Dr Jo Watts PhD, MSc, MRes. FHEA, CIPD
Senior Lecturer and Principle of Responsible Management Academic Lead
I am the Business Studies Course Leader and Principles of Responsible Management Education lead for the Department of Management. In this role, I blend theory with practice, drawing on my career as Learning and Development Manager at the Body Shop, an independent consultant facilitating change at the Home Office (part of New Labours Modernising Government programme) and in the third sector, leading projects that aligned social policy with the needs of local communities. I draw upon this experience as course leader. In doing so, I address the significance of responsible practice and creative and innovative approaches to address the demand for sustainable business.
Over the course of my time in academia, I draw on my wealth of experience from my former career. This spanned 30 years over the course of which I held senior roles at The Body Shop, worked as an independent consultant facilitating Governmental change Programs and creating innovative, collaborative non-profit projects. My experience allows me to highlight the scope individuals in organisations to be innovative, creative business and respond to complex local and global challenges.
Through the Business Studies Course, I support students over the duration of their degree and beyond. This means that students create professional relationships across the course and with alumni – students who have left the course and are crafting their role as future innovators and responsible business leaders. Mt teaching focuses on modules that form an integral part of the course such as responsible and ethical business helping students identify solutions related to the need for sustainable business solutions. I also supervise and support students’ final year Consultancy Project in Business Studies, the pinnacle of the degree where students work independently to resolve real business issues.
As well as teaching, supervising and supporting students, I am involved in pedagogical research projects that emphasise the importance of the student voice in shaping assessment projects, the importance of student communities and the role of generation Z in responding to the challenges of sustainable and responsible Business. I also undertake research that straddle organisational and policy studies. Specifically, it addresses the importance of language in orienting non-profit collaboration and the subsequent implications for the non-profit sector.
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
PRME (Principles of Management Education) department lead
Member of the Research and Innovation Leadership Group
Subject Area:
Strategic Management, Enterprise and Change
Courses taught:
Business Studies
Modules taught:
- Business Consultancy Project
- Sustainable and Responsible Business
- Responsible and Ethical Business Practice.
- MBA Enterprise
- MBA strategy
- MSc Coaching and Mentoring
- Business Consultancy
- Implementing Strategy and Change
- Responsible and Ethical Business Practice
- Strategic Management
- Business' in Practice
- Strategic Management
- Enterprise Change and Creativity
- Contemporary Organisations
Constructing non-profit collaboration between 1997 – 2019 – a discursive exploration
- Watts, J. (2022). Constructing non-profit collaboration:a macro discursive institutional perspective. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Bennett, E., Bennett, A., & Patmore, B. https://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00476
- Calver, J., Littlewood, G., Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2022). Wearing your ethics: The sustainability gap between purchasing intentions versus actions. The case of generation z students. BAM 2022 Conference, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, 2022 - 2 September 2022. The British Academy of Management: https://www.bam.ac.uk/events-landing/conference.html
- Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2022). Sustainability applied; the perspective of giving students a voice in Sheffield Business School. Presented at: Advance HE Island of Ireland Symposium 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 2022
- Duffy, M., Watts, J.L., Ainsworth, B., Amin, R., Cronk, H., & Jones, L. (2021). Co-creating sustainability and responsibility: Exploring students perceptions of the classroom / workplace relationship. Presented at: Sustainability symposium: Facing forward with Sustainability - Principles, Progress and Partnership, Virtual, 2021
- Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2020). Earning the commitment of millennials, the secret weapon of Corporate Social Responsibility. In British Academy of Management 2020 In the Cloud Conference, Manchester, UK (Virtual), 2 September 2020 - 4 September 2020. British Academy of Management: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/1520/secure/program-app/submission/206494
Conference papers
Calver, J., Littlewood, G., Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2022). Wearing your ethics: The sustainability gap between purchasing intentions versus actions. The case of generation z students. In Darabi, F. (Ed.) BAM 2022 Conference, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, 2022 - 2 September 2022. The British Academy of Management: https://www.bam.ac.uk/events-landing/conference.html
Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2021). The world is literally on fire, so why are we so slow to react? Implementing Responsible Business in curricula. Giving students a voice in Sheffield Business School. In Recovering from Covid: Responsible Management and Reshaping the Economy, Conference in the Cloud, 2021 - 3 September 2021. The British Academy of Management: https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/1821/submission/49
Watts, J., & Duffy, M. (2020). Operationalising Theory; a Framework to Explore How Policy Guides Organisational Action. In BAM 2020 Conference in the Cloud, Virtual conference, 2 September 2020 - 4 September 2020. Oxford Abstracts: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/1520/secure/program-app/submission/206493
Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2020). Earning the commitment of millennials, the secret weapon of Corporate Social Responsibility. In British Academy of Management 2020 In the Cloud Conference, Manchester, UK (Virtual), 2 September 2020 - 4 September 2020. British Academy of Management: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/1520/secure/program-app/submission/206494
Theses / Dissertations
Watts, J. (2022). Constructing non-profit collaboration:a macro discursive institutional perspective. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Bennett, E., Bennett, A., & Patmore, B. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00476
Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2022). Sustainability applied; the perspective of giving students a voice in Sheffield Business School. Presented at: Advance HE Island of Ireland Symposium 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 2022
Duffy, M., & Watts, J. (2021). Incremental Formative Feedback for Success in Responsible and Ethical Business Practice. Presented at: Sheffield Business School Green Day Conference, 2021
Duffy, M., Watts, J.L., Ainsworth, B., Amin, R., Cronk, H., & Jones, L. (2021). Co-creating sustainability and responsibility: Exploring students perceptions of the classroom / workplace relationship. Presented at: Sustainability symposium: Facing forward with Sustainability - Principles, Progress and Partnership, Virtual, 2021
Watts, J. (2016). The future of the Voluntary Action in Unsettled times. Collaboration among non-profit organisations in policy discourse.
Other activities
Member of the CIPD