Emily Perry

Professor Emily Perry BSc, PGCE, MA, PhD, FRSC

Head of Sheffield Institute of Education Centre for Research and Knowledge Exchange


I am Head of Sheffield Institute of Education's Centre for Research and Knowledge Exchange. My interests focus on professional development, especially for science teachers. I work in local, national and international contexts to manage, develop and assure the quality of large-scale teacher development programmes, with a particular focus on science teachers, including writing curriculum materials, facilitating, quality assuring and researching teacher professional learning.


Following my first degree and PhD in Chemistry, I worked as a science teacher in secondary schools in the UK, Brazil and Hong Kong. As Head of Sheffield Institute of Education's Centre for Research and Knowledge Exchange, I lead the staff group of researchers and knowledge exchange specialists working in education.

I have worked with teachers, governments and other education organisations in countries including Vietnam, Ghana and Thailand. I'm a member of the Association for Science Education, the International Professional Development Association, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. My background is as a chemistry teacher, and I've worked in secondary schools both in the UK and internationally.


Sheffield Institute of Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject area:

  • Education

Courses taught:

  • MA Education

Modules taught:

  • Comparative Studies of Professional Practice


Current and recent research and knowledge exchange projects include:

Making change happen in teacher professional development: policy and school environment mechanisms (Wellcome).

The Wellcome CPD Challenge, a pilot to understand what changes need to take place within the education system for schools to meet defined criteria relating to the quality and quantity of teacher professional development (Wellcome).

Collaborative development of a quality assurance framework for practitioner professional development (Driver Youth Trust). Report available at https://shura.shu.ac.uk/id/eprint/30179.

Supporting remote professional development leaders (Ogden Trust).

Quality assurance for teacher professional development: evidence review and scoping study (Phase 1); development, testing and evaluation (Phase 2), in partnership with the Chartered College of Teaching and Teacher Development Trust (Wellcome Trust and Education Endowment Foundation).


Recent publications include:

Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2021). The practices of professional development facilitators. Professional development in education. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1973073

Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Müller, L.-.M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Mid-Career Teachers: A Mixed Methods Scoping Study of Professional Development, Career Progression and Retention. Education Sciences, 11 (6). https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060299

Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Perry, E. (2021). Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development. Professional Development in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1879230

Perry, E. (2020). The roles of professional development leaders. Science Teacher Education, (88), 10-16. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/science-teacher-education/issue-88/roles-of-professional-development-leaders

Booth, J., Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2019). Understanding teaching as a profession. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 35-41). https://chartered.college/international-teacher-cpd-report.

Perry, E., Boylan, M., & Booth, J. (2019). Quality assurance in teacher professional development. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 86-93). https://chartered.college/international-teacher-cpd-report.

Link 1: https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/making-change-happen-in-teacher-professional-development

Link 2: https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/wellcome-cpd-challenge

Link 3: https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/quality-assurance-of-teacher-professional-development

Link 4: https://www.ogdentrust.com/about-us/publications-and-research/researching-professional-development-leaders/

Link 5: https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/quality-assurance-of-teacher-professional-development

I collaborate with partners including the Wellcome Trust, the Chartered College of Teaching, Teacher Development Trust, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Learn Sheffield and the Association for Science Education, and with colleagues from across the Sheffield Institute of Education.


Key Publications

Martin, S., & Perry, E. (2023). Quality assuring the work of the appropriate bodies: Collaborative pilot of a quality review. https://nta.org.uk/appropriate-body-quality-assurance/

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Institute of Education, (2021). Wellcome CPD Challenge: School Stories Volume 2.

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Institute of Education, (2021). Wellcome CPD Challenge: School Stories Volume 2.

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Institute of Education, (2019). Wellcome CPD Challenge: School Stories Volume 1. https://www.shu.ac.uk/~/media/home/about-us/academic-departments/institute-of-education/sioe-research/welcome/wellcome-cpd-champions.pdf?la=en

Perry, E., & Boodt, S. (2019). Supporting the professional development of ‘hybrid’ teacher educators in the Further Education sector. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (3), 60-71. http://ojs.cumbria.ac.uk/index.php/TEAN/article/view/566

Perry, E., Boylan, M., & Booth, J. (2019). Quality Assurance of Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development : Rapid Evidence Review. Wellcome Trust and Education Endowment Foundation. https://wellcome.ac.uk/reports/quality-assurance-teachers-continuing-professional-development

Perry, E., & Bevins, S. (2018). Building capacity for professional development: the development of teachers as facilitators in Ghana. Professional development in education, 1-15. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2018.1474489

