Laura Machan

Dr Laura Machan BSc. (Hons)., MSc., PGCLTHE, FHEA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Psychology


I am Associate Course Leader for student progression on the BSc Psychology and BSc Psychology with Foundation Year.


I currently teach on the BSc Criminology and Psychology and BSc Psychology (with and without Foundation Year) as well as the MSc Forensic Psychology, and the research design and statistics component of various Psychology/Criminology and Psychology undergraduate and master's degrees. I am also the associate course leader (student progression) on the BSc Psychology as well as well for foundation year students on the BSc Psychology with Foundation Year. My research focus is on crime prevention with a focus on precursors to crime in adolescents (i.e., adverse childhood experiences), dark tetrad, stalking behaviour, and psychometrics.


Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject Area

Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences: Psychology

Courses taught

- BSc Psychology (with and without Foundation Year)
- BSc Criminology & Psychology
- MSc Forensic Psychology
- MSc Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience
- MSc Psychology
- MSc Developmental Psychology

Modules taught

- Forensic Psychology
- Fundamentals in Design & Statistics
- Quantitative Research Methods
- Assessment and Formulation
- Contemporary Relationship Science
- Offender Treatment and Interventions
- Understanding and Researching Serious Harm
- Contemporary Issues in Social Science 1
- Contemporary Issues in Social Science 2


Richardson. P. & Machan L. (2021). jamovi for Psychologists. Red Globe Press


Machan, L., Bale, C., & Boduszek, D. (2025). A bifactorial approach to the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 233, 112911.

Hughes, S., & Machan, L. (2021). It's a conspiracy: Covid-19 conspiracies link to psychopathy, Machiavellianism and collective narcissism. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110559.

Machan, L., & Aleixo, P. (2016). E-readers as an alternative to coloured overlays for developmental dyslexia in adolescents. The Psychology of Education Review, 40 (2), 33-38.



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