Professor Guy Merchant CertEd, BEd Hons, MA, PhD
Professor of Literacy in Education
I am professor of literacy in education and have an international reputation for research in digital literacy. I am interested in the inter-relations between children and young people, new technology and literacy.
I am a founding editor of the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, and a member of the editorial board of the Literacy journal. I am active in education and professional work, including writing curriculum materials and professional publications.
My publications include the groundbreaking Web 2.0 for Schools (2009) written with Julia Davies and New Media in the Classroom (2018) with Cathy Burnett.
Department of Teacher Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
I teach on masters programmes in education and technology, and the EdD. I also supervise a number of PhD students.
Key Publications
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2020). Undoing the Digital Sociomaterialism and Literacy Education. Routledge.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2018). New Media in the Classroom Rethinking Primary Literacy. SAGE Publications Limited.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.). (2017). The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. Singapore: Springer.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.). (2017). The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. Singapore: Springer.
Parry, B., Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (Eds.). (2016). Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Parry, B., Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (Eds.). (2016). Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Journal articles
Merchant, G. (2022). Why alternative perspectives are important. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Guest, I. (2021). What matters to teachers about literacy teaching: exploring teachers’ everyday/everynight worlds through creative data visualization. Teaching and Teacher Education, 107, 103480.
Bulman, J., Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Rogers, E. (2021). Remembering Professional Commitments: Trusting in Teachers. Language and Literacy, 23 (2), 3-15.
Neumann, M., & Merchant, G. (2021). “That’s a Big Bad Wolf!”: Learning through teacher-child talk during shared reading of a story book app. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Guest, I. (2020). Postcards from literacy classrooms: possibilities for teacher-generated data visualisation. Education 3-13. International journal of primary, elementary and early years education.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Guest, I. (2020). Destabilising data: The use of creative data visualisation to generate professional dialogue. British Educational Research Journal.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2020). Returning to Text: Affect, meaning making and literacies. Reading Research Quarterly.
Merchant, G. (2020). Reading with technology: the new normal. Education 3-13, 1-11.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Neumann, M. (2019). Closing the gap? Overcoming limitations in sociomaterial accounts of early literacy. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
Burnett, C., Parry, B., Merchant, G., & Storey, V. (2019). Treading softly in the enchanted forest: exploring the integration of iPads in a participatory theatre education programme. Pedagogies: An Iternational Journal.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2019). Revisiting critical literacy in the digital age. The Reading teacher, 73 (3), 263-266.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Neumann, M. (2019). The appearance of literacy in new communicative practices: interrogating the politics of noticing. Cambridge Journal of Education.
Merchant, G. (2019). Schooling the smartphone. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 21, 194-195.
Neumann, M.M., Merchant, G., & Burnett, C. (2018). Young children and tablets: the views of parents and teachers. Early Child Development and Care, 1-12.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Parry, B., & Storey, V. (2018). Conceptualising digital technology integration in participatory theatre from a sociomaterialist perspective: ways forward for research. Research Papers in Education.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2018). Affective encounters: enchantment and the possibility of reading for pleasure. Literacy, 52 (2), 62-69.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2018). Literacy-as-event: accounting for relationality in literacy research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41 (1), 45-56.
Abrams, S.S., Rowsell, J., & Merchant, G. (2017). Virtual convergence: Exploring culture and meaning in playscapes. Teachers College Record, 119 (12).
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2017). Opening the case of the IPad : what matters and where next? The Reading Teacher, 71 (2), 239-242.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2016). Boxes of poison: baroque technique as antidote to simple views of literacy. Journal of Literacy Research, 48 (3), 258-279.
Barley, R., & Merchant, G. (2015). ‘The naughty person’: exploring dynamic aspects of identity and children’s discourses before and during the Libyan Uprising. Childhood, 23 (4), 477-491.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2015). The challenge of 21st Century literacies. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 59 (3), 271-274.