Perry, E., Boylan, M., Booth, J., & Coldwell, M. (2017). Connecting research and teacher education : quality enhancement for ITE Partnerships. Cardiff: Welsh Government. http://learning.gov.wales/resources/browse-all/connecting-research-and-teacher-education/?lang=en

Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2017). Developing the developers : supporting and researching the learning of professional development facilitators. Professional development in education, 44 (2), 254-271. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2017.1287767

Journal articles

Perry, E., & Claire, S. (2023). ASE Futures – Supporting teacher development. Science Teacher Education, (94), 26-29. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/science-teacher-education/issue-94/ase-futures-%E2%80%93-supporting-teacher-development-seeley-and

Perry, E., Davies, N., Halliday, J., & Patel, S. (2023). Meeting the challenge of providing high-quality professional development for teachers: the Wellcome CPD challenge. Impact, 17. https://my.chartered.college/impact_article/improving-the-quality-and-quantity-of-teacher-professional-development-the-wellcome-cpd-challenge/

Boylan, M., Adams, G., Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2023). Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review. Professional Development in Education, 49 (4), 651-669. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2022.2162566

Boylan, M., Adams, G., Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2023). Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review. Professional Development in Education, 49 (4), 651-669. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2022.2162566

Perry, E. (2022). Teacher Professional Development in Changing Circumstances: The Impact of COVID-19 on Schools’ Approaches to Professional Development. Education Sciences, 13 (1). http://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13010048

Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2021). The practices of professional development facilitators. Professional development in education. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1973073

Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Müller, L.-.M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Mid-Career Teachers: A Mixed Methods Scoping Study of Professional Development, Career Progression and Retention. Education Sciences, 11 (6). http://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060299

Perry, E. (2021). Professional Development: Learning Curve. Governing Matters. https://www.nga.org.uk/Membership/NGA-Magazine.aspx

Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Perry, E. (2021). Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development. Professional Development in Education. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1879230

Muller, L.-.M., Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Continuous professional development and career progression in mid-career teachers. Impact, 11. https://impact.chartered.college/article/continuous-professional-development-progression-mid-career-teachers/

Perry, E. (2020). The roles of professional development leaders. Science Teacher Education, (88), 10-16. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/science-teacher-education/issue-88/roles-of-professional-development-leaders

Perry, E. (2019). Six features of effective professional development. Education in Chemistry, 56 (2), 22-23. https://eic.rsc.org/feature/creating-an-effective-web-of-professional-development/3009957.article

Perry, E., & Wardle, J. (2015). ‘Science Without Walls’ and ‘Teaching Challenging Topics’: two programmes of continuing professional development using online environments. School Science Review, 356, 107-114. http://www.ase.org.uk/journals/school-science-review/2015/02/

Bevins, S., Jordan, J., & Perry, E. (2011). Reflecting on professional development. Educational Action Research, 19 (3), 399-411. http://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2011.600643

Davies, N., Perry, E., & Holman, J. (n.d.). A professional challenge for science educators. Science Teacher Education, 85, 4-8. https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/science-teacher-education/issue-85/professional-challenge-science-educators

Book chapters

Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Perry, E. (2023). Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development. In Non-Linear Perspectives on Teacher Development. (pp. 135-151). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003372097-9

Booth, J., Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2019). Understanding teaching as a profession. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 35-41). https://chartered.college/international-teacher-cpd-report

Perry, E., Boylan, M., & Booth, J. (2019). Quality assurance in teacher professional development. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 86-93). https://chartered.college/international-teacher-cpd-report


YORK, N. (2012). Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Additional Science Foundation Workbook 2/E. OUP Oxford.

Fullick, A., Hunt, A., Perry, E., Swinbank, E., Harden, H., Ingram, N., ... Sang, D. (2011). Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Science Foundation Student Book 2/E. OUP Oxford.


Jowett, L., Halliday, J., Bullough, A., Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2024). Investigating teachers’ use of information about cutting edge research. STEM learning. https://research.shu.ac.uk/sustainability/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2025/01/Teachers-use-of-cutting-edge-climate-change-research.docx

Bevins, S., Stiell, B., Perry, E., & Coldwell, M. (2024). Embedding change: leadership of professional development in schools. Wellcome Trust.

Perry, E., Bevins, S., Booth, J., Boylan, M., Rutgers, D., Stiell, B., & Coldwell, M. (2024). Understanding mechanisms for change in policy andschool environments which lead to embedded teacherprofessional development. Wellcome Trust.

Perry, E., de Winter, J., & Hartley, R. (2024). A Scoping Study into the Long-term Impacts of Additional Subject Specialism Professional Development. Sheffield Hallam University.

Perry, E., Booth, J., Zhu, H., & Bullough, A. (2023). Research into the Institute of Physics’ early career professional learning programme. Sheffield Hallam University, Institute of Education.

