Craig Sanderson

Craig J. Sanderson BA (Hons); PGDip

Doctoral Researcher and Demonstrator


I am a Doctoral Researcher in Sociology examining the internal dynamics and policing tactics of a subculture named the modified car culture.


My PhD implements an insider ethnography approach, a methodological position previously missing from the literature which had prevented holistic comprehension of the dynamics of the modified car culture. through this stance, I seek to develop a detailed insight of the demographics, behaviours and logisitics of the contemporary subculture and explore whether these are congruent with societal stereotypes. I will examine any discriminatory practices within the community, considering whether their actions are indirect or direct, and attempt to understand the impacts they exert upon participants. I will also be attempting to establish whether there are any identifying characteristics between participants within various subsets and whether the agencies of policing target any of these groups specifically.

The policing of this group will be a key factor within the research process, as I investigate the legislation which targets the group from a critical perspective. Aspects of improvement upon policy approaches aim to be addressed using the valuable position the researcher presents to establish detailed insight.

I have a keen interest in other areas of the social sciences, namely Psychology with a focus upon mental health both in terms of bio-psycho-social factors influencing onset and maintenance of pathology, and in terms of recovery and therapeutic intervention.


Sociology, Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Health.


Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics

College of Social Sciences and Arts


BA (Hons) Sociology

As part of my PhD studentship, I have been a demonstrator since 2014. I have supported the undergraduate module Applied Research Methods assisting with qualitative and quantitative classes.


Sanderson, C. J. (March 2016) 'Hobby turned trigger: How an individual's leisure environment may exert a detrimental impact upon wellbeing'. Poster presented at the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology Pre-Qualification Group conference, Birmingham, England Poster retrieved from:

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