Hayley Chauhdry

Hayley Chauhdry RN, BA (Hons), PGCE, MMedSci

Associate Head of School: Health and Social Care (Interprofessional Education and Experts by Experience)


My clinical background has been in acute stroke nursing and community nursing before joining SHU in November 2015 as a lecturer. I am currently an Associate Head in the School of Health and Social Care, leading on our interprofessional education strategy and Experts by Experience Team. 



Upon qualifying as a registered nurse, I worked in acute stroke services as a staff nurse, sister and clinical educator, before moving into community nursing services. I had always been passionate about educating the student nurses I worked with, and joined SHU in November 2015. Since joining Hallam I have taught students on the BSc and MSc pre-registration nursing courses, whilst also taking on other roles such as a link lecturer, module leader and nursing and midwifery department recruitment lead. I am currently an Associate Head for the School, leading on our interprofessional education provision across many health and social care services. I also lead our 'Experts by Experience' Team; a team of people with lived experiences who provide valuable insight and experiences to our students.




School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences




Courses taught

BSc/MSc Nursing and Interprofessional Education


Modules taught

Various modules across the course including personal and professional development, sciences, research, stroke and public health.



Day, P., Peckover, S., Hazelby, G., Chauhdry, H., Kirkham, L., & Mcaleavy, J. (2018). Putting new therapeutic communication skills into public health nursing practice: the student experience. British journal of school nursing, 13 (8), 386-392. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjsn.2018.13.8.386

Chauhdry, H., (2022). Understanding the importance of recognising, treating and preventing stroke. Nursing Standard, 37, 1, 77-82




Journal articles

Day, P., Peckover, S., Hazelby, G., Chauhdry, H., Kirkham, L., & Mcaleavy, J. (2018). Putting new therapeutic communication skills into public health nursing practice: the student experience. British journal of school nursing, 13 (8), 386-392. http://doi.org/10.12968/bjsn.2018.13.8.386

Other activities

I am currently a co-opted governor at a local primary school, ensuring that children are supported to achieve their potential.

Postgraduate supervision

I am a supervisor for L7 dissertation students.

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