Donna Woodhouse

Dr Donna Woodhouse BSoc Sci (Hons), MA, PhD, PCLTHE

Senior Lecturer


I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and teach on a number of courses across the School.  I also supervise PhD candidates.  I am a qualitative researcher, interested in Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) at grassroots and elite levels.


I worked for a number of years as a community practitioner and also wrote on women's football for Sportal, as well as being a contributor/monitor for the Guardian's Football AllTalk web site. I came to Hallam in 2006 where I teach, research and publish around the social and cultural aspects of sport and leisure. I gained my first degree from the University of Birmingham’s Department of Cultural Studies, my MA from the Scarman Centre for the Study of Public Order and my FA and ESRC funded doctorate from the Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research, both at the University of Leicester. A fan of cricket, rugby union and Barnsley FC, I play veterans 5-a-side and softball cricket with little skill but great enthusiasm.

Specialist areas of interest

Social inclusion
Women's football


School of Sport and Physical Activity

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate project students from:

  • Physical Activity for Sport and Health
  • Sport and Exercise Science
  • Sport Psychology
  • Sport Development with Coaching
  • Sport Business Management

Subject Area

Sport Sciences and Physical Activity

  • Physical Activity for Sport and Health
  • Physical Education and School Sport
  • Sport Business Management
  • Sport Development with Coaching
  • Sport and Exercise Science


  • Contemporary Issues in Society
  • Contemporary Issues in Sport Business Management
  • Impact of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Introduction to Investigating Contemporary Issues in Sport and Physical Activity


I am a qualitative researcher, interested in Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) in sport, at grassroots and elite levels. My publications can be found here:

Selected research reports

Crabbe, T, Bailey, G Blackshaw, T, Brown, A, Choak, C, Gidley, B,  Mellor, G, O'Connor, K,  Slater, I and Woodhouse, D.  First Interim Yorkshire Positive Futures Case Study Research Report:   Engagement and Relationship Building.  London, Home Office

Getting to Know You: Engagement and Relationship Building.  First Interim National Positive Futures Case Study Research Report (Crabbe et al). London, Home Office

In the Boot Room:  Organisational contexts and partnerships.  Second Interim National Positive Futures Case Study Research Report (Crabbe et al).  London, Home Office

Knowing the  score: Positive Futures Case Study Research: Final Report,  (Crabbe et al).  London, Home Office

Positive Futures:  the local delivery of a national sports-based social inclusion initiative 310-316 in Jutting, D., Schulze, B. and Muller, U. (eds.).  Local sport in Europe.  Proceedings of the 4th European Association of Social Science conference. Munster, Waxmann

Collaborators and sponsors

UK Home Office


Key Publications

Woodhouse, D., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Sequerra, R. (2019). Big brother’s little sister: the ideological construction of women’s super league. Sport in Society.

Fielding-lloyd, B., Woodhouse, D., & Sequerra, R. (2018). ‘More than just a game’: family and spectacle inmarketing the England Women’s Super League. Soccer and Society.

Woodhouse, D., Hembrough, D., Olusoga, P., Darwin, J., Newton, E., & Pupius, M. (2018). MindfullySTRONG: attention, awareness and flow. Presented at: LARASA International Congress: Leisure Transforming our World, Durban

Woodhouse, D., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Sequerra, R. (2018). Big Brother's Little Sister: The Ideological Construction of Women's Super League. Presented at: Shared Solidarities: Galvanising the Women's Movement, Sheffield, UK, 2018

Woodhouse, D., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Sequerra, R. (2018). Big Brother's Little Sister: The Ideological Construction of Women's Super League. Presented at: Shared Solidarities: Galvanising the Women's Movement, Sheffield, UK, 2018

Woodhouse, D., Hembrough, D., Olusoga, P., Darwin, J., Newton, E., & Pupius, M. (2018). MindfullySTRONG: Attention, Awareness and Flow. Presented at: Ninth International Conference on Sport and Society, FIU, Miami

