Iain Garner

Dr Iain Garner PhD, MBA, PgCert

Dean of College, Social Science and Arts


As Dean of College, I oversee the work of our social sciences and arts departments in helping to transform the lives of students, staff and communities both local and further afield. 


I have worked at Sheffield Hallam University since 1992 in various academic roles. As the programme leader for the applied social sciences programme, I developed new courses and introduced new student support systems. I developed and implemented the first cross-university postgraduate forensic studies programme in accounting, psychology, criminology and science.

Since 2005 I have had a senior academic leadership role. From 2005–07 I led on the student experience and the development of our courses. I then became head of markets and recruitment (2008–10). In this role I was tasked with ensuring we met the needs of students in a changing higher education market. In 2011, my role expanded to include international students as well as those from the UK.

My role before becoming College Dean, was leading the Department of Education, Childhood & Inclusion which brought me back to a closer working relationship with staff and students on the delivery of excellent courses and high-quality academic research. This role also included positioning the department externally to ensure the department gains the recognition and esteem for the excellent work it does.

In the field of forensic psychology I'm particularly interested in perception and crime, whether from the first-person perspective of an eyewitness, or how crime is perceived in the media.

This area of forensic investigation is particularly challenging to teach because of how perception is psychologically constructed and how this 'constructed understanding' can cause problems for an adversarial legal system.

For example, how can a court identify an honest witness's mistaken account if the witness completely believes their memories to be accurate?

A similar issue develops around the media's portrayal of crime which shapes the wider society's understanding of what crime is, who perpetrates crime and how crime is solved.

Such media presentations have a strong influence on society's understanding, but they can be inaccurate. This leads to the consideration of whether such misunderstandings create further problems when trying to address crime.


College of Social Sciences and Arts


Journal articles

Marsden, R., Francis, J., & Garner, I. (2019). Use of GFCF Diets in children with ASD. An investigation into parents' beliefs using the theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-04035-8

Cashdan, A., & Garner, I. (2015). Psychology and religion [1]. Psychologist, 28 (8), 607.

Al Ali, O.E., Garner, I., & Magadley, W. (2012). An Exploration of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in Police Organizations. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 27 (1), 1-8. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-011-9088-9

Garner, I., Maltby, J., & Lord, J. (2001). Developing virtual support for students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17 (2), 217-218. http://doi.org/10.1046/j.0266-4909.2001.00174.x

Garner, I. (2000). Problems and Inconsistencies with Kolb's Learning Styles. Educational Psychology, 20 (3), 341-348. http://doi.org/10.1080/713663745

Maltby, J., Garner, I., Alan Lewis, C., & Day, L. (2000). Religious orientation and schizotypal traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 28 (1), 143-151. http://doi.org/10.1016/s0191-8869(99)00090-2

MALTBY, J. (1999). SOCIAL INTERESTS AND EYSENCK'S PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS. Psychological Reports, 85 (5), 197. http://doi.org/10.2466/pr0.85.5.197-200

Maltby, J., Macaskill, A., Day, L., & Garner, I. (1999). Social Interests and Eysenck's Personality Dimensions. Psychological Reports, 85 (1), 197-200. http://doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1999.85.1.197

Conference papers

White, N., Garner, I., & Rumbold, J. (2022). Design of a functionally equivalent mental simulation protocol for learning cardiac arrest skills [Abstract only]. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 2 (S1), A28-A29. http://doi.org/10.54531/JODG4926

White, N., Rumbold, J., & Garner, I. (2022). A study into the perceptions of pre-registration nurses’ use of mental simulation for learning cardiac arrest skills [Abstract only]. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 2 (S1), A24-A25. http://doi.org/10.54531/DVYN3727

Book chapters

Taylor, C., Harris-Evans, J., Garner, I., Fitzgerald, D., & Madriaga, M. (2018). Measurement imperatives and their impact: Academic staff narratives on riding the metric tide. In Equality and differentiation in marketised higher education: A new level playing field?. (pp. 171-194). Palgrave Macmillan: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78313-0

Theses / Dissertations

Al-Ali, O.E. (2011). Police selection via psychological testing : A United Arab Emirates study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garner, I., & Magadley, W.

Moore, D.J. (2010). The social cognition and attentional preferences of autistic adults. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Reidy, L., Francis, J., & Garner, I.

Beardon, L. (2008). Asperger Syndrome and perceived offending conduct: a qualitative study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garner, I., & Senior, P.

Other activities

I carry out consultancy and am a member of the British Psychological Society.

I'm an academic representative on the University Strategic Marketing Development Group, and a chief academic for university graduation ceremonies. I also help manage the recruitment of students who declare criminal convictions.


My research interests include eyewitness testimony and applied forensic psychology. I am part of the Psychology Research Group at the University.

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