Merchant, G. (2015). Keep taking the tablets : iPads, story apps and early literacy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 38 (1), 3-11.
Merchant, G. (2015). Keep taking the tablets: iPads, story apps and early literacy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 2015 (FEB).
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Pahl, K., & Rowsell, J. (2014). The (im)materiality of literacy : the significance of subjectivity to new literacies research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35 (1), 90-103.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2014). Points of view : reconceptualising literacies through an exploration of adult and child interactions in a virtual world. Journal Of Research In Reading, 37 (1), 36-50.
Taylor, R., Burnett, C., Monkhouse, J., & Merchant, G. (2014). Zombie Apocalypse: Problem solving in a virtual world. Reading 3-11.
Gruszczynska, A., Merchant, G., & Pountney, R. (2013). "Digital futures in teacher education": Exploring open approaches towards digital literacy. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 11 (3), 193-206.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Daniels, K., Taylor, R., Bailey, C., & Monkhouse, J. (2013). Zombe Apocalypse: Children's problem-solving in a virtual world. English 4-11, (48), 7-10.
Merchant, G. (2013). The Trashmaster: literacy and new media. Language and Education, 27 (2), 144-160.
Gillen, J., & Merchant, G. (2013). Contact calls: Twitter as a dialogic social and linguistic practice. Language Sciences, 35, 47-58.
Merchant, G. (2012). Unravelling the social network: theory and research. Learning, Media and Technology, 37 (1), 4-19.
Merchant, G. (2012). Mobile practices in everyday life: popular digital technologies and schooling revisited. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43 (5), 770-782.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2011). Is there a space for critical literacy in the context of social media? English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 10 (1), 41-57.
Carrington, V., Merchant, G., & Vasquez, V. (2010). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10 (3), 243-246.
Merchant, G.H. (2010). 3D virtual worlds as environments for literacy learning. Educational research, 52 (2), 135-150.
Gillen, J., Marsh, J., McNaughton, S., Merchant, G., & Wells-Rowe, E. (2010). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10 (1), 3-5.
Merchant, G., & Carrington, V. (2009). Literacy and identity. Literacy (formerly Reading), 43 (2), 63-64.
Merchant, G. (2009). Literacy in virtual worlds. Journal of research in reading (special issue: New developments in literacy and technology), 32 (1), 38-56.
Merchant, G.H. (2009). Web 2.0, new literacies, and the idea of learning through participation. English teaching: practice and critique, 8 (3), 8-20.
Merchant, G. (2009). Web 2.0, new literacies, and the idea of learning through participation. English Teaching, 8 (3), 107-122.
Merchant, G. (2008). Log-on to an abandoned world. English, four to eleven, 33.
Marsh, J., & Merchant, G. (2008). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 8 (1), 5-6.
Merchant, G. (2007). Writing the future in the digital age. Literacy, 41 (3), 118-128.
Merchant, G. (2007). Mind the Gap(s): discourses and discontinuity in digital literacies. E-Learning, 4 (3), 241.
Merchant, G., Dickinson, P., Burnett, C., & Myers, J. (2006). Do you like dogs or writing? Identity performance in childen's digital message exchange. English in Education, 40 (3), 21-38.
Merchant, G. (2006). Identity, Social Networks and Online Communication. E-Learning, 3 (2), 235.
Burnett, C., Dickinson, P., Myers, J., & Merchant, G.H. (2006). Digital connections transforming literacy in the primary school. Cambridge journal of education, 36 (1), 11-29.
Merchant, G. (2005). Electric involvement: identity performance in children's informal digital writing. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 26 (3), 301-314.
Merchant, G.H. (2005). Digikids: cool dudes and the new writing. E-learning, 2 (1), 50-60.
Merchant, G. (2004). Imagine All that Stuff Really Happening: narrative and identity in children's on-screen writing. E-Learning, 1 (3), 341.
Merchant, G. (2004). May the force be with you: e-mail and sci-fi writing at Key Stage 2. Primary English, 9 (4).
Merchant, G., Burnett, C., & Keating, C. (2004). Shooting the story. Primary English, 9 (5), 20-24.
Burnett, C., Dickinson, P., Merchant, G., & Myers, J. (2004). Digikids. Primary English Magazine, 9 (4), 16-20.
Burnett, C., Dickinson, P., McDonagh, J., Merchant, G., Myers, J., & Wilkinson, J. (2003). L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 3 (1/2), 149-167.
Burnett, C., Dickinson, P., Mcdonagh, J., Merchant, G., Myers, J., & Wilkinson, J. (2003). From Recreation to Reflection: Digital conversations in Educational Contexts. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 3 (1/2), 149-167.
Merchant, G. (2003). E-mail me your thoughts: digital communication and narrative writing. Literacy (formerly Reading), 37 (3), 104-110.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2003). Y6 pupils have a weird experience. Primary English Magazine, 8 (4), 29-32.
Browne, A., Dyson, A.H., Hall, N., Marsh, J., & Merchant, G. (2003). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 3 (3), 219-222.
Merchant, G.H. (2001). Teenagers in cyberspace: an investigation of language use and language change in internet chatrooms. Journal of research in reading, 24 (3), 293-306.
Browne, A., Dyson, A.H., Hall, N., Marsh, J., & Merchant, G. (2001). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 1 (1), 5-7.
Merchant, G., & Monteith, M. (1997). Laptop as Messenger: an Exploration of the Role of Portables in Home-School Liaison. Literacy (formerly Reading), 31 (2), 23-26.
Leat, D. (1993). A Conceptual Model of Competence. British Journal of In-Service Education, 19 (2), 35-40.
Poulson, L., & Merchant, G. (1991). National Curriculum Training and Teachers' Professional Development. British Journal of In-Service Education, 17 (1), 13-18.
Poulson, L., & Merchant, G. (1991). National curriculum training and teachers’ professional development. British Journal of In-Service Education, 17 (1), 13-18.
Cazden, C.B., & Woollard, N. (1987). Work in progress. Language and Education, 1 (1), 69-72.
Book chapters
Merchant, G. (2020). Media Transformations. In Child-Parent Research Reimagined. (pp. 38-53). BRILL:
Merchant, G., & Devender-Kraft, D. (2019). On being thrown together: Living and learning in diversity. In Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy: Assembling Theory and Practice. (pp. 115-125).
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2019). Virtual play: Developing a baroque sensibility. In The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood. (pp. 342-353).
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2019). Stacking stories as method: research in early years settings. In Kucirkova, N., Rowsell, J., & Falloon, G. (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood. (pp. 143-154). Routledge:
Daniels, K. (2017). Children's engagement with iPads in early years classrooms: Exploring peer cultures and transforming practices. In Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.) The case of the iPad mobile literacies in education. (pp. 195-210). Singapore: Springer:
Bailey, C.J., Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2017). Assembling literacies in virtual play. In Mills, K., Stornaiuolio, A., Smith, A., & Zacher Pandya, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Writing, Literacies and Education in Digital Cultures. London: Routledge
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2017). The case of the iPad. In Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.) The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. (pp. 1-14). Singapore: Springer:
Merchant, G. (2017). Hands, fingers and iPads. In Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.) The case of the iPad: Mobile literacies in education. (pp. 245-256). Singapore: Springer:
Caine, J., Davies, J., & Williams, B.T. (2017). Game 2 Engage: Using iPads to Mediate and Develop Social Relationships in College Learning. In Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Simpson, A., & Walsh, M. (Eds.) The Case of the iPad : Mobile Literacies in Education. (pp. 143-158). Springer:
(2016). Building Bridges. SensePublishers:
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2016). Assembling virtual play in the classroom. In Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic:
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Parry, B. (2016). Past, present, future. In Literacy, media, technology: past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic:
Merchant, G., Burnett, C., & Parry, B. (2016). Literacy, Media, Technology. In Literacy, Media, Technology: Past, Present and Future. (pp. 1-7).
