Dr David Graham MA
Associate Head Academic Operations and Quality
David worked as an Executive Chef in leading international hotels in the UK and abroad for the early part of his career, followed by ten years of self-employment as a chef proprietor. On selling his business interest he entered teaching in Further Education and then Higher Education. He has a passion for the global hotel industry, internationalisation opportunities and solving the challenges that this presents the service industries.
Along with his teaching commitments his current work involves managing the education partnerships for the Business School in Botswana, Germany, Netherlands, Hong Kong and the regional further education colleges.
Research/Consultancy Interests: The chef has an emotional labourer/masculinity and identity; hotel internationalisation into emergent markets. International food and beverage development; the development of exhibition kitchens; offering unique experiences in hospitality.
TNE partnership development/building trusting relations
- 2015: PhD Hospitality Management, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2000: MA International Hospitality Business Management, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
- 1998: BA Hospitality Management with Business Studies, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
- 1996: TDLB D34 Internal Verifier, Other, United Kingdom
- 1995: Cert Ed (Further Education), University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
- 1994: RSH Advanced Diploma in Food Hygiene Management, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
- 1986: HND Hotel Catering and Institutional Management, Other, United Kingdom
- 1979: OND Hotel Catering and Institutional Operations, Other, United Kingdom
Learning and Development
- 2005 to 2006: , Harrogate College of Further Education, United Kingdom
- 2000: , Scottish and Newcastle PLC, United Kingdom
PG External Examiner
- 2013 to 2017: , University College Birmingham
UG External Examiner
- 2007 to 2012: , Edinburgh Napier University
- 2007 to 2012: , University of Ulster
- 2005 to 2008: , London South Bank University, United Kingdom
Validation Panel Member
External Adviser panel member
- 2018: , Botswana Accountancy College, Botswana
External validation panel member
- 2015: , Leeds Beckett University
- 2014: , Leeds Beckett University
Principal Lecturer
Sheffield Business School
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Hospitality & Tourism
Journal articles
Graham, D., Ali, A., & Tajeddini, K. (2020). Open kitchens: customers' influence on chefs' working practices. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 27-36. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.07.011
Graham, D. (2009). Desk-Top Conferencing: The Virtual Placement Visit. Link.
Graham, D. (2007). Internationalisation of a US Hotel Brand: Issues for the Overseas American Tourist. World Journal of Tourism, Leisure and Sports.
Graham, D. (2006). The Re-Orientation of the Professional Chef - An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Management, 8 (2).
Graham, D. (2006). The Return of Gueridon Service. Hospitality Review, 8 (3).
Graham, D. (2004). Cultural Awareness of Japanese Customers in York Hotels. International Journal of Management.
Graham, D. (2002). Review of 'Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management'. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 21.
Conference papers
Graham, D., Elsmore, I., & Shevchenko, O. (2023). Hope through ‘HOTS’: Providing international support toa Ukraine university using the Hotel Operations Tacticsand Strategy (HOTS) simulation platform. In Matteucci, X., & Katelieva, M. (Eds.) EuroCHRIE Vienna 2023 - Changing Realities, New Opportunities, Vienna, 3 October 2023 - 6 October 2023 (pp. 111-118). EuroCHRIE: https://eurochrie.org/2023/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/EuroCHRIE_2023_PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Graham, D., & Elsmore, I. (2023). Hope through `HOTS` Providing International Support to a Ukraine University Using Hotel Operations and Strategy Simulation Platform. In Imperatives of Economic Growth in the context of the Global Sustainable Development Goals, Kyiv. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Graham, D. (2016). Sketch Drawings in Doctorial Research - a new narrative. In Eurasian Doctoral Summer Academy (EDSA), Varna, Bulgaria.
Graham, D., & Dunning, J. (2011). The professional chef - from behind the scenes to front of house; an amalgam of roles?
Book chapters
Graham, D., Ellerby, J., & Dinsdale, N. (2022). Gamification: Teaching a Practice-based Subject Virtually for Transformative Impact. In The Emerald Handbook of Higher Education in a Post-Covid World: New Approaches and Technologies for Teaching and Learning. (pp. 107-128). Emerald Publishing Limited: http://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80382-193-120221005
Graham, D., Brown, B., Turner, P., & Hinrichsen, J. (2020). Developing Collegial Approaches to Teaching Quality in TNE Partnerships: The Case of Professional Recognition. In Importing Transnational Education Capacity, Sustainability and Student Experience from the Host Country Perspective. (1st). Springer Nature
Graham, D., & Chikanza, J. (2020). 12. Traditional food and gastronomy as a future form of cultural heritage. In Brown, B., Mokgalo, L., & Chipfuva, T. (Eds.) Botswana Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Development A Handbook of Theory and Practice. (1st). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Graham, D. (2019). Chapter 19, The kitchen as transformational workspace. In Gibson, M. (Ed.) Food Service Management in Hospitality: A Comprehensive Approach. (1st). CRC Press
Cousins, J., Foskett, D., Graham, D., & Hollier, A. (2022). Food and Beverage Management For the hospitality, tourism and event industries. Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.
Hollier, A. (2019). Food and Beverage Management For the Hospitality, Tourism and Event Industries.
(2016). Food and Beverage Management.
Theses / Dissertations
Graham, D. (2015). The chef as an emotional and aesthetic labourer; an employee in transition. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ali, A., Martin, E., & Spencer, P.
Graham, D., & Elsmore, I. (2023). Hope through HOTS; Providing International Support to a Ukrainian University through Hotel Operations Tactics and Strategy Gaming Simulation. Presented at: Developing Digital Pedagogies and Practice, Sheffield
Graham, D., & Elsmore, I. (2021). Exploratory Study Using Participant Sketch Drawings to Elicit Understanding of the New Demands of Open Kitchens on Chefs. Presented at: Council for Hospitality Management, Sheffield
Graham, D. (2017). Beyond `UK`: Professional Recognition for International Partners.
Graham, D., & Brown, B. (2017). Beyond UK: Extending the recognition scheme to an international partner.
Graham, D. (2016). Sketch Drawings in Doctorial Research - a new narrative.
Graham, D. (2016). Interpretive Analysis of Participant Sketches.
Graham, D. (2016). Building Quality Student Experience: Enhancing Teaching and Learning Efforts in Collaborative Provision through HEA Recognition.
Graham, D., & Brown, B. (2016). Enhancing pedagogical practises in the BAC-SHU collaborative provision through the HEA professional membership recognition.
Graham, D. (2015). Using Excel to Generate Assessment Feedback for Students.
Graham, D. (2014). The Chef as an Opti-Dextrous Labourer; A Theorisation To Strengthen the Current Labour Models.
Graham, D. (2013). Interpretive Analysis of Participant Sketches - The Narrative of the Skilled Craft Worker.
Graham, D. (2012). The Chef as an Emotional Labourer.
Graham, D. (2010). Emotional Balance of the Chef within the Open Commercial Kitchen.
Graham, D. (2009). Industry and Education: a Shared Sustainable Partnership in Hospitality and Tourism.
Graham, D. (2007). Exploratory Study - The Chef as a Brand Personality.
Graham, D. (2006). Discussion Paper - Relationship Marketing in Contemporary Restaurants.
Graham, D. (2006). The Role of the Chef in CRM in Branded Restaurants.
Graham, D. (2003). Exploratory Study - The Role of the Chef in the Open Kitchen.
Graham, D. (2001). The Traditional Theme Restaurant.
Other publications
Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2023). Rum Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico and Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).
Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2022). Wines of the World, Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico.
Graham, D. (2017). Views from the open kitchen. London: Hospitality Quarterly
Graham, D., & Ali, A. (2016). Hospitality Education Is Not One Size Fits All. Caterer Magazine
Graham, D. (2001). The changing face of the traditional theme restaurant - Academic Report.
Other activities
HEA fellow or senior fellow
- 2017: Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (HEA), Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
- 2005: Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA), United Kingdom
- 2001: Member, Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, United Kingdom
- 2006: Member, Institute of Hospitality , United Kingdom