy-and-practice/

Homer, C., Goldsborough, N., Barker, M., & Atchinson, R. (2016). Healthy eating in the early years : a qualitative exploration of food provision in the childminder setting. British Food Journal, 118 (4), 992-1002. http://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-01-2015-0014

Homer, C., Tod, A., Thompson, A.R., Allmark, P., & Goyder, E. (2016). Expectations and patients’ experiences of obesity prior to bariatric surgery: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 6 (2), e009389. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009389

Tod, A.M., Nelson, P., Cronin de Chavez, A., Homer, C., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Stocks, A. (2016). Understanding influences and decisions of households with children with asthma regarding temperature and humidity in the home in winter a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 6 (1), e009636. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009636

Lumley, E., Homer, C., Palfreyman, S., Shackley, P., & Tod, A. (2015). A qualitative study to explore the attitude of clinical staff to the challenges of caring for obese patients. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 24 (23-24), 3594-3604. http://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.13016

Tod, A., Lusambili, A., Cooke, J., Homer, C., Abbott, J., Stocks, A., & McDaid, K. (2013). Barriers to keeping warm in later life. Nursing older people, 25 (10), 22-29. http://doi.org/10.7748/nop2013.

(2013). Correction. BMJ open, 3 (4), e000922corr1. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000922corr1

Tod, A., Lusambili, A., Homer, C., Abbott, J., Cooke, J.M., Stocks, A.J., & McDaid, K.A. (2012). Understanding factors influencing vulnerable older people keeping warm and well in winter: a qualitative study using social marketing techniques. BMJ Open, 2 (4), 1-12. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000922

Lusambili, A., Tod, A., Homer, C., Abbott, J., Cooke, J., & McDaid, K. (2011). Keeping warm: social connectedness and technology (a case study of Rotherham (England): technology and health in the elderly. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society, 1 (3), 27-42. http://doi.org/10.18848/2156-8960/CGP/v01i03/41174.

Conference papers

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2022). A systematic review using the socio-ecological model for physical activity interventions aiming to prevent type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes (abstract only). Journal of Sports Sciences, 40 (Sup 1), 7. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02640414.2022.2125766

Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2022). A systematic review using the socioecological model for physical activity interventions aiming to prevent type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes [abstract only]. Journal of Sports Sciences. http://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2022.2125766

Clifford, J., Wostenholme, D., Grindell, C., Tod, A., Ryan, T., & Homer, C. (2017). Improving services for weight management after stroke: a co-production approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, 12, 26.

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2016). Obesity and bariatric surgery : through the patients eyes. In RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Edinburgh. https://www.rcn.org.uk/news-and-events/events/rcn-international-nursing-research-conference-2016

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Ibbotson, R., Bhanbhro, S., & Tod, A. (2015). Weight gain following stroke : its everybody's business. In UK Stroke Forum 2015, ACC Liverpool, 2015 - 2015. https://www.stroke.org.uk/events/training-conference/uk-stroke-forum-conference-2015

Gwillt, A., Homer, C., Sherriff, G., & Childs, C. (2015). Community voices in design practice: a case study of understanding older adults' clothing needs for keeping warm at home. In Britt, H., Morgan, L., & Walton, K. (Eds.) Futurescan 3: Intersecting Identities, 11 November 2015 - 12 November 2015. Creative and Print Services, Loughborough University

Gwillt, A., Homer, C., Sherriff, G., & Childs, C. (2015). Community voices in design practice: a case study of understanding older adults' clothing needs for keeping warm at home. In Britt, H., Morgan, L., & Walton, K. (Eds.) Futurescan 3: Intersecting Identities, 11 November 2015 - 12 November 2015. Creative and Print Services, Loughborough University

Homer, C., Tod, A., & Thompson, A. (2015). Do bariatric surgery patients reframe normality along their weight loss journey? In ? MAGic2015: Anthropology and Global Health: interrogating theory, policy and practice.

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2014). Long term weight gain following stroke : exploring incidence and explanations. In BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 10 September 2014 - 12 September 2014.

