Dr Helen Sheehan BA (Hons), MA, EdD, PGCE, FHEA
Senior Lecturer
Subject leader for the Secondary Religious Education PGCE and cluster lead for Secondary Humanities and Social Science PGCE courses.
Secondary RE provision and collaborative working across HEIs to secure strong subject ITE provision. The place of subject specialism and pedagogy within ITE programmes.
Department of Teacher Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
I am the course leader for the RE PGCE course, and responsible for all humanities PGCE provision (RE, History, Geography, Citizenship and Social Sciences).
PGCE Religious Education
Developing and Reflecting on Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Secondary Religious Education
I have contributed some chapters to - Hramiak, A. and Hudson, T. (2011) Understanding Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools. Longman (as Helen Cook).
Sheehan, H. (ed). (forthcoming). Mentoring Religious Education Teachers in the Secondary School. Routledge.
Other activities
Member of NATRE and AULRE
I am a member of Sheffield SACRE and, working with Learn Sheffield, lead the local network groups for Primary RE Co-ordinators and Secondary RE Specialists.