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Parry, B. (2016). Past, Present, Future. In Literacy, Media, Technology: Past, Present and Future. (pp. 233-243).
Merchant, G. (2015). Virtual worlds and online videogames for children and young people: promises and challenges. In Guzetti, B., & Lesley, M. (Eds.) Handbook of research on the societal impact of social media. (pp. 291-316). Hershey, PA: IGI Global:
Merchant, G. (2015). Virtual worlds and online videogames for children and young people : promises and challenges. In Guzzetti, B., & Millinee, L. (Eds.) The handbook of research on the societal impact of social media. (pp. 291-316). Hersey, PA: IGI Global
Merchant, G. (2015). Apps, adults and young children: researching digital literacy practices in context. In Jones, R.H., Chik, A., & Hafner, C.A. (Eds.) Discourse and digital practices: doing discourse analysis in the digital age’. (pp. 144-157). Abingdon: Routledge
Burnett, C., & Bailey, C.J. (2014). Conceptualizing collaborations in hybrid sites : playing Minecraft together and apart in a primary classroom. In Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. (pp. 50-71). New York: Routledge
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (2014). New meaning-making practices : a charter for literacy education. In Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. (pp. 154-166). New York: Routledge
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (2014). New meaning-making practices : a charter for literacy education. In Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. (pp. 154-166). New York: Routledge
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (2014). Changing contexts for the 21st century literacies. In Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. (pp. 1-13). New York: Routledge
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (2014). Changing contexts for the 21st century literacies. In Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.) New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. (pp. 1-13). New York: Routledge
Merchant, G. (2014). Linguistic diversity and language awareness: The views of primary school teachers. In Language Awareness in the Classroom. (pp. 51-61).
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2013). Learning, literacies and new technologies : the current context and future possibilities. In Larson, J., & Marsh, J. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy. 2nd ed. (pp. 575-587). London: SAGE
Abrams, S.S., & Merchant, G. (2013). The Digital Challenge. (pp. 319-332). Wiley:
(2012). Virtual literacies: interactive spaces for children and young people. London: Routledge
(2012). Virtual literacies: interactive spaces for children and young people. London: Routledge
Merchant, G. (2012). Critical media literacy. In Chappelle, C.A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell:
Merchant, G. (2012). The dagger of doom and the mighty handbag: Exploring identity in children’s on-screen writing. In Literacy Moves On: Using Popular Culture, New Technologies and Critical Literacy in the Primary Classroom. (pp. 59-75).
Merchant, G. (2010). Virtual worlds in real life classrooms. In Carrington, V., & Robinson, M. (Eds.) Digital literacies : social learning and classroom practices. London: Sage
Merchant, G. (2010). Social media and primary school children. In Bazalgette, C. (Ed.) Teaching media in primary schools. London: Sage
Merchant, G.H. (2010). View my profile(s). In Alvermann, D. (Ed.) Adolescents' online literacies. (pp. 51-70). New York: Peter Lang
Merchant, G. (2010). Visual networks: learning through Photosharing. In Knobel, M., & Lankshear, C. (Eds.) DIY media: digital literacies and learning through popular cultural production. New York: Peter Lang
Davies, J., & Merchant, G. (2010). Negotiating the Blogosphere: narratives of the self onscreen. In Carrington, V., & Robinson, M. (Eds.) Digital literacies : social learning and classroom practices. London: Sage
Davies, J. (2009). Negotiating the Blogosphere: Educational Possibilities. In Digital Literacies: Social Learning and Classroom Practices. (pp. 81-94). SAGE Publications Ltd:
