Greg Thomas

Greg Thomas MSc (Healthcare Education), BA(Hons), RMN, RN(T)

Senior Lecturer Mental Health Nursing


Having qualified as a Mental Health Nurse I specialised straightaway in the area of CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health), and my clinical career involved working predominantly with 5-12 year olds and their families who had a complex mixture of behavioural, emotional and social needs. Before coming to Sheffield Hallam I was a Clinical Nurse Manager of a regional CAMHS Unit, and I still have strong links to this clinical speciality.

Since coming to Hallam I have endeavoured to provide teaching which encourages students to explore concepts and ideas in a critical and challenging way in order to further their own knowledge.


I teach and assess across all levels of the pre-registration nursing courses. I am a Lead Link Lecturer for one of the Trusts that offer placements to our students, as well as being a Link Lecturer to other placement areas linked to my speciality. I am co-lead of Recruitment for Mental Health Nursing, which involves facilitating Open Events and interviewing course applicants. I am also Course Leader and Module Leader for an MSc in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health

My particular areas of interest are: Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health, Safeguarding, Communication, Managing Violence and Aggression, Attachment, Psychological Trauma, Parenting, Leadership and Management Styles and Interprofessional Working, Distance/Online learning.


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences, College of Business, Technology and Engineering

  • Mental Health Nursing (pre-registration MSc & BSc)
  • Mental Health awareness training for nursing and allied health professional students.
  • Inter-professional teaching across the integrated care curriculum within the School.

Courses taught

  • Pre-registration nursing courses (BSc & MSc).
  • MSc Child, Adolescent & Family Mental Health (Distance Learning course)



Painter, J. (2024). Evaluation of Rotherham’s Admiral Nursing Pilot Project.

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