Joseph Stone

Associate Professor Joseph A Stone BSc, MSc, PhD

Associate Professor of Skill Acquisition and Performance Analysis


Joe is an Associate Professor of Skill Acquisition and Performance Analysis. His primary research interest focusing on using ecological dynamics as a guiding framework to examine sport and exercise. His role includes teaching on a range of degree programmes in Sport and Exercise Science, including modules in Skill Acquisition, Performance Analysis, Research Methods and Psychology. He is also a Postgraduate Research Tutor in Sport and Physical Activity.


I completed a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science and an MSc in Sport and Exercise Science specialising in Performance Analysis and Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University. I was subsequently awarded a PhD scholarship within the Centre for Sport and Exercise Science at Sheffield Hallam in 2011 in which I completed my PhD in 2014 entitled, “Emergent coordination patterns in interceptive actions: The role of different informational constraints".

Following my PhD, I was appointed as a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science specialising in Skill Acquisition and Performance Analysis in September 2014. Having worked at SHU since then, I was promoted to Associate Professor in 2023.

My primary research interests focus on using ecological dynamics as a guiding framework to examine sport and exercise. My research was central to a ‘world-leading’ REF Impact case study titled: Improving Elite Coaching and Talent Development through Ecological Dynamics. My research is currently focused on areas such as ‘big data’ in performance analysis, applying ecological dynamics to applied sporting contexts and constraints-based coaching.

I am also the Postgraduate Research Tutor in Sport and Physical Activity which involves leading recruitment, admissions, progress monitoring, examinations and training of students studying for research degrees (MPhil & PhD) in the area of Sport and Physical Activity.

Finally, I teach across a range modules in my specialist area on degrees including BSc Sport and Exercise, MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Science, MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology.


School of Sport and Physical Activity

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Subject Area

Sport and Exercise Science


BSc Sport and Exercise Science

MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Science

MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology


I module lead and teach across a range of subjects in Sport and Exercise Science across undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Current examples include:

Level 4: Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Level 5: Sport and Exercise Analysis

Level 6: Applied Performance Analysis in Sport and Exercise Science

Level 7: Skill Acquisition and Developmental Perspectives


Journal articles

Higham, A., Newman, J., Rumbold, J., & Stone, J. (2024). “Being a woman in the men’s game, it’s brutal”: a longitudinal photo-elicitation exploration of a woman football coach’s well-being. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1-26.

Lethole, L., Kubayi, A., Toriola, A., Larkin, P., & Stone, J. (2024). ‘Goalkeepers are players too’: key attributes coaches’ look for in talented youth soccer goalkeepers. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 16 (1).

Kubayi, A., & Stone, J. (2024). Effect of the away goal rule on the technical performance of football teams in the UEFA Champions League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.

Farrokh, D., Stone, J., Davids, K., Strafford, B., & Rumbold, J. (2024). Why isn’t flow flowing? Metatheoretical issues in explanations of flow. Theory and Psychology, 34 (2), 257-276.

Fitzpatrick, A., Stone, J., Choppin, S., & Kelley, J. (2024). How are elite tennis matches won at Wimbledon? A comparison of close and one-sided contests. European Journal of Sport Science.

Fitzpatrick, A., Stone, J., Choppin, S., & Kelley, J. (2023). Analysing Hawk-Eye ball-tracking data to explore successful serving and returning strategies at Wimbledon. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.

Higham, A., Newman, J., Rumbold, J., & Stone, J. (2023). You wouldn’t let your phone run out of battery: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of male professional football coaches’ well-being. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.

Higham, A., Rumbold, J., Newman, J., & Stone, J. (2023). Using video docuseries to explore male professional football head coaches’ well-being experiences throughout a season. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 69.

Casal, C., Stone, J., Ivan-Baragano, I., & Losada, J. (2023). Effect of goalkeepers’ offensive participation on team performance in the women Spanish La Liga: a multinomial logistic regression analysis. Biology of Sport, 41 (1), 29-39.,78,50257,0,1.html

Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J.A. (2022). Feasibility of parkour-style training in team sport practice: a Delphi study. Journal of sports sciences.

