Eleanor Byrne MA, BA (Hons)
Senior Research Fellow
I am a Senior Research Fellow at the Sheffield Institute of Education, specialising in educational research and evaluation. With a strong track record of leading and contributing to impactful projects, my work focuses on advancing evidence-based practices to improve education. Passionate about driving meaningful change, I bring both depth of expertise and a commitment to supporting innovation in the sector.
Project manager for Global Science Explorers, the Astra Zeneca Science Teaching Trust funded project working with teachers and pupils to explore exciting Environmental Science activities and investigations; Triple Crossed, the second phase of the original Double Crossed Project. Cross-curricular teacher resource development project using science, history and citizenship; and Student Associates Scheme, the TDA funded school placement scheme for undergraduates interested in a future career in teaching (2008–2011)
Teacher-led continuing professional development (CPD)
Cross-curricular learning, particularly the use of history and historical methodology in school science
Confidence and understanding - the role of the primary school science coordinator
Undergraduates' perceptions of teaching
Environmental science in the school classroom
Research evaluation
Sheffield Institute of Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Science for All
Engineering Science
Member of the Women in SET team
- Education Enquiry
- Developing Enquiry Through a Specialism
- Developing the Core Curriculum
- MA Education
My research interests focus on educational policy reform, with a particular emphasis on examining and addressing the role of gender within these changes. I am currently pursuing a PhD in history at the University of Sheffield, where my work explores the linguistic representation of women in the written press between 1963 and 1990.
- Evaluation of DfE Family Hubs Transformation Fund (Home Learning Environment)
- Evaluation of the Tuneful Chatter project
- Evaluation of DfE Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund
- Evaluation of the Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund (TLIF): The Ambition Institute’s Transforming Teaching (TT) project
- Evaluation of Wipro STEM Teacher Fellowship and Teacher Mentor Programmes
- Early Outcomes South Yorkshire evaluation
- Evaluation of Youth Perspectives of the STEM Ambassadors Programme
- Maths and Physics Teacher Supply Package: Scoping and Early Process Evaluation
Journal articles
Bevins, S., Byrne, E., Brodie, M., & Price, G. (2011). English Secondary school students' perceptions of school science and science and engineering. Science Education International, 22 (4), 255-265. http://www.icaseonline.net/
Book chapters
Booth, J., & Byrne, E. (2019). Science education funding in Europe and the inspiration for Chain Reaction. In Bevins, S., Lehane, L., & Booth, J. (Eds.) Comparative perspectives on inquiry-based science education. (pp. 12-32). ICI Global: http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5439-4.ch002
Byrne, E., & Brodie, M. (2011). Cross curricular teaching and learning in the secondary school : science. Routledge.
Clark, L., Coldwell, M., Pearson, S., Willis, B., Wilson, I., Byrne, E., ... Reaney-Wood, S. (2023). Family hubs innovation fund evaluation: Final research report City of Doncaster. London: Department for Education.
Stiell, B., Maxwell, B., Reaney-Woods, S., McLean, D., Staunton, R., Straw, S., & Nelson, J. (2022). TLIF Evaluation: Edison Learning’s National Association of Head Teachers Aspire project final eeport. DfE. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1103991/TLIF_Evaluation_Edison_Learning_s_National_Association_of_Head_Teachers_Aspire_project.pdf
Byrne, E., Reaney-Wood, S., Coldwell, M., Nelson, J., McLean, D., Staunton, R., & Worth, J. (2022). TLIF evaluation: The Ambition Institute’s Transforming Teaching Project. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1103985/TLIF_Evaluation_The_Ambition_Institute_s_Transforming_Teaching_Project.pdf
Wolstenholme, C., Reaney-Wood, S., Maxwell, B., Straw, S., McLean, D., Worth, J., & Staunton, R. (2022). TLIF evaluation: Geographical Association/Association for Science Education Critical Thinking for Achievement project. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1103989/TLIF_evaluation_Geographical_Association_Association_for_Science_Education_Critical_Thinking_for_Achievement_project.pdf
Willis, B., Maxwell, B., Reaney-Wood, S., Nelson, J., Straw, S., Worth, J., ... Staunton, R. (2022). TLIF evaluation: Tom Bennett training project evaluation. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1136566/TLIF_Evaluation_Tom_Bennett_Training_Project_Evaluation.pdf
Byrne, E., Coldwell, M., & Willis, B. (2020). Evaluation of the early outcomes framework fund.
Maxwell, B., Clague, L., Byrne, E., Culliney, M., Coldwell, M., Hobson, A., & Glentworth, A. (2018). Retain: CPD for Early Career Teachers of KS1Pilot report and executive summary. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk: Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Projects/Evaluation_Reports/Retain.pdf
Byrne, E., Booth, J., Bevins, S., & Bullough, A. (2017). Chain reaction final report. SCIENTEX.
Straw, S., Coldwell, M., Poet, H., Byrne, E., Stiell, B., & Worth, J. (2017). Maths and physics teacher supply package. London, UK: Department for Education. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/624769/Maths_and_physics_teacher_supply_package-report.pdf
Internet Publications
Byrne, E., Demissie, F., Parkin, R., & Pearse, S. (2023). Transformative impact: parental perceptions of early access to nursery provision. [Internet article]. https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/what-we-do/child-poverty/uk-child-poverty/england/sheffield-early-learning-community
Postgraduate supervision
Primary and secondary education