Perry, E., Bryant, R., Challis, K., Patel, D., & Rossiter, C. (2022). Collaborative development of a quality assurance framework for educator professional development. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Institute of Education.

Perry, E., Halliday, J., Higginson, J., & Patel, S. (2022). Meeting the challenge of providing high-quality continuing professional development for teachers: The Wellcome CPD Challenge Pilot Delivery Report. Wellcome. https://cms.wellcome.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/wellcome-cpd-challenge-pilot-delivery-report.pdf

Perry, E., Halliday, J., Booth, J., Wolstenholme, C., & Boylan, M. (2022). Researching professional development leaders: investigating support for ‘remote’ professional development leaders. Ogden Trust. https://www.ogdentrust.com/about-us/publications-and-research/researching-professional-development-leaders/

Perry, E., Booth, J., Boylan, M., Wolstenholme, C., Chedzey, K., & Cunningham, M. (2021). Quality assurance of teachers’ continuing professional development: design, development and pilot of a CPD quality assurance system - evaluation report. London, UK: Wellcome. https://chartered.college/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Piloting-a-CPD-QA-system-Evaluation_April-2021.pdf

Chedzey, K., Cunningham, M., & Perry, E. (2021). Quality assurance of teachers’ continuing professional development: design, development and pilot of a CPD quality assurance system. Wellcome. https://chartered.college/quality-assurance-of-teachers-continuing-professional-development/

Perry, E., Owen, D., Booth, J., & Bower, K. (2019). The Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education: Literature Review. Ofsted.

Perry, E., & Boodt, S. (2017). Education & Training Foundation Training for Further Education teacher trainers: Final evaluation July 2017. Education and Training Foundation.

Bevins, S., Daniels, T., Forster, G., Perry, E., Price, G., & Windale, M. (2016). Engineering Thailand : design of an engineeringcurriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai BasicEducation (OBEC). British Council.

Bevins, S., Daniels, T., Forster, G., Perry, E., Price, G., & Windale, M. (2016). Design of an engineering curriculum and 12 STEM modules for the Thai Basic Education Ministry (OBEC). Sheffield Hallam University.

Perry, E., & Wardle, J. (2010). Getting Practical: Reflecting on Practical Work. Centre for Science Education. https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/421797/getting-practical

Theses / Dissertations

Perry, E. (2014). An investigation into a programme of enquiry-based continuing professional development for professional development leaders. (Doctoral thesis).

Internet Publications

Perry, E., de Winter, J., & Hartley, R. (2024). Mitigating the impacts of the teacher recruitment and retention crisis through sustained subject specific professional development. shhttps://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2024/05/23/mitigating-the-impacts-of-the-teacher-recruitment-and-retention-crisis-through-sustained-subject-specific-professional-development/#

Perry, E., de Winter, J., & Hartley, R. (2024). Mitigating the impacts of the teacher recruitment and retention crisis through sustained subject specific professional development. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2024/05/23/mitigating-the-impacts-of-the-teacher-recruitment-and-retention-crisis-through-sustained-subject-specific-professional-development/#

Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2023). Celebrating ten years of research and innovation 2013-2023. https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/news/celebrating-ten-years-of-research-and-innovation

Perry, E., Booth, J., & Clague, L. (2020). Evaluating the Wipro Programme. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/wiproteacherfellow/evaluating-the-wipro-programme/

Perry, E. (2019). How We Think About Professional Development for Teachers. https://blog.insidegovernment.co.uk/blog/cpd-teachers-individual

Perry, E. (2018). Research-Engaged Practice in Education. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2018/04/16/research-engaged-practice-in-education/?doing_wp_cron=1588787518.6283988952636718750000

Perry, E. (2018). Outlining How Evidence-Based Practice Can Be Extended to Teacher CPD. https://blog.insidegovernment.co.uk/blog/evidence-informed-teacher-professional-development

Perry, E., & Bevins, S. (2017). How to get the best from practical work. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2017/02/10/how-to-get-the-best-from-practical-work/

Perry, E., & Needham, R. (2016). PISA: Stories of Science. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2016/12/20/pisa-stories-of-science/


Perry, E., Mapplebeck, A., & Walker, J. (2010). Getting Practical: Teacher Professional Development. https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/421797/getting-practical


Perry, E., & Hotham, E. (n.d.). Interactions between curriculum development and teacher professional learning. British Educational Research Association: https://www.bera.ac.uk/media/interactions-between-curriculum-development-and-teacher-professional-learning


Perry, E., Booth, J., Rutgers, D., Boylan, M., Stiell, B., & Bevins, S. (2023). Making change happen in teacher professional development: Leadership, the school environment and the implementation of professional development. Presented at: British Educational Research Association Conference 2023, Birmingham, UK

Perry, E., Booth, J., Bevins, S., Pountney, R., & Halliday, J. (2022). Supporting Teacher Leadership Development: Roles, Growth and Research. Presented at: NARST

Perry, E., Booth, J., Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2020). Professionalism and professional development: modelling a dynamic relationship [abstract only]. Presented at: IPDA International Virtual Conference 2020, Online conference, 2020

Perry, E. (2020). Current issues in teacher professional development. Presented at: International Professional Development Association, Online

Perry, E. (2020). The curriculum for teacher education.

Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2019). The professional roles and knowledges of professional development leaders: an analytical model. Presented at: Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times: Risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions

Perry, E., Coldwell, M., & Moore, N. (2019). Curriculum materials as mediators in professional learning: The role of schemes of work in a national Primary Linguistics programme. Presented at: Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times: Risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions, Aston University, Birmingham, 2019

Perry, E., & Harrison, S. (2019). Quality assurance of teacher professional development. Presented at: Institute of Physics Professional Practice Group, London

Perry, E., & Maxwell, B. (2019). Evidence use in teaching and teacher learning. Presented at: Interdisciplinary Summit on Evidence-Based Practice, London

Perry, E., Booth, J., & Boylan, M. (2019). Quality, quality assurance, and teacher professional development: what's at issue. Presented at: British Educational Research Association conference, Manchester

Perry, E., & Pountney, R. (2019). Cross-curricular science. Presented at: ASE Futures conference, Sheffield

Holman, J., & Davies, N. (2019). Presidential Keynote: A professional challenge for science educators. Presented at: ASE Futures, Sheffield

Perry, E. (2019). The roles, practices and learning of professional development facilitators. Presented at: Leadership for Professional Learning Symposium, Cambridge

Perry, E. (2019). The Research-Engaged Practice Network. Presented at: Connecting with Professional Practice conference, Sheffield

Perry, E. (2019). Futureproofing your workforce: how can you build your team to confidently prepare young people for their futures? Presented at: Preparing young people for their futures, London

Perry, E., Halliday, J., & Davies, N. (2018). The Wellcome CPD Challenge. Presented at: Association for Science Education Northern Conference, Sheffield

Perry, E., Boodt, S., & Booth, J. (2018). Perspectives on professional development: exploring motivation, learning and facilitation. Presented at: Border Crossings: Professional Development in the 21st Century, Birmingham

Perry, E., Adams, G., & Burnett, C. (2018). Let it go! Learning through openness, space and play. Presented at: Festival of Social Science, Sheffield

Perry, E., Jordan, J., Pountney, R., & Boylan, M. (2018). Professional development facilitators: theorising knowledge, skills and practice. Presented at: British Educational Research Association conference, Newcastle

Boodt, S., & Perry, E. (2018). Teacher and teacher educator: understanding the development needs of practitioners who operate in hybrid roles. Presented at: The Ambition of Teacher Education: TEAN Annual Conference, Birmingham, 2018

Perry, E. (2018). Current themes and evidence in teaching and teacher development. Presented at: Invited Seminar: Current themes and evidence in teaching and teacher development, London, 2018

Perry, E., Oates, P., & Berry, M. (2017). The Science and Mathematics Curriculum in England. Presented at: international experience in general education curriculum development and application in Vietnamese conditions, Hanoi

Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2017). Analysing Professional Development Facilitators’ Purposes, Knowledge and Skills. Presented at: The Complexity of Professional and Inter-professional Learning, Cardiff

Perry, E., & Price, G. (2017). Student Autonomy: What Works? Presented at: In Learning By Design international conference, Brussels

Perry, E. (2016). Every child a scientist: student-centred approaches to active learning in science. Presented at: International Conference on Learning and Teaching: Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016

Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2014). Extending the interconnected model of teacher professional growth to analyse professional development facilitators' learning. Presented at: Re-thinking Models of Professional Learning, Aston University, Birmingham, 2014

Perry, E. (2013). Expert Episodes: Video-enhanced reflection on professional development practice. Presented at: Teacher Education Development Conference, Sheffield

Perry, E., & Jordan, J. (2010). Innovation in science-related continuing professional development programmes. Presented at: National Science Teachers Association annual conference, Philadelphia

Other activities

I sit on the board of trustees of a local multi-academy trust.

Postgraduate supervision

I am currently supervising PhD and EdD students focussing on practitioner professional learning, including early career and mid-career teachers, professional learning for interprofessional education, and the interactions between professional learning and curriculum development.

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