Davies, M., Stone, J., Davids, K., Williams, J., & O’Sullivan, M. (2022). Can’t jump, won’t jump: affordances of the horse-rider dyad underpin skill adaptation in showjumping using a constraints-led approach. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.

Nightingale, J., Appleyard, R., Mcnamara, J., Panchbhaya, M., Posnett, J., & Stone, J. (2022). Gender diversity in therapeutic radiography: A mixed methods exploration of the gender influences impacting on male students' career choices. Radiography, 28 (2), 258-266.

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., Woods, C., Otte, F., Rudd, J., & Stone, J. (2022). Principles to guide talent development practices in sport: the exemplar case of British Rugby League Football. Journal of Expertise, 5 (1), 28-37.

Higham, A., Newman, J., Stone, J., & Rumbold, J. (2021). Coaches’ Experiences of Morality in English Professional Football Environments: Recommendations for Creating a Moral Atmosphere. International Sport Coaching Journal.

Williams, M., Strafford, B., Stone, J., & Moran, J. (2021). Parkour-Based Activities in the Athletic Development of Youth Basketball Players. Frontiers in Physiology, 12.

Rothwell, M., Stone, J., & Davids, K. (2021). Exploring niche construction in sport coaching: an ecological dynamics analysis. Sports Coaching Review.

Carey, L., Stone, J., & Lavallee, D. (2021). "Teamwork Done to a Tee”: A Golf Caddie’s Perspective on Their Perceived Role and Associated Skills. International Journal of Golf Science, 9 (1).

Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J. (2021). Exploring coach perceptions of Parkour-style training for athlete learning and development in team sports. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Carey, L., Stone, J., Hunter, A.M., & Donaldson, D.I. (2021). A Bayesian approach to exploring expertise and putting success in adolescent and young adult golfers. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Anderson, E., Stone, J., Dunn, M., & Heller, B. (2021). Coach Approaches to Practice Design in Performance Tennis. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.

Fitzpatrick, A., Stone, J., Choppin, S., & Kelley, J. (2021). Investigating the most important aspect of grass court tennis: short points. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.

Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J. (2021). Effects of Functional Movement Skills on Parkour Speed-Run Performance. European Journal of Sport Science.

Stone, J., Smith, A., & Barry, A. (2021). The undervalued set piece: Analysis of Soccer Throw-ins during the English Premier League 2018-2019 Season. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.

Rothwell, M., Stone, J., & Davids, K. (2020). Investigating the athlete-environment relationship in a form of life: An ethnographic study. Sport, Education and Society.

Stone, J., Rothwell, M., Shuttleworth, R., & Davids, K. (2020). Exploring sport coaches’ experiences of using a contemporary pedagogical approach to coaching: An international perspective. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., Stone, J., O'Sullivan, M., Vaughan, J., Newcombe, D., & Shuttleworth, R. (2020). A department of methodology can coordinate transdisciplinary sport science support. Journal of Expertise, 3 (1), 55-65.

Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J. (2020). Designing parkour-style training environments for athlete development: insights from experienced Parkour Traceurs. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.

Judson, L.J., Churchill, S.M., Barnes, A., Stone, J.A., & Wheat, J. (2020). Joint moments and power in the acceleration phase of bend sprinting. Journal of Biomechanics, 109632.

Judson, L., Churchill, S., Barnes, A., Stone, J., Brookes, I., & Wheat, J. (2019). Kinematic modifications of the lower limb during the acceleration phase of bend sprinting. Journal of Sports Sciences.

Fitzpatrick, A., Stone, J., Choppin, S., & Kelley, J. (2019). Important performance characteristics in elite clay and grass court tennis match-play. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.

Strafford, B., Smith, A., North, J.S., & Stone, J. (2019). Comparative analysis of the top six and bottom six teams’ corner kick strategies in the 2015/2016 English Premier League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.

Beare, H., & Stone, J. (2019). Analysis of attacking corner kick strategies in the FA women’s super league 2017/2018. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.