Homer, C., Tod, A., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., & Ibbotson, R. (2014). Weight gain after a stroke : the issue and control. In RCN 2014 Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Glasgow, 2 April 2014 - 4 April 2014. http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/research_and_innovation/rs/research2014

Childs, C., Gwilt, A., Sherriff, G., & Homer, C. Old and Cold: Challenges in the Design of PersonalisedThermal Comfort at Home. In Christer, K. (Ed.) Design 4 health: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Design4Health, (pp. 1-9). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University

Book chapters

Gwilt, A., Homer, C., Sherriff, G., & Childs, C. (2016). Community voices in design practice : a case study of understanding older adults’ clothing needs for keeping warm at home. In Futurescan 3 : Intersecting Identities. Creative and Print Services: http://www.ftc-online.org.uk/publications/conference/


Lowe, A., Homer, C., & Lamb, M. (2021). #EasierToBeActive Phase 3 Report. https://www.shu.ac.uk/advanced-wellbeing-research-centre/projects/etba

Lowe, A., Homer, C., & Lamb, M. (2021). #EasierToBeActive Phase 2 Report. https://www.shu.ac.uk/advanced-wellbeing-research-centre/projects/etba

Lowe, A., Homer, C., & Lamb, M. (2021). #EasierToBeActive Phase 1 Report. https://www.shu.ac.uk/advanced-wellbeing-research-centre/projects/etba

Lowe, A., Homer, C., & Lamb, M. (2021). #EasierToBeActive infographic. https://www.shu.ac.uk/advanced-wellbeing-research-centre/projects/etba

Lowe, A., Homer, C., Quirk, H., & Hughes, T. (2021). Move More: a five year physical activity strategy for Sheffield 2021-2026. https://www.movemoresheffield.com/move-more-strategy-2021-2026#:~:text=Move%20More%20is%20the%20physical,happier%20and%20more%20connected%20Sheffield

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2015). Weight gain following stroke in younger age (below 70 years) in men and women: challenges and opportunities for prevention and action. Sheffield, UK: Collaboration for Leadership in applied Health Research and Care. http://clahrc-yh.nihr.ac.uk/our-themes/public-health-and-inequalities/end-of-project-report

Cronin De Chavez, A., Tod, A., Homer, C., Nelson, P., Stocks, A., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2013). Warm Well Families: Rotherham Final Report. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.

Nelson, P., Bissell, P., Pollard, L., Homer, C., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (n.d.). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

Homer, C. (2020). The patient experience of bariatric surgery: a longitudinal qualitative study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Nelson, P., Allmark, P., & Goyder, L. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00336

Internet Publications

Lowe, A., & Laura, F. (2022). #EasierToBeActive Animation. https://youtu.be/spC8ToBnGgQ


Lowe, A., Homer, C., & Lamb, M. (2021). Easier To Be Active video. [Video/animation].


Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2023). “I know what I need to do, it’s just doing it” a Socio-Ecological analysis of Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity after Gestational Diabetes. Presented at: Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network (WiSEAN) Conference, Liverpool John Moores University

Homer, C. (2022). Using Coproduction to Generate Knowledge: Examples from Research. Presented at: Co-Production Approaches to Improve Public Health

Homer, C., & Lowe, A. (2022). #EasierToBeActive. Presented at: Seminar Series ​Healthy and Active 100​, online

Homer, C., Lowe, A., Gardner, S., & Stone, T. (2022). #EasierToBeActive. Presented at: Elevate: activating the nation, London, 2022

Homer, C., & Lowe, A. (2022). #EasierToBeActive. Presented at: Later Life Training Conference, Online

Nelson, P., Homer, C., & Martin, R. (2021). What makes a child in care happy or unhappy? Presented at: Social Work, Education and Social Development

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Bissell, P. (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Presented at: International Society for Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) XX11 International Conference

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Findings from a qualitative research project to inform multi-disciplinary practice. Presented at: SWSD18-815. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 (SWSD 2018)

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Bissell, P. (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Presented at: Social Work Practice Educator Conference Sheffield Hallam University

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Bissell, P. (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Presented at: BASPCAN 2018 International Child Protection Congress, Warwick

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2018). Is childhood obesity an overlooked child protection concern? Presented at: Yorkshire and the Humber Sector-Led Improvement conference, Leeds

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2017). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Presented at: Evidence Informed practice conference Sheffield Local Authority, Sheffield

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Bissell, P. (2017). A 'Question Time' debate - 'Is child obesity an overlooked child protection concern? Presented at: Doncaster Festival of Research, Doncaster

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Pollard, L., & Powell-Hoyland, V. (2017). Is childhood obesity an overlooked child protection concern? Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Research Day

Cronin De Chavez, A., & Homer, C. (2016). "Heat as Medicine" - The Keeping Warm With Sickle Cell Disease Project. Presented at: Advances in European fuel poverty research and practice conference, Manchester

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2016). Obesity and bariatric surgery: through the patient's eyes. Presented at: . RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Edinburgh

Tod, A., & Homer, C. (2015). A future where there is no illness or premature death resulting from cold homes. Presented at: Fuel Poverty Our Vision for the Future, Sheffield

