Liam Humphreys

Liam Humphreys BSc, MSc

Research Fellow


Liam Humphreys is a Research Fellow with over 7 years' experience of working in the fitness industry, research and consultancy. Liam's main area of interest is the role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.


Liam completed his BSc (hons) from Leeds Metropolitan University in 2006,which led him to pursue further study, achieving MSc Physical Activity for Health from Sheffield Hallam University. Liam began his research and consultancy career working on the SHU Wellness service; an award winning workplace health programme.

He has developed his professional skills through intervention design and the management of research using a variety of methods including; pilot studies, large randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, qualitative research, and public health evaluations.

Liam's specific areas of interest are the role of physical activity in the prevention and management of chronic disease, and health behaviour change, specialising in motivational interviewing.

As a Research Fellow, Liam's role involves the design and management of several exercise-related research studies for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), cardiovascular disease, intermittent claudication and cancer. Liam's latest work has focused on the design of innovative physical activity interventions for the management and rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis and the design and implementation of a physical activity referral scheme for people affected by cancer.

Liam's professional qualifications include; advanced (level 3) fitness instructor and level three award In Exercise Programming with Disabled People (IFI), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health Fitness Specialist and Cancer Exercise Specialist.

Specialist areas of interest

Physical Activity

Chronic disease

Qualitative research

Clinical exercise trials

Public health evaluations



Active Everyday: Macmillan physical activity programme for people living with and beyond cancer.

Developing a physical activity intervention for people with higher levels of multiple sclerosis disability.

Feasibility and Safety of high intensity interval training for people with low levels of multiple sclerosis disability.

Development of an integrated approach to promoting and sustaining recover in cancer patients through exercise in Sheffield.

The effects of exercise on health related quality of life and immune function in persons diagnosed with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis.

Development and pilot randomised trial of a group education programme for promoting walking in people with intermittent claudication.

SHU Wellness

Exploring the impact of the 'Active Woodlands' programme on physical activity attitudes, behaviour and education in primary school children.

An effectiveness evaluation of 'booster' interventions to sustain increases in physical activity in middle aged adults.


Journal articles

Moore, J., Beaney, A., Humphreys, L., Merchant, Z., Parmar, K.K., & Levett, D. (2025). Optimisation of the patient having oncological surgical through prehabilitation: a narrative review. Anaesthesia, 80 Suppl 2, 85-94.

Rosenthal, K., Frith, G., Keen, C., Myers, A., Phillips, G., Pickering, K., ... Copeland, R. (2024). 158 Evaluation of a multi-modal rehabilitation programme for people affected by cancer: the Active Together service [abstract only]. European Journal of Public Health, 34 (Supple).

Myers, A., Humphreys, L., Thelwell, M., Pickering, K., Frith, G., Phillips, G., ... _, _. (2024). Embedding Multimodal Rehabilitation Within Routine Cancer Care in Sheffield—The Active Together Service Evaluation Protocol. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1-12.

Keen, C., Phillips, G., Thelwell, M., Humphreys, L., Evans, L., Myers, A., ... Copeland, R. (2024). Correction: Keen et al. Establishing Innovative Complex Services: Learning from the Active Together Cancer Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Service. Healthcare 2023, 11, 3007. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 12 (12), 1175.

Humphreys, L., Myers, A., Frith, G., Thelwell, M., Pickering, K., Mills, G.H., ... Copeland, R. (2024). The Development of a Multi-Modal Cancer Rehabilitation (Including Prehabilitation) Service in Sheffield, UK: Designing the Active Together Service. Healthcare, 12 (7).

Myers, A., Barlow, R., Baldini, G., Campbell, A., Carli, F., Carr, E., ... Copeland, R. (2024). International consensus is needed on a core outcome set to advance the evidence of best practice in cancer prehabilitation services and research. British Journal of Anaesthesia.

Keen, C., Phillips, G., Thelwell, M., Humphreys, L., Evans, L., Myers, A., ... Copeland, R. (2023). Establishing Innovative Complex Services: Learning from the Active Together Cancer Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Service. Healthcare, 11 (23).

Humphreys, L., Frith, G., Humphreys, H., Crank, H., Dixey, J., Greenfield, D.M., & Reece, L.J. (2023). Evaluation of a city-wide physical activity pathway for people affected by cancer: the Active Everyday service. Supportive Care in Cancer, 31 (2).

Humphreys, L., Carter, A., Sharrack, B., & Copeland, R. (2022). High-intensity interval training in people with mild multiple sclerosis: a mixed-methods feasibility study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 29 (5).

Lavín-Pérez, A.M., Collado-Mateo, D., Mayo, X., Liguori, G., Humphreys, L., & Jimenez Gutierrez, A. (2021). Can Exercise Reduce the Autonomic Dysfunction of Patients With Cancer and Its Survivors? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

Lavín-Pérez, A.M., Collado-Mateo, D., Mayo, X., Liguori, G., Humphreys, L., Copeland, R.J., & Jimenez Gutierrez, A. (2021). Effects of high-intensity training on the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 11 (1).

Lavín‐Pérez, A.M., Collado‐Mateo, D., Mayo, X., Humphreys, L., Liguori, G., Copeland, R., ... Jimenez Gutierrez, A. (2020). High‐intensity exercise to improve cardiorespiