Charlotte Bacchus

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Charlotte Bacchus BSc PGDip

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing


I am an adult nurse senior lecturer with experience as a clinical nurse specialist in chronic pain and as a staff nurse in infectious diseases. I currently lead the part-time BSc Adult Nursing programme in collaboration with University Campus Doncaster.


2008- Graduated from the University of Sheffield with BSc Neuroscience

2009- I was a Community Support Worker with adults with learning disabilities

2012- I started my Postgraduate Diploma nurse training at the University of Sheffield

2014- I qualified and started my nurse career as a staff nurse on Infectious Diseases ward at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital

2017- I became a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Chronic Pain for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals working across all hospital sites and community

2020- Due to my experience in infectious diseases I was one of the first nurses to be redeployed and help co-ordinate creation of a covid ward at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield. I continued to work on and off on the covid wards for 6 months before returning fully to my post as a CNS

2021- Joined Sheffield Hallam University as an adult nurse lecturer

2024- Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing and route lead for part-time BSc Adult Nursing programme




School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Subject area

Adult Nursing

Courses taught

 - BSc Adult Nursing: Full-time at Sheffield Hallam University and part-time at University Campus Doncaster
 - MSc Adult Nursing


My main area of interest is in Chronic Pain.


Journal articles

Bacchus, C. (2023). Moving away from medicines: an overview of chronic pain management. Nursing Standard, 38 (3), 45-50.

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