Woodhouse, D., Hembrough, D., Olusoga, P., Darwin, J., Newton, E., & Pupius, M. (2018). MindfullySTRONG: Attention, Awareness and Flow. Presented at: Ninth International Conference on Sport and Society, FIU, Miami

Woodhouse, D., & Cherrington, J. (2018). Walking in the shoes of others: Critical reflection in community sport management and physical activity. In Wilson, R., & Platts, C. (Eds.) Managing and developing community sport. (pp. 30-44). London: Routledge:

Woodhouse, D., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Sequerra, R. (2017). Feminising Football and Its Fandom: The Ideological Construction of Women's Super League. Presented at: International Conference for the Sociology of Gender, Tokyo, 2017

Woodhouse, D., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Sequerra, R. (2017). Feminising Football and Its Fandom: The Ideological Construction of Women's Super League. Presented at: International Conference for the Sociology of Gender, Tokyo, 2017

Woodhouse, D., & Conricode, D. (2016). A sense of belonging: exploring the impact of football on those seeking asylum in the UK. Presented at: First International Conference on Geographies of Migration and Mobility, Loughborough University

Sequerra, R. (2014). The FA women's super league : framing developments in elite women's football. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Woodhouse, D., & Fielding-Lloyd, B.

Woodhouse, D., & Williams, J. (1999). Offside? The position of women in football. London: Garnet.

Journal articles

Gherghel, A.-.M., Woodhouse, D., Ramchandani, G., & Fielding-Lloyd, B. (2024). A systematic review of gambling amongst elite athletes with a focus on females. Journal of Gambling Issues.

Mahmood, H., & Woodhouse, D. (2024). The Impact of Ethnicity and Gender on Sport and Physical Activity Participation: An Autoethnography. The International Journal of Sport and Society, 15 (4), 1-18.

Morris, M., & Woodhouse, D. (2024). Primary School Breaktime and Girl’s Physical Activity: 3 Case Studies. Journal of Sports and Games, 6 (1), 1-9.

Woodhouse, D., & Conricode, D. (2017). 'In-ger-land, In-ger-land, In-ger-land! : exploring the impact of soccer on the sense of belonging of those seeking asylum in the UK. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52 (8), 940-954.

Woodhouse, D. (2009). ’Joy and Woe’: a season in the life of a Barnsley fan. Soccer Review, 3-6.

Conference papers

Woodhouse, D., Olusoga, P., Hemborough, D., Newton, E., Pupius, M., & Newton, J. (2018). MindfullySTRONG: Proof of Concept. n/a.

Woodhouse, D., Olusoga, P., Hemborough, D., Newton, E., Pupius, M., & Newton, J. (2018). MindfullySTRONG: Proof of Concept. n/a.

Woodhouse, D. (2017). Understanding leisure sites: Technology Enhanced Research for Practitioners. Challenges, Choices, Consequences, 84.

Woodhouse, D. (2007). Positive Futures: the local delivery of a national sports based social inclusion initiative. Proceedings of the 4th EASS Conference.

Woodhouse, D. (2006). Constraint and Contestation: Gender, Sport and Positive Futures. Sport, Communities and Engagement.

Woodhouse, D., & Crabbe, T. (2006). Contesting Respect: Mutual Respect, Positive Futures and the Cultural Intermediary. In BSA Annual Conference 2006, Harrogate, 21 April 2006 - 23 April 2006.

Woodhouse, D. (2020). The Active for Health (AFH) programme: an evaluation. In 11th Conference on Sport and Society, Granada, 18 June 2020 - 19 June 2020.

Woodhouse, D. (2020). The Active for Health (AFH) programme: an evaluation. In 11th Conference on Sport and Society, Granada, 18 June 2020 - 19 June 2020.

