Jonathan Wood

Jonathan D Wood BA (Hons)

Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design


Currently Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design at Sheffield Hallam. Throughout my meandering career path I have actively enjoyed the roles of a graphic design student, full time musician, managing director, multimedia design student, digital artist, freelance designer, teacher and lecturer. After initially studying Graphic Design I moved towards Motion Graphics and Multimedia Design. During this period I started teaching the subject part-time but after winning awards and industry accreditation I went on to work for RealtimeUK, responding to the creative multimedia challenges of a variety of high profile corporate clients, including Jaguar, Sony and Rolls Royce. Obtaining my PGCE I returned to teaching full time and subsequently joined Sheffield Hallam University as a senior lecturer while maintaining my private creative practice and musical interests. I hope that this range of experience to date offers value in the exchange that is education.


As a design educator I find that the only real constant is change itself. Working intrinsically with time, as a motion designer, one is acutely aware that visual communication is an entity in flux. The changing nature of technology, design tools and systems enable new creators to work in ways that they previously may not have considered or even imagined would be an option. With the wisdom of predecessors and the opportunities afforded by new technology, innovative approaches and both analogue and digital processes, the prospect for future designers is an exciting expansion on and a constant redefinition of this kinetic field of creative practice.

Currently my research focuses on data and information and its translation into 3D form as meaningful memento and I am currently furthering this exploration into how this might add value in the education process, in particular assessment and feedback. I am also in the process of completing FHEA accreditation while teaching and module leading.

Specialist areas of interest

motion design
graphic design
motion graphics
interactive design
information graphics and data objects


Subject area

Visual Communication


BA (Honours) Graphic Design
BA (Honours) Illustration


Translation Transmission L5
Design Practice L4
Practice Skills (DMP)


Current research projects

See me, Touch me, Move me - Investigating the integration of the digital with the material for kinetic storytelling.
The Value of Designing Feedback

Selected research projects

Enhancing museum visits through the creation of data visualisation to support informed choices and the recording and sharing of experiences.
Making the Transient Permanent

Collaborators and sponsors

Paddy McEntaggert, Ian Gwilt, Melanie Levick Parkin, Georgia FLOUDA


Key Publications

Mcentaggart, P., Levick-Parkin, M., & Wood, J. (2016). Making the Transient Permanent : exploring the translation of personal data into material forms via the 3D printing of memory objects. Making Futures, 4.

Levick-Parkin, M., Mcentaggart, P., Gwilt, I., & Wood, J. (2015). Enhancing museum visits through the creation of data visualization to support informed choices and the recording and sharing of experiences. In The Pararchive Project Open access community storytelling and the digital archive, University of Leeds, 27 March 2015 - 28 March 2015.

Conference papers

Levick-Parkin, M., Flouda, G., & Wood, J. (2015). Visual translations of ancient heritage – re-contextualising ancient European script through contemporary visual communication methods and media. In EAA European Association of Archaeologists Conference, Glasgow, 2 September 2015 - 3 September 2015.

Other activities

Outreach – RI annually run animation sessions for the visual communication Saturday Art Club program.

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