Judson, L., Churchill, S., Barnes, A., Stone, J., Brookes, I., & Wheat, J. (2019). Horizontal force production and multi-segment foot kinematics during the acceleration phase of bend sprinting. Scandinavian journal of medicine and science in sports, 29 (10).

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2019). Exploring forms of life in player development pathways-the case of British rugby league. Journal of motor learning and development, 7 (2).

Stone, J., Nimmins, J., & Strafford, B. (2019). Effect of puck mass as a task constraint on skilled and less-skilled ice hockey players performance. Journal of motor learning and development, 7 (1), 1-12.

Fitzpatrick, A., Stone, J., Choppin, S., & Kelley, J. (2019). A simple new method for identifying performance characteristics associated with success in elite tennis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 14 (1), 43-50.

Migdalski, A., & Stone, J. (2019). Investigating lineout performance between the top and bottom four English Premiership rugby union teams in the 2016/17 season. International journal of performance analysis in sport.

Stone, J., Strafford, B., North, J.S., Toner, C., & Davids, K. (2019). Effectiveness and efficiency of virtual reality designs to enhance athlete development: An ecological dynamics perspective. Movement and sport sciences - Science and motricité.

Rothwell, M., Rumbold, J., & Stone, J. (2018). Exploring British adolescent rugby league players' experiences of professional academies and dropout. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Judson, L.J., Churchill, S.M., Barnes, A., Stone, J.A., Brooks, I.G.A., & Wheat, J. (2018). Measurement of bend sprinting kinematics with three-dimensional motion capture : a test-retest reliability study. Sports Biomechanics.

Burnie, L., Barratt, P., Davids, K., Stone, J., Worsfold, P., & Wheat, J. (2018). Coaches’ philosophies on the transfer of strength training to elite sports performance. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13 (5), 729-736.

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2018). Harnessing socio-cultural constraints on athlete development to create a form of life. Journal of Expertise, 1 (1).

Strafford, B., Van Der Steen, P., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2018). Parkour as a donor sport for athletic development in youth team sports: insights through an ecological dynamics lens. Sports medicine - open, 4, 21.

Fitzpatrick, A., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2018). How do LTA mini tennis modifications shape children’s match-play performance? ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 26 (74), 4-7.

Fitzpatrick, A., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2018). Effects of scaling task constraints on emergent behaviours in children's racquet sports performance. Human Movement Science, 58, 80-87.

Rothwell, M., Stone, J., Davids, K., & Wright, C. (2017). Development of expertise in elite and sub elite British Rugby League players: a comparison of practice experiences. European Journal of Sport Science, 17 (10), 1252-1260.

Hughes, A., Barnes, A., Churchill, S., & Stone, J. (2017). Performance indicators that discriminate winning and losing in elite men’s and women’s Rugby Union. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 17 (4), 534-544.

Yeh, H.-.P., Stone, J., Churchill, S., Brymer, E., & Davids, K. (2017). Physical and emotional benefits of different exercise environments designed for treadmill running. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (7), 752.

Stone, J., Maynard, I., North, J.S., Panchuk, D., & Davids, K. (2017). Temporal and Spatial Occlusion of Advanced Visual Information Constrains Movement (Re) organization in One-Handed Catching Behaviors. Acta Psychologica, 174, 80-88.

Fitzpatrick, A., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2016). Effects of Lawn Tennis Association mini tennis as task constraints on children’s match-play characteristics. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (22), 2204-2210.

Yeh, H.-.P., Stone, J., Churchill, S., Wheat, J., Brymer, E., & Davids, K. (2015). Physical, psychological and emotional benefits of green physical activity: An ecological dynamics perspective. Sports Medicine, 46 (7), 947-953.

Stone, J.A., Maynard, I.W., North, J.S., Panchuk, D., & Davids, K. (2015). Emergent perception–action couplings regulate postural adjustments during performance of externally-timed dynamic interceptive actions. Psychological Research, 79 (5), 829-843.

