Professor Ed Ferrari BA (Hons), DipTP, PhD, FHEA
Director of CRESR
Ed Ferrari is Director of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University.
His research interests include the analysis of housing markets, mobility in the social rented sector, application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to housing research, strategic planning, and the use of secondary data-sets for policy research. He is a co-investigator on the £6m Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) running from 2017-2022. Ed has undertaken research projects on strategic housing issues, including understanding housing markets, targeting neighbourhood interventions, and examining the impacts of policy. He was closely involved in the development of the evidence base for the government’s Housing Market Renewal programme (2002–2010), was a lead member of the consortium undertaking the national evaluation of the HMR Pathfinders for DCLG, and contributed to the work of the JRF Housing Markets Taskforce (2011). Ed is Managing Editor of the leading international journal Housing Studies. He is past Chair of the Housing Studies Association, the learned society representing the interests of housing scholars. He advised the Sheffield City Region on housing and planning issues.
Research interests
- housing market analysis
- housing policy and strategy
- strategic spatial planning
- Geographical Information Systems and spatial analysis
- transport policy and planning.
- Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research
Current research projects
2023-2029 Evaluation of Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021-26, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
2022-2027 Doncaster Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
2022-2027 Active Travel Portfolio Research and Evaluation Programme. Department for Transport. Role: Project Director.
2023 Levelling up and Regeneration Bill – evaluation of planning reforms scoping study, Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.
2023 Transport Safety Officers Pilot Evaluation, Department for Transport.
2017-2022 UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), ESRC/AHRC/JRF (with University of Glasgow and others).Role: Knowledge Exchange Lead (North and Midlands).
Selected research projects
2018-2021 Evaluation of Housing Twenty11, Red Kite Community Housing Association. Role: project director.
2019-2020 Building the Case for Social Housing Investment post 2021, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations/Shelter Scotland/Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland (with University of Liverpool). Role: work package lead.
2019 Metrolink Community Impact Study (with Ipsos MORI), Transport for Greater Manchester. Role: policy inputs.
2018 Tees Valley Housing Markets (with Kada Research), Northern Housing Consortium. Role: project director.
2017-2018 Scaling up social lettings? Scope, impact and barriers, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Nationwide Foundation. Role: project director.
2017 Transport Barriers to Work in Low Income Neighbourhoods, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Role: member of the research team.
2016-2018 Evaluation of Housing+, Sheffield City Council (with The University of Sheffield).
2015-2016 Real Time Information+ (South Yorkshire PTE/ University of Sheffield ESRC Impact Accelerator Account)
2015 Affordable Housing Need in Scotland (Shelter Scotland), with Ryan Powell, University of Sheffield
2015 The Future of Council Housing (Sheffield City Council/UoS)
2015 Overcoming disconnection and deprivation in city regions (JRF), with Alasdair Rae, University of Sheffield
2014-2015 Rotherham Strategic Housing Market Assessment (Rotherham MBC)
2013-2014 Links between housing and poverty over the life course (JRF), with University of Sheffield and Heriot Watt University
2013-2014 Travel to School and Housing Markets in the UK (ESRC)
2013-2014 Housing research and policy knowledge exchange project (ESRC and HQN Ltd.)
2013 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (Sheffield City Council)
2010 Local Housing Market Volatility – report to JRF Housing Market Taskforce (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
2007-2010 Wakefield Housing Impact Project (Wakefield and District Housing), with Paul Hickman (CRESR)
2004-2008 National Evaluation of Housing Market Renewal (DCLG), with Salford University, Ecotec Research and Consulting, and the University of Birmingham
Key Publications
Crisp, R., Ferrari, E., Gore, T., Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Rae, A., ... Stevens, M. (2018). Tackling transport-related barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Journal articles
Goodchild, B., & Ferrari, E. (2021). Intermediaries and mediators: an actor-network understanding of online property platforms. Housing Studies Online ISSN 1466-1810.
Blank, L., Holding, E., Jordan, H., Ferrari, E., & Goyder, E. (2021). Exploring the factors that influence the public health impact of changes to the traditional housing officer’s role: insights from a logic modelling approach. Journal of Public Health (Germany), 29 (5), 1029-1036.
Holding, E., Blank, L., Crowder, M., Ferrari, E., & Goyder, E. (2020). Exploring the relationship between housing concerns, mental health and wellbeing: A qualitative study of social housing tenants. Journal of Public Health, 42 (3), E231-E238.
