Jemma Monkhouse

Doctor Jemma Monkhouse BA (Hons), MA Learning and Teaching

Senior Lecturer in Primary and Early Years Education


I am the Course Leader for the BA Early Years and Primary Educations (3-7) and BA Primary Education (5-11) courses. I am also the Student Success Lead for completion and attainment across the Sheffield Institute of Education. My teaching specialisms include primary English, educational research and professional learning. 



I joined the Primary education team at Sheffield Hallam in September 2013. Prior to this I taught in Key Stage 2 and was subject leader for Literacy across the early years and primary age range.

At Sheffield Hallam I am the Course Leader for the BA Early Years and Primary Educations (3-7) and BA Primary Education (5-11) courses. I am also the Student Success Lead for completion and attainment across the Sheffield Institute of Education.

My teaching interests mainly involve the teaching of English, particularly in relation to drama and digital literacies.



Department of Teacher Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

BA Early Years and Primary Educations (3-7) with QTS and BA Primary Education (5-11) with QTS.



The research for my MA in Learning and Teaching has focused on the teaching of English. This has included the use of drama, digital literacies and cross-curricular links. My MA dissertation project focused on the evolution of language and grammar and implications for the teaching of English.

I am currently studying on the Doctorate in Education course at Sheffield Hallam and my research is investigating the role of drama in exploring the affective dimensions of English.

While working in school and during my time at Sheffield Hallam, I have been part of a teacher/researcher group at Sheffield Hallam, which explores children's use of 21st century literacies.  Research has focused on children’s uses of digital literacies and their explorations of virtual worlds. We have presented this research at UKLA (United Kingdom Literacy Association) international conferences in 2011, 2012 and 2016 and published articles about the projects in English 4-11 Magazine.

In 2016 I participated in a lesson study project with local teachers and the Sheffield Hallam Primary English team investigating descriptive approaches to grammar teaching. This research was presented at UKLA's International Conference in 2016.


Journal articles

Daniels, K., Burnett, C., Bower, K., Escott, H., Ehiyazaryan-White, E., Hatton, A., & Monkhouse, J. (2019). Early years teachers and digital literacies: Navigatinga kaleidoscope of discourses. Education and Information Technologies, 25 (4), 2415-2426.

Taylor, R., Burnett, C., Monkhouse, J., & Merchant, G. (2014). Zombie Apocalypse: Problem solving in a virtual world. Reading 3-11.

Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Daniels, K., Taylor, R., Bailey, C., & Monkhouse, J. (2013). Zombe Apocalypse: Children's problem-solving in a virtual world. English 4-11, (48), 7-10.

Book chapters

Monkhouse, J., & Smith, L. (2025). Drama: movement and meaning making. In Daniels, K., & Helks, M. (Eds.) An Introduction to Diverse Literacies in Primary Classrooms: Perspectives on pedagogy and practice. Routledge: London

Theses / Dissertations

Monkhouse, J. (2024). Emergent experiences of primary aged participants in an after-school drama club. (Doctoral thesis).


Monkhouse, J., & Booth, J. (2022). Teaching Assistants' Insights following a one-to-one Year 3 Reading Intervention: Gentle negotiations. Presented at: 2022 United Kingdom Literacy Association International Conference, McDonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham

Ehiyazaryan- White, E., Hatton, A., & Monkhouse, J. (2018). Teachers' beliefs, experiences and perceptions of digital and multimodal literacies in early years settings. Presented at: UKLA 54th International Conference. Literacies in a changing world: creativity, criticality, empowerment, Cardiff, Wales

Daniels, K., & Monkhouse, J. (2017). Working collaboratively to develop a descriptive pedagogy of grammar. Presented at: Faculty of Development and Society Research Conference: Challenging norms and conventions in education, pedagogy and employability, Sheffield Hallam University

Daniels, K., Myers, J., Monkhouse, J., & Creasey-Gray, L. (2016). Working Collaboratively to Develop a Descriptive Pedagogy of Grammar : A research report. Presented at: UKLA 52nd International Conference. Literacy, Equality and Diversity. Bringing voices together: 50 years of literacy continuity and change, Bristol, UK

Other activities

Previously Chair of Governors for Ashgate Croft School for 9 years
Currently Trustee for The Learners' Trust, and Chair of their Standards and Performance Committee

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