Stone, J., Maynard, I., North, J., Panchuk, D., & Davids, K. (2015). (De)synchronization of advanced visual information and ball flight characteristics constrains emergent information–movement couplings during one-handed catching. Experimental Brain Research, 233 (2), 449-458.

Stone, J., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., North, J., Fairweather, I., & Maynard, I. (2014). An integrated ball projection technology for the study of dynamic interceptive actions. Behavior Research Methods, 46 (4), 984-991.

Conference papers

Higham, A., Newman, J., Rumbold, J., & Stone, J. (2024). Can a picture speak a thousand words? A longitudinal photo-elicitation exploration of football coaches’ well-being experiences and sensemaking [abstract only]. In FEPSAC 17th Congress 2024, Innsbruck, (pp. 779-780). FEPSAC:

Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J. (2024). Feasibility of Parkour-style training in team sport practice: A Delphi study. In Runswick, O. (Ed.) Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network (ESAN 2023), Manchester, UK, 17 May 2023 - 18 May 2023.

Ding, J., Huang, Z., O'Donoghue, P., Strafford, B., & Stone, J. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF SCORELINE ON PASSING PERFORMANCE IN ELITE SOCCER. In ECSS Paris 2023, Paris, 4 July 2023 - 7 July 2023 (pp. 158).

Stone, J., Strafford, B., Carey, L., Middleton, N., & Stubbs, W. (2023). Examining golf putting performance in representative environments using the Zen Greenstage. In Runswick, O. (Ed.) 10th meeting of Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network, ​Manchester Metropolitan University Institute of Sport, 17 May 2023 - 18 May 2023 (pp. 18).

Jones, G., Stone, J., Rothwell, M., Rumbold, J., Davids, K., & Otte, F. (2021). Providing augmented information for learning transitions in football: The transitional learning model for coaches [abstract only]. In Sport Sciences Congress 2021, University of Lisbon, 13 July 2023 - 21 July 2023 (pp. 80). Sports Sciences Congress:

Stone, J., Strafford, B., North, J., & Davids, K. (2019). Designing parkour-style training environments for athlete development: Insights from experienced Parkour Traceurs [abstract only]. In 3rd Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition, Kisakallio, Finland, 13 November 2019 - 15 November 2019.

Stone, J., Rothwell, M., & Davids, K. (2019). Exploring sports coaches receptiveness to alternative pedagogical approaches to coaching [abstract only]. In Bunc, V., & Tsolakidis, E. (Eds.) European College of Sport Science Conference, 3 July 2019 - 6 July 2019 (pp. 663). European College of Sport Science:

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2019). The Influence of a Form of Sport Life on Athletic Experiences: An Ethnographic Study. In Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network 2019, London, England, 14 May 2019 - 15 May 2019.

Stone, J., Fitzpatrick, A., & Davids, K. (2017). Effects of an 8-week constraints-based coaching intervention on emergent behaviourin Mini Tennis. In Second Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition, Finland, 15 November 2017 - 17 November 2017.

Burnie, L., Barratt, P., Davids, K., Stone, J., Worsfold, P., & Wheat, J. (2017). Coaches' philosophies of strength and sport specific training in elite performance programmes. In European College of Sport Science conference.

Rothwell, M., Stone, J., & Davids, K. (2017). Development of expertise in British international and national Rugby League Players: a comparison of practice experiences. In Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network Conference, Coventry, England, 17 May 2017.

Hughes, A., Barnes, A., Churchill, S., & Stone, J. (2016). Performance indicators that discriminate winning and losing in elite men's and women's Rugby Union. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport.

Yeh, H., Stone, J., Churchill, S., Brymer, E., & Davids, K. (2016). Designing physical activity environments to enhance physical and psychological effects. Procedia Engineering, 147, 793-798.

McInerney, C., Foster, L., Choppin, S., Stone, J., & Goodwill, S. (2016). A review of spatio-temporal metrics in invasion game sports. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport XI.

Stone, J., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., North, J.S., & Maynard, I. (2014). Integrating advanced visual information with ball projection technology constrains dynamic interceptive actions. Procedia Engineering, 72, 156-161.