Blank, L., Holding, E., Crowder, M., Butterworth, S., Ferrari, E., & Goyder, E. (2018). Taking preventative health messages into the wider caring professions: the views of housing staff and tenants. Journal of public health (Oxford, England).
Ferrari, E. (2018). Housing Market Renewal revisited: a defence of place-based policy in austere times. People, Place and Policy, 11 (3), 143-149.
Ferrari, E. (2016). Wacquant and the Decline of Public Institutions: The Need for a More Contingent Analysis? People Place and Policy, 10 (2), 179-180.
Crook, T., Bibby, P., Ferrari, E., Monk, S., Tang, C., & Whitehead, C. (2016). New housing association development and its potential to reduce concentrations of deprivation: An English case study. Urban Studies, 53 (16), 3388-3404.
Ferrari, E. (2015). The social value of housing in straitened times: The view from England. Housing Studies, 30 (4), 514-534.
Easton, S., & Ferrari, E. (2015). Children's travel to school—the interaction of individual, neighbourhood and school factors. Transport Policy, 44, 9-18.
Ferrari, E., & Green, M.A. (2013). Travel to School and Housing Markets: A Case Study of Sheffield, England. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45 (11), 2771-2788.
Ferrari, E., & Rae, A. (2013). The spatiality of housing market volatility and selective migration. Town Planning Review, 84 (1), 107-125.
Crook, A.D.H.T., Ferrari, E., & Kemp, P.A. (2012). Knowing the Area: The Management of Market and Business Risks by Private Landlords in Scotland. Urban Studies, 49 (15), 3347-3363.
Ferrari, E. (2012). Competing Ideas of Social Justice and Space: Locating Critiques of Housing Renewal in Theory and in Practice. International Journal of Housing Policy, 12 (3), 263-280.
Kennedy, C., Theodoropoulos, G., Sorge, V., Ferrari, E., Lee, P., & Skelcher, C. (2011). Data Driven Simulation to Support Model Building in the Social Sciences. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 5 (4), 561-581.
Ferrari, E. (2011). Conceptualising Social Housing within the Wider Housing Market: A Vacancy Chain Model. Housing Studies, 26 (1), 95-116.
Ferrari, E., Laughlin, D.L., & Watkins, C. (2011). Planning and the housing market: reflections on strategic housing market assessment in England. Town Planning Review, 82 (4), 393-424.
Burfitt, A., & Ferrari, E. (2008). The housing and neighbourhood impacts of knowledge-based economic development following industrial closure. Policy Studies, 29 (3), 293-304.
Ferrari, E. (n.d.). Housing Market Renewal revisited: a defence of place-based policy in austere times. People, Place and Policy Online, 11 (3), 143-149.
Conference papers
Kennedy, C., Theodoropoulos, G., Sorge, V., Ferrari, E., Lee, P., & Skelcher, C. (2007). AIMSS: An Architecture for Data Driven Simulations in the Social Sciences. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (pp. 1098-1105). Springer Berlin Heidelberg:
Kennedy, C., Theodoropoulos, G., Ferrari, E., Lee, P., & Skelcher, C. (2007). Towards an Automated Approach to Dynamic Interpretation of Simulations. First Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS'07).