Book chapters

Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Woodhouse, D. (2023). Responsibility and progress: The English Football Association’s professionalisation of the women’s game(1st). In Culvin, A., & Bowes, A. (Eds.) Women’s Football in a Global, Professional Era. Emerald Publishing Limited:

Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Woodhouse, D. (2023). Responsibility and progress: The English Football Association’s professionalisation of the women’s game(1st). In Culvin, A., & Bowes, A. (Eds.) Women’s Football in a Global, Professional Era. Emerald Publishing Limited:

Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Woodhouse, D. (2023). Responsibility and progress: The English Football Association's professionalisation of the women's game (First). In Culvin, A., & Bowes, A. (Eds.) Women’s Football in a Global, Professional Era. (pp. 17-31). Emerald:

Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Woodhouse, D. (2023). Responsibility and progress: The English Football Association's professionalisation of the women's game (First). In Culvin, A., & Bowes, A. (Eds.) Women’s Football in a Global, Professional Era. (pp. 17-31). Emerald:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Action Research. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 48-53). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Action Research. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 48-53). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Development. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 164-169). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Development. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 164-169). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Action. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 157-163). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Action. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 157-163). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Partnerships. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 170-176). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Partnerships. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 170-176). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Profiling. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 54-59). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Profiling. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 54-59). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Regeneration. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 177-185). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Regeneration. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 177-185). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Youth Work. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 186-194). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Youth Work. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 186-194). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Studies. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 60-67). London: SAGE:

Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2009). Community Studies. In Key Concepts in Community Studies. (pp. 60-67). London: SAGE:

Woodhouse, D. (2008). 'Joy and Woe’: a season in the life of a Barnsley fan. In Soccer Review 2008. (pp. 3-6). Gavin Mellor & Patrick Murphy:

Woodhouse, D. (2005). How PAR Helps Us Reveal The Local Delivery Of A National ‘Brand’. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Academic Conferences Ltd


Woodhouse, D., & Blackshaw, T. (2006). Going the Distance: Impact, journeys and distance travelled. Third Interim National Positive Futures Case Study. London: Home Office.

Crabbe, T., Bailey, G., Blackshaw, T., Brown, A., Choak, C., Gidley, B., ... Woodhouse, D. (2006). Knowing the score: Positive Futures Case Study Research: Final Report. London: Positive Futures.

Crabbe, T., Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2006). In the Boot Room: Organisational contexts and partnerships. Home Ofice.

Crabbe, T., Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2006). In the Boot Room: Organisational contexts and partnerships. Home Ofice.

crabbe, T., Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2005). First Interim Yorkshire Positive Futures Case Study Research Report. Home Office.

crabbe, T., Blackshaw, T., & Woodhouse, D. (2005). First Interim Yorkshire Positive Futures Case Study Research Report. Home Office.

Banda, D., Blackshaw, T., Brown, A., Choak, C., Crabbe, T., Gidley, B., ... Woodhouse, D. (2005). Getting to know you: Engagement and relationship building: First interim national positive futures case study research report. London: Home Office.

Theses / Dissertations

Blackshaw, S. (2016). The changing face of gambling: an investigation of serious leisure horserace gamblers. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Shibli, S., Fielding-Lloyd, B., & Woodhouse, D.

Woodhouse, D. (2001). The Post War Development of Football for Females in England: A Cross Cultural and Comparative Study with Norway and the United States of America. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Williams, M.J.

Internet Publications

Fielding-Lloyd, B., Woodhouse, D., & Culvin, A. (2023). Women's Sport - Department for Culture, Media and SportCommittee Call for Evidence – February2023.


Woodhouse, D. (2007). Constraint and Contestation: Gender, Sport and Positive Futures. Presented at: International Sport Sociology Conference, Melbourne

Other publications

Woodhouse, D. (2003). Engaging Communities: Good Practice Guide to Stadium Development. British Urban Regeneration Association

Other activities

Editorial Board/Review Editor: The History, Culture and Sociology of Sports. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living

Postgraduate supervision

The FA Women's Super League
Serious horse race gambling
Ethnicity and participation in sport for females
Gambling in elite female sport

The Development of the Football Association’s Women’s Super League
Horse race gambling as serious leisure

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