Stone, J., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., North, J., & Maynard, I. (2014). An Integrated ball projection technology for the study of dynamic interceptive actions. In Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network.

Judson, L., Churchill, S., Barnes, A., Stone, J., & Wheat, J. (2017). Simplified marker sets for the calculation of centre of mass location during bend sprinting. In 35th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, 2017, German Sport University Cologne, 14 June 2017 - 18 June 2017.

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2017). Harnessing Socio-Cultural Constraints on Athlete Development to create a Form of Life. In Second scientific conference on motor skill acquisition, Kisakallion Urheiluopisto, Finland, 14 November 2017 - 17 November 2017.

Book chapters

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., Stone, J., Araujo, D., & Shuttleworth, R. (2020). The talent development process as enhancing athlete functionality: Creating forms of life in an ecological niche. In Baker, J., Cobley, S., & Schorer, J. (Eds.) Talent Identification and Development in Sport. International Perspectives. 2nd edition. New York: Routledge:

Theses / Dissertations

Higham, A. (2024). An Exploration of Professional Coaches’ Well-being Experiences within Football Club Contexts. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Stone, J., Rumbold, J., & Newman, J.

Strafford, B. (2022). Parkour as a donor sport for athlete development in team sports. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Stone, J., Davids, K., & North, J.


Strafford, B., Davids, K., North, J., & Stone, J. (2021). Exploring coach perceptions of Parkour-style training for athlete development in team sports. Presented at: 9th Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network

Stone, J. (2020). Representative Learning Designs in Sport practice: how technology can help. Presented at: Latrobe University Sport Coaching Symposium

Strafford, B. (2018). How Parkour-style training can enhance athleticism in sport performers. Presented at: Sheffield Industry Partnership Workshop, Rotherham United Football Club

Rothwell, M., Davids, K., & Stone, J. (2017). Harnessing Socio-Cultural Constraints on Athlete Development to create a Form of Life. Presented at: Second Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition, Finland, 2017

Stone, J., Rumbold, J., & Rothwell, M. (2017). Top gun to rugby league drop-out. Presented at: Sport and Medicine conference

Mcinerney, C., Foster, L., Choppin, S., Stone, J., & Goodwill, S. (2016). Spatio-temporal metrics that distinguish outcomes of field hockey plays. Presented at: XI World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, 2016

Mcinerney, C., Foster, L., Choppin, S., Stone, J., & Goodwill, S. (2016). A review of spatio-temporal metrics in invasion game sports. Presented at: XI World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, 2016

Stone, J., North, J., Panchuk, D., Davids, K., & Maynard, I. (2014). An Integrated ball projection technology for the study of dynamic interceptive actions.

Postgraduate supervision

Current PhD students:

Tim Robinson: The impact of different pedagogical approaches in age grade rugby union.

Andrew Higham: Exploring coach wellbeing in professional English football environments.

Gérard Jones: Investigating how augmented feedback can be used to guide attentional search in football.

Marianne Davis: Developing a non-linear pedagogical model of skill acquisition for coaching show jumpers. Co-supervisor with Professor Keith Davids

David Farrokh: Exploring flow in youth sport through the lens of ecological dynamics.

Seb (Junyuan) Ding: Examining Passing Networks in Soccer from an Ecological Dynamics Perspective.

Sam Hydes: Exploring the implementation of a Department of Methodology.

Huang, Zhanyu: Applying ecological dynamics to Chinese Rugby Sevens

Completed supervised PhD students:

Hsiaopu Yeh: Physical, psychological and emotional effects of nature-based affordances of green physical activity.

Ciaran McInerney: Determining spatio-temporal metrics that distinguish play outcomes on field hockey.

Laura Judson: Biomechanics of bend sprinting in the acceleration phase.

Anna Fitzpatrick: Important performance characteristics in elite grass court tennis: implications for practice.

Martyn Rothwell: Exploring forms of life in rugby league.

Emma Anderson: Representative measurements of tennis player movement.

Ben Strafford: Examining the role of Parkour as a donor sports for team sports.

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