Merchant, G. (2009). Learning for the future: emerging technologies and social participation. In Hin, L.T.W., & Subramaniam, R.R. (Eds.) Handbook of research on literacy in technology at the K-12 level. Hershey, Pa: Idea Group Reference
Merchant, G. (2008). Early reading development. In Marsh, J., & Hallet, E. (Eds.) Desirable literacies (2nd ed.). London: Paul Chapman/Sage
Merchant, G. (2008). Digikids, cool dudes and the new writing. In Mackey, M. (Ed.) Media literacies : major themes in education. (pp. 245-261). London: Routledge
Merchant, G. (2007). Digital writing in the early years. In Coiro, J., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., & Leu, D.J. (Eds.) Handbook of research on new literacies. (pp. 751-774). New York: Laurence Erlbaum
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., & Myers, J. (2007). English and ICT. In Cremin, T., & Dombey, H. (Eds.) The handbook of primary English initial teacher education. (pp. 81-101). Leicester/Sheffield: United Kingdom Literacy Association/National Association for the Teaching of English
Merchant, G. (2006). A sign of the times: looking critically at digital writing. In Marsh, J., & Millard, E. (Eds.) Popular literacies, childhood and schooling. (pp. 93-108). London: Routledge
Merchant, G. (2005). The dagger of doom and the magic handbag: writing on-screen. In Evans, J. (Ed.) Literacy moves on : popular culture, new technologies, and critical literacy in the elementary classroom. (pp. 59-75). London: David Fulton
Merchant, G. (2004). What's your a/s/l? Electronic communication and synchronous chat. In Monteith, M. (Ed.) Teaching secondary school literacies with ICT. (pp. 133-149). Buckingham: Open University
Merchant, G. (2004). Barbie meets Bob the Builder at the Workstation: young children and digital writing. In Marsh, J. (Ed.) Popular culture, new media and digital literacy in early childhood. (pp. 183-200). Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer
Merchant, G. (2001). Supporting readers. In Harrison, C., & Coles, M. (Eds.) The reading for real handbook (2nd ed.). (pp. 191-208). London: RoutledgeFarmer
Merchant, G. (1998). Primary English. In Cashdam, A., & Overall, L. (Eds.) Teaching in primary schools. London: Cassell
Merchant, G. (1991). Language awareness and linguistic diversity. In James, C., & Garrett, P. (Eds.) Language awareness in the classroom. (pp. 75-92). London: Longman
Merchant, G. (1989). Teacher training in multilingual Britain. In Geach, J., & Broadbent, J. (Eds.) Coherence in diversity. (pp. 56-83). London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching
(n.d.). Landscapes of Specific Literacies in Contemporary Society. Routledge:
(n.d.). Popular Culture, New Media and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood. Routledge:
(n.d.). Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self. Routledge:
Angay-Crowder, T., Pace, C.L., Cho, A., Shin, J., & Eun, M. (n.d.). Global Conversations in Literacy Research. Routledge:
Merchant, G., Burnett, C., Bulman, J., & Rogers, E. (2021). Stacking Stories: Exploring the hinterland of education. Peter Lang.
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.). (2014). New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. New York: Routledge.
Burnett, C., Davies, J., Merchant, G., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.). (2014). New literacies around the Globe : policy and pedagogy. New York: Routledge.
Merchant, G., Davies, J., Gillen, J., & Marsh, J. (Eds.). (2013). Virtual Literacies online spaces for children and young people. Routledge.
Dowson, P., & Merchant, G. (2011). Scholastic writing guides: Adventure stories 7-9 years. Leamingston Spa: Scholastic.
Merchant, G. (2010). Scholastic writing guides: Sci-fi stories 7-9 years. Leamingston Spa: Scholastic.
Davies, J., & Merchant, G. (2009). Web 2.0 for schools : learning and social participation. New York ; Oxford: Peter Lang.
Merchant, G., & Thomas, H. (2001). Non-fiction for the literacy hour. London: David Fulton.
Merchant, G. (2000). Traditional stories. Leamingston Spa: Scholastic.