Book chapters
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (2023). Bringing Civic Impact to Life. In Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections. (pp. 163-173). Springer International Publishing:
Theodoropoulos, G., Kennedy, C., Lee, P., Skelcher, C., Ferrari, E., & Sorge, V.J. (2023). DDDAS in the Social Sciences. In Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems. (pp. 765-791). Springer International Publishing:
Udall, J., & Wakeford Holder, A. (2023). Placemaking and the civic university: interface sites as spaces of tension and translation. In Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.) Reframing the Civic University. An agenda for impact. (pp. 143-162). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan:
Udall, J., & Wakeford Holder, A. (2023). Placemaking and the civic university: interface sites as spaces of tension and translation. In Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.) Reframing the Civic University. An agenda for impact. (pp. 143-162). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan:
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (2023). Why the time is right for a civic turn. In Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.) Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections. (pp. 1-24). Springer International Publishing:
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (2023). Why the time is right for a civic turn. In Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.) Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections. (pp. 1-24). Springer International Publishing:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Introduction. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 15-24). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chapter 4, Alignment with concurrent policy agendas promoting liveability. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 53-66). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chapter 6, Conclusions. (pp. 83-88). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chapter 2, the transition to connected and autonomous vehicles. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 25-36). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chapter 3,The challenges posed by CAVs for the built environment. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 37-51). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chapter 5, Responding to the arrival of increasingly connected and autonomous vehicles. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 67-81). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Executive Summary. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 11-14). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Preface. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 3). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Recommendations. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. (pp. 89-90). Taylor & Francis:
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Introduction. In Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. Taylor & Francis
Bibby, P., Halleux, J.-.M., Dunning, R., Ferrari, E., Henneberry, J., Hickman, H., ... While, A. (2018). Le paradigme de la ville compacte: Les lecons de L'angleterre. In Léger, J.-.M., & Mariolle, B. (Eds.) Densifier Dédensifier: Penser les Campagnes Urbaines. (pp. 55-70). France: Parentheses
Ferrari, E. (2012). Small-Area Spatial Statistics. In International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. (pp. 362-367). Elsevier:
Ferrari, E. (2011). Small-Area Spatial Statistics. In International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. (pp. 362-367).
Ferrari, E., & Lee, P. (n.d.). Changing Spatial, Ethnic and Tenure Patterns in England. In Neighbourhood Renewal & Housing Markets. (pp. 31-62). Blackwell Publishing Ltd:
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.). (2023). Reframing the civic university: an agenda for impact. Palgrave Macmillan.
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (Eds.). (2023). Reframing the civic university: an agenda for impact. Palgrave Macmillan.
Parkes, S., & Ferrari, E. (2022). Connected and autonomous vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions. Taylor & Francis.
Beatty, C., Crisp, R., Ferrari, E., Gore, T., & Mcmullan, J. (2023). Inclusion Plan Evidence Base. Sheffield: Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
Gregory, M., Ferrari, E., Parkes, S., Barrett, D., Goldsmith, S., & Storey, R. (2023). DfT Active Travel portfolio evaluation - monitoring and evaluation (M&E Plan).
Dobson, J., & Ferrari, E. (2021). Capturing and enhancing the impact of the civic university: current thinking, issues and challenges. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.
Dobson, J. (2021). A framework for civic impact: a way to assess universities’ activities and progress. Civic University Network.
Gregory, M., Parkes, S., Ferrari, E., & taylor, C. (2021). SCR’s Active Travel Implementation Plan monitoring and evaluation plan.
Archer, T., Crisp, R., Ferrari, E., Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Moore, T., ... Sacranie, H. (2019). Scaling up social lettings? Scope, impact and barriers. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Ferrari, E., & Dalgleish, K. (2019). Tees Valley Local Housing Markets. Sunderland: Northern Housing Consortium.
Crisp, R., Ferrari, E., Fothergill, S., Gore, T., & Wells, P. (2019). Strong economies, better places. London: Labour.
Powell, R., Dunning, R., Ferrari, E., & McKee, K. (2015). Affordable housing need in Scotland. Final report. Scotland: Shelter.
Ferrari, E., & Powell, R. (2013). Sheffield Strategic Housing Market Assessment. Sheffield City Council.
Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: The Case of Portobello and Belle Vue. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, A., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: the Case of Portobello and Belle Vue - Key Findings and Policy Messages. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
Theses / Dissertations
Skropke, C. (2023). Community assets in changing times: Exploring ownership, Covid-19 and the opportunity context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Archer, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I.
Skropke, C. (2023). Community assets in changing times: Exploring ownership, Covid-19 and the opportunity context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Archer, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I.
Hamer, R.E. (2022). The Scylla state: an alternative understanding of survival sex work and addiction. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Fletcher, D., Reeve, K., & Ferrari, E.
Hamer, R.E. (2022). The Scylla state: an alternative understanding of survival sex work and addiction. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Fletcher, D., Reeve, K., & Ferrari, E.
Other activities
Editor, Housing Studies Past Chair, Housing Studies Association
Postgraduate supervision
Ed would welcome discussion on supervising students around any of the following areas
- housing policy and strategy
- the functioning and geography of local housing markets and systems
- strategic planning for housing
- transport policy and strategy, particularly in relation to local labour and housing markets
- spatial analytical methods, GIS approaches, and the use of secondary data analysis