Dr Giovanna Battiston EdD, M.Phil., MSc, DipM, PGCE, BA (Jt Hons), FCIM, Chartered Marketer, FHEA
Associate Head
I have been an Associate Head at Sheffield Business School since 2024. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), a Chartered Marketer, and a trustee for the Communication, Advertising, and Marketing (CAM) Education Foundation. I have been a subject examiner for the CIM since 2015.
I hold an EdD in literacy as social practice and my thesis was based on workplace writing in a marketing context. My research interests are in exploring how voice and identity shape textual artefacts in market-oriented workplace settings and how this informs a critical marketing literacy.
I have been an Associate Head at Sheffield Business School since 2024. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), a Chartered Marketer, and a trustee for the Communication, Advertising, and Marketing (CAM) Education Foundation. I have been a subject examiner for the CIM since 2015.
I hold an EdD in literacy as social practice and my thesis was based on workplace writing in a marketing context. My research interests are in exploring how voice and identity shape textual artefacts in market-oriented workplace settings and how this informs a critical marketing literacy.
From 2020 to 2024, I was Marketing Subject Group Leader for Sheffield Business School where I was responsible for the strategic direction and delivery of a diverse portfolio of marketing courses and modules and for leading a team of around 30 marketing academics.
Immediately prior to this, from 2017 to 2020, I was the collaborative course leader for the part-time executive MBA course and for two undergraduate business management courses at Botswana Accountancy College (BAC). I continue to support the partnership as a module leader on the MBA course and in 2023 I won a University Inspirational International Teaching Award. I am currently collaborating with colleagues at BAC on a research project into the literacy practices of traditional artisans in an art and craft co-operative in Ngamiland, northern Botswana.
I am an active member of PAWBL (Professional, Academic, and Work-Based Literacies), a SIG within BAAL (British Association of Applied Linguistics) and I was the committee convenor from 2022 to 2024, and events lead from 2020 to 2022.
I started working at SHU full-time in 2011 as a senior lecturer in marketing. Before moving into higher education, I spent several years as a freelance marketer where one of my key clients was an international CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) study centre.
I started my career as an editor and marketing executive within the publishing division of the Thomas Cook Group. After four years in that role, and before going freelance, I was marketing manager for a UK-based HR consultancy from 1996 to 2002.
I have held governance positions on national CIM advisory groups, and I was the CIM Regional Chair Yorkshire from 2010 to 2015.
Sheffield Business School
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Subject Area
Courses Taught
MBA (part-time executive) Botswana Accountancy College
Modules Taught
Strategic Marketing Management and Decision Making
Battiston, G. (2023, 24-25 August). Materialising Stories through Basket Weaving: Exploring the Literacy Practices of Traditional Artisans in an Art and Craft Co-Operative in Ngamiland, Botswana (conference presentation). British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 56th Annual Conference 2023.
Battiston, G. (2022, 15-17 September). Writing Marketing: agency, collaboration, and voice (conference presentation). Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) 12th International and Interdisciplinary Conference 2022.
Battiston, G. (2021, 29 January). How do power relationships influence the distribution and recognition of literacy labour in the workplace? (conference presentation). Professional and Work-Based Literacies (PAWBL) 3rd Annual Symposium 2021.
Battiston, G. (2020, 24-25 September). Voice and textual identity in marketing practice (conference presentation). Exploring Ethnography, Language and Communication 8 (EELC8) 2020.
Other activities
Trustee for the Communication, Advertising, and Marketing (CAM) Education Foundation
Subject Examiner for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)