Homer, C., Nelson, P., Tod, A., Powell-Hoyland, V., Cronin De Chavez, A., & Stocks, A. (2014). 'Would making fuel poverty a safeguarding issue improve recognition, practice and children’s wellbeing. Presented at: ? XXth ISPCAN International Congress 2014

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2014). Long term weight gain following stroke: exploring incidence and explanations. Presented at: Medical Sociology Annual Conference, Birmingham

Cronin De Chavez, A., Nelson, P., Tod, A.M., Hoyland-Powell, V., Homer, C., & Stocks, A.J. (2014). Managing children's health in a cold, damp home - fuel poverty and childhood asthma. Presented at: BSA Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference 2014, Birmingham, UK

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Powell-Hoyland, V., Cronin De Chavez, A., & Stocks, A. (2014). Would making fuel poverty a safeguarding issue improve recognition, practice and children’s wellbeing? Presented at: Joint Social Work Education Conference, London

Cronin De Chavez, A., Nelson, P., Tod, A., Homer, C., Powell-Hoyland, V., & Stocks, A. (2014). Managing children's health in a cold, damp home - fuel poverty and childhood asthma. Presented at: Health Wellbeing Faculty Research Day, Sheffield Hallam University

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2014). Keeping Warm In Later Life projecT (KWILLT) - Impact. Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Faculty Research Day, Sheffield Hallam University

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2014). Weight gain after a stroke: the issue and control. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing, Glasgow

Homer, C., Tod, A., Dinsdale, E., & Palfreyman, S. (2014). The Impact of Obesity on Providing Care for Patients with Leg Ulcers. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing, Glasgow

Homer, C., Tod, A., Stocks, A., Lusambili, A., Cooke, J., & Abbott, J. (2012). Primary and Community Care and Winter Warmth services. Research and insight into vulnerable populations. Presented at: Department of Health and Health Protection Agency Workshop, London

Tod, A., Homer, C., Stocks, A., Cooke, J., McDaid, K., Lusambili, A., & Abbott, J. (2012). Developing and using Pen Portraits as a research output: influence on policy and practice. Presented at: RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference, London

Homer, C., Gilbertson, J., Tod, A., & Green, G. (2011). Crystallized intelligence an asset for health. Presented at: Assets for health and wellbeing across the life course: International Conference, British Library Conference Centre, London

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2011). Managing energy bills in a high cost, low carbon world. Presented at: A Green Future Fit for the Fuel Poor, Harrogate

Tod, A., Cooke, J., Homer, C., McDaid, K., & Abbott, J. (2011). Disjointed Structural Systems And Keeping Warm for the Elderly in Winter. Presented at: Social relations in turbulent times, Geneva

Tod, A., & Homer, C. (2011). Will new policy address behaviour change in order to support the elderly to keep warm in the home? Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Faculty Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Tod, A., & Homer, C. (2011). Will new policy address behaviour change in order to support the elderly to keep warm in the home? Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Faculty Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Homer, C., Abbott, J., Tod, A., & McDaid, K. (2011). Keeping Warm in Later life: Social Connectedness and Technology. Presented at: International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society, Berkley California


Ioannou, E., Humphreys, H., Homer, C., & Purvis, A. (2023). “I’m doing all I can” wider Constraints to Physical Activity after Gestational Diabetes: a Socio-Ecological approach. Presented at: The 11th International Symposium on Diabetes (DIP), Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy: Innovative Approaches in Maternal Offspring Health, Thessaloniki

Homer, C., Ells, L., Radley, D., Drew, K., Brown, T., Logue, J., ... Clare, K. (2022). Re:Mission - an evaluation of the NHS low calorie diet programme - early learning. Presented at: United Kingdom Congress on Obesity (UKCO) 2022, Lancaster, UK, 2022

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Bissell, P., Powell Hoyland, V., & Pollard, L. (2020). ‘When do we say Oh well you are going to die young but whey hey and when do we decide to do something about it? 'Childhood obesity - a child protection concern or a step too far?'. Presented at: European and International Congress on Obesity

Homer, C., Nelson, P., Allmark, P., Goyder, E., & Tod, A. (2020). What influences whether bariatric surgery is successful - the patients speak out. Presented at: European and International Congress on Obesity

Nelson, P., Homer, C., Powell-Hoyland, V., Pollard, L., & Bissell, P. (2018). Is childhood obesity a child protection concern? Presented at: Public Health England Annual Conference, Warwick

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2015). Weight gain following stroke: it's everybody's business. Presented at: UK stroke Forum 2015, Liverpool

Cronin De Chavez, A., & Homer, C. (2015). Keeping warm with sickle cell disease. Presented at: Migrant and ethnic health research: helping to make a fairer, healthier Scotland, Glasgow, UK, 2015

