Dr Christine Gilligan

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  4. Dr Christine Gilligan

Dr Christine Gilligan DBA MA FHEA PGDip HE PGDip OD&C

Senior Lecturer Department of Management, PhD academic tutor and MRes Business Course Leader


I am a senior lecturer in Sheffield Business School, Department of Management where I engage in a variety of teaching at both post graduate and undergraduate levels.

I also research in the area broadly defined as responsible business, where I explore alternative business models and business respsonses to the challenge of sustainable development and issues such as climate change. A key element of this is innovation and changing practice.



  • 2015: Doctorate of Business Administration, PRME Understanding Sustainable Development in the Voluntary Sector: a complex problem, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  • 2006: PGDip Organisational Change and Consultancy, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  • 2005: Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate, Other, United Kingdom
  • 1999: PGDip Teaching and Learning in HE, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • 1998: MA International Relations, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • 1996: Bachelor of Arts, Non business related Social Sciences Dual Honours (First class) Japanese and Sociology, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


  • Responsible, Sustainable and Ethical Business Practice

Industry Links

  • Sheffield Renewables


Department of Management

Sheffield Business School

Sustainable development, CSR and ethics/responsible business, voluntary sector/social enterprise, research methods

Research methods teaching for PhD, DBA, MRes and MBA 

Undergraduate teaching in the area of responsible business: Responsible and Ethical Business Practice, Sustainable and Responsible Business in the 21st Century. 

I also teach Japanese at undergraduate level


Journal articles

Gilligan, C. (2008). The need for new types of organisation for the new century. International Journal of Green Economics (IJGE), 2 (4), 353-371. http://doi.org/10.1504/IJGE.2008.022446

Moullin, M., Soady, J., Skinner, J., Price, C., Cullen, J., & Gilligan, C. (2007). Using the Public Sector Scorecard in public health. International journal of health care quality assurance, 20 (4), 281-289. http://doi.org/10.1108/09526860710754352

Conference papers

Gilligan, C. (2013). Sensemaking for sustainable development : complexity thinking as a behaviour change approach. In 16th ERSCP (European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production conference) and 7th EMSR, Istanbul, Turkey, 1 June 2013. http://www.erscp2012.eu/

Gilligan, C. (2012). Can postmodernism contribute to saving the world? In McClean, R. (Ed.) ECRM 2012 Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Bolton, UK, (pp. 461-469). Reading: Academic Publishing International Limited

Ridley-Duff, R., Cockman, R., Hurst, J., Mike, B., & Gilligan, C. (2015). Developing a critical appreciative process to review frameworks for social enterprise education. In International Social Innovation Research Conference, York Management School, 6 September 2015 - 8 September 2015. http://www.isircconference2015.com/


O'Leary, C., Ridley-Duff, R., & Gilligan, C. (2020). Sheffield Business School- PRME- SIP Report 2019. United Nation Global Compact Publication. https://d30mzt1bxg5llt.cloudfront.net/public/uploads/sip-reports/SIP2019SheffieldHallamUniversity.pdf

Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. (2018). Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME): SIP Report SIP Report for Sheffield Business School. United Nations (PRME Initiative): Sheffield Hallam University. http://www.unprme.org/participants/view-participants.php?partid=3017

Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. (2015). Principles for Responsible Management Education, 2015 SIP Report by Sheffield Business School. Sheffield: Sheffield Business School. http://www.unprme.org/participants/view-participants.php?partid=3017

Theses / Dissertations

Hind, L.M.F. (2024). Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility in Pharma: Exploring Strategic Narratives and Everyday Talk. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Louis, A., Coule, T., & Gilligan, C. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00637

Hobbs, R. (2024). An investigation intoEnglish and Scottish charity governance in the regulatory era. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Wren, D., Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00617

Mcloughlin, A. (2018). Practitioner Sensemaking of Event Marketing Managerial Practice:a Socio-Phenomenological and Hermeneutic Study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Gilligan, C. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00128

Gilligan, C. (2013). Understanding sustainable development in the voluntary sector: a complex problem. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garvey, R.


Singh, P., & Gilligan, C. (2019). Social enterprise-working together to support the SDGs. Presented at: Creating Knowledge Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Gilligan, C. (2019). UK Voluntary Sector - can it/should it challenge the neo-liberal hegemony or is it merely an agent in its delivery? Presented at: EMES conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Gilligan, C., & O'Leary, C. (2016). Redesigning the curriculum to Incorporate the Principles of Responsible Management Education.

Gilligan, C., & O'Leary, C. (2016). Redesigning the curriculum to incorporate PRME: Working together. Presented at: 3rd annual PRME Chapter UK & Ireland conference 2016, University of Nottingham, 2016

Hurst, J., Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. (2015). Evaluating Masters level curriculum redesign to incorporate PRME principles'.

Hurst, J., Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. (2015). Frameworks for Social Enterprise Education: comparing the ARIADNE Project, ICA Blueprint, PRME Principles and FairShares Model'.

Hurst, J., Gilligan, C., & Ridley-Duff, R. (2015). Pedagogy and Curriculum design: Frameworks for Social Enterprise Education'.

Gilligan, C. (2014). Embedding Sustainability in local communities - Communities of Practice as a way of Increasing voluntary sector engagement.

Gilligan, C. (2013). Sense Making for Sustainability.

Gilligan, C. (2012). Can Post Modernism Save The World?

Gilligan, C. (2010). Sustainable Development - A Complex Problem.

Other activities

I am a non executive director of a local social enterprise, Sheffield Renewables, which raises funds through crowd funding to support the provision of solar panels on community buildings. 

Postgraduate supervision

I supervise MBA and MRes Business students for their Masters dissertations and I also supervise DBA and PhD students in the Faculty in areas around responsible/ethical business practices and CSR. 

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