Cinnamon Bennett

Dr Cinnamon Bennett PhD, MA, PGCert Teaching in HE

Senior Lecturer


Cinnamon has worked as an academic and a policy maker, both with a focus on gender equality.




As a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, Cinnamon teaches at all levels of the curriculum on specialist electives such as 'Gender, Sexuality and Culture' and on core modules covering sociological theory and research methods. Interspersed with her academic career, she managed the allocation of funding as part of the Objective 1 Programme South Yorkshire, which aimed to tackle gender imbalances in the labour market and to achieve gender mainstreaming in all interventions.

She has also worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, managing a number of UK wide projects which explored the engagement of carers in employment and the response of employers to their circumstances. She is currently a member of the Sociology section working with a team of committed staff to deliver excellent teaching and employability skills to students undertaking BA (Hons) Sociology, BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology, Masters in Public Health, and Masters in Research in Social Science.


Specialist areas of interest

Gender and the labour market
Gender in science education and careers
Gender in organisations
Equal opportunities policies and practices, gender mainstreaming
Women's role in government and governance
Sociology of the body
Social theory
Philosophies of research


Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences and Arts



BA (Hons) Sociology, BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology, MSc in Public Health, and Masters in Research in Social Science

Specialist areas of interest:
Gender and the labour market
Gender and care
Gender in science education and careers
Gender in organisations
Equal opportunities policies and practices, gender mainstreaming
Women's role in government and governance
Sociology of the body
Social theory


Sociology : The Big Issues
The Sociological Imagination
Inequality, Identity and Intersectionality
Theorising Modernities
Sociology : Real World Application
Gender, Sexuality and Culture
Education, Health and Disability
Dissertation Sociology
Dissertation Social Science
Principles of Methodology 
Philosophies of Research 
Qualitative Research Methods



  • Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research


Journal articles

Beatty, C., Bennett, C., & Hawkins, A. (2021). Managing precarity: food bank use by low-income women workers in a changing welfare regime. Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 55 (5), 981-1000.

Dean, J., Furness, P., Verrier, D., Lennon, H., Bennett, C., & Spencer, S. (2018). Desert island data: an investigation into researcher positionality. Qualitative Research, 18 (3), 273-289.

Stiell, B., Tang, N., Bennett, C., & Price, C. (2006). Building Policy/Research Relationships: Using Innovative Methodologies to Engage Ethnic Minority Women. Local Economy, 21 (2), 211-218.

Book chapters

Bennett, C., & Tang, N. (2008). Tough at the top: women's career progression, an example in the local government sector. In Yeandle, S. (Ed.) Policy for a Change: Local Labour Market Analysis and Gender Equality. Bristol: Policy Press:

Other activities

Co-convenor of the Sociology, Social Policy, Social Psychology and Politics (SP3) Research cluster.



Postgraduate supervision

Topics include:
Experiences of period poverty for young menstruators in an English educational context
Work-family conflicts of female academics in Nigerian and UK higher education institutions
Fighting the choke: the impact of mixed martial arts on homelessness recovery
Private education in China: case studies of private secondary schools
Academic women in China: doctoral qualification and career development 
Untold stories: a qualitative exploration of women’s sexual expression


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