Cronin De Chavez, A., & Homer, C. (2015). Keeping Warm with Sickle Cell Disease. Migrant and Ethnic Health Research. Presented at: Helping to make a fairer, healthier Scotland

Homer, C., & Saunders, J. (2014). Rotherham Healthy Weight Framework – Addressing Childhood Obesity. Presented at: Public Health England Annual Conference, Warwick

Homer, C., Allmark, P., Bhanbhro, S., Ibbotson, R., & Tod, A. (2014). Long term weight gain following stroke: exploring incidence and explanations. Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Research Day, Sheffield Hallam University

Homer, C., Tod, A., Palfreyman, S., & Dinsdale, E. (2014). Weight Management: Are Healthcare Professionals Missing Opportunities? Presented at: European Congress on Obesity, Sofia

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2014). Seeking normality from bariatric surgery. Presented at: 21st European Congress on Obesity, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2014). Social networking and bariatric surgery : support or sabotage. Presented at: 21st European Congress of Obesity, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014

Homer, C., Cronin De Chavez, A., Tod, A., Nelson, P., Powell-Hoyland, V., Stocks, A., & McDaid, K. (2013). The Warm, Well Families Project- A qualitative study into factors influencing the decisions and behaviour of vulnerable households regarding keeping warm and well where there is a child with asthma. Presented at: Child 2025

Homer, C.V., & Tod, A.M. (2013). Expectations of bariatric surgery: myths and reality. Presented at: European Congress on Obesity, Liverpool, 2013

Homer, C., Tod, A., Stocks, A., Cooke, J., Abbott, J., McDaid, K., & Lusambili, A. (2012). Developing and using pen portraits as a research output: maximizing the impact of qualitative research findings. Presented at: 18th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference, Montreal

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2012). The weight loss surgery journey: a view from the patients' side of the lens. Presented at: 18th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference, Montreal, 2012

Homer, C., & Tod, A. (2012). What is the experience of obese people undergoing bariatric surgery in the UK? Presented at: BSA Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference 2012, University of Leicester, 2012

Homer, C., Tod, A., Cooke, J., Lusambili, A., McDaid, K., & Abbott, J. (2011). Disjointed Communication and Keeping Warm In Winter for Older People. Presented at: International Conference on Communication in Health Care (ICCH), Chicago

Tod, A., Homer, C., Cooke, J., McDaid, K., & Abbott, L. (2011). Factors influencing older people keeping warm at home. Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Conference, London

Tod, A., Homer, C., Cooke, J., McDaid, K., & Abbott, L. (2011). Factors influencing older people keeping warm at home. Presented at: Health and Wellbeing Conference, London

Tod, A., Homer, C., McDaid, K., Cooke, J., Abbott, J., & Lusambilli, A. (2011). Choosing warmth: factors influencing on choices regarding keeping warm at home in later life. Presented at: Well-being 2011: First International Conference exploring the multi-dimensions of well-being, University of Birmingham

Tod, A., Homer, C., Lusambilli, A., Abbott, J., McDaid, K., & Cooke, J. (2011). Fuel Poverty in a Changing World. Presented at: Faculty of Public Health Conference

Tod, A., Homer, C., Lusambilli, A., Abbott, J., McDaid, K., & Cooke, J. (2011). Fuel Poverty in a Changing World. Presented at: Faculty of Public Health Conference

Other activities

Deputy Editor of Perspectives in Public Health

Postgraduate supervision

Catherine currently supervises 6 PhD students in the fields of public health, obesity and behaviour change using realist, mixed method and qualitative approaches.

Elysa Ioannou (Sheffield Hallam University): Optimising Physical Activity Interventions after Gestational Diabetes

Megan Garside (Sheffield Hallam University): A Model of Social Prescribing for Children’s Specialist Weight Management Services

Pooja Dhir (Leeds Beckett University): Factors influencing ethnically diverse individuals with type 2 diabetes in undertaking a low-calorie diet programme

Liz Boutros (La Trobe, Australia & Sheffield Hallam University): The FINCH Project: Faith communities IN partnerships advocating Community Health and Wellbeing

Maddy Nicholson (Sheffield Hallam University): Implementation of Motivational Interviewing in Physiotherapy Interventions for People with Musculoskeletal Conditions

Stephanie Beecroft (Sheffield Hallam University): An evaluation of the weight management approaches used in Yorkshire and Humber: national obesity policy to local delivery.


Dr Amanda Stocks - Professional Doctorate. Preventing Cold-related Harm in Older People: A Qualitative Exploration of Domiciliary Care. 2021.

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