Merchant, G., Thomas, H., & Cooper, K. (Eds.). (1999). Picture books for the literacy hour : activities for primary teachers. London: David Fulton.
Merchant, G. (1999). Handa's surprise. Leamington Spa: Scholastic.
Merchant, G. (1999). The snow maze. Leamington Spa: Scholastic.
Merchant, G., & Marsh, J. (1998). Co-ordinating primary language and literacy : the subject leader's handbook. London: Chapman.
Thomas, P., Jay, T., Willis, B., Taylor, R., Merchant, G., Moore, N., ... Stevens, A. (2019). Dialogic Teaching: Addendum Report. Education Endowment Foundation.
Thomas, P., Jay, T., Willis, B., Taylor, R., Merchant, G., Moore, N., ... Stevens, A. (2019). Dialogic Teaching: Addendum Report. London, UK: Education Endowment Foundation.
Burnett, C., & Merchant, G. (2017). Using stacking stories to investigate children’s virtual world play in a primary classroom. Sage.
Jay, T., Willis, B., Thomas, P., Taylor, R., Moore, N., Burnett, C., ... Stevens, A. (2017). Dialogic Teaching : Evaluation Report and Executive Summary. London, UK: Education Endowment Foundation.
Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Daniels, K., & Garrick, R. (2014). Expert Review of Booktrust Resources.
Clague, L., Merchant, G., & Levy, R. (2012). Evaluation of Booked Up. Booktrust.
Theses / Dissertations
Noon, E.J. (2021). Social Comparisons on Instagram and Adolescent Identity Development: A Mixed-Methods Study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G., Stirling, E., & Culliney, M.
Laingen, G.P. (2020). Enacting affordances: an investigation of digitally mediated multimodal assessment in higher education. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.
Formby, E. (2018). A sociological exploration of lived experiences of LGBT people in the UK. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.
Bailey, C.J. (2017). Investigating the lived experience of an after-school Minecraft club. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Burnett, C., & Merchant, G.
Dunning, J.M. (2015). Professionalism : A study of English post-1992 university hospitality management academics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M., Merchant, G., & Garland, P.
Pountney, R. (2014). Trials and tribunals: consensus seeking in course design approval in Higher Education. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.
Barley, R. (2013). An anthropological exploration of identity and social interaction in a multi-ethnic classroom. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G., Bath, C., & Salway, S.
Tyldesley, A. (2013). A socio-cultural approach to higher education students' experiences with academic literacies. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.
Cinderey, L.E. (2011). Peer mentored teams to support undergraduate group work in higher education. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Rosie, A., & Merchant, G.
Demissie, A.F. (2011). Students' perceptions of the use of seminars in teacher education. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.
Baroud, F. (2011). The development of e-learning in a Lebanese higher education context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Hudson, B., & Merchant, G.
Daniels, K., Bailey, C., Merchant, G., & Burnett, C. (2018). Playful Literacies in Contemporary Places: Movement and meaning in early literacy classrooms (Symposium). Presented at: ESRC Festival of Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University
Other publications
Davies, J., & Merchant, G.H. (2007). Looking from the inside out: academic blogging as new literacy. New York: Peter Lang:
Burnett, C., Myers, J., & Merchant, G. (n.d.). English and ICT. National Association for the Teaching of English:
Other activities
Current projects
- evaluation of EEF projects (2012-2013)
- evaluation of the Bookstart programme (2012-2013)
- JISC : Digital Futures in Teacher Education (2011–2012)
Postgraduate supervision
'Social media in higher education'
'The writing of Thai-English bilinguals'
'Students’ academic literacies'
'Student-produced digital artifacts'
Guy is Professor of Literacy Education and has a particular interest is in the ways in which digital media are changing the ways in which literacy is used in everyday life. This interest has led to a number of research studies on digital literacy, focusing on the ways in which children and young people use new technology and literacy in their daily life and in educational settings. He has published studies on online chat, blogging, virtual worlds and more recently on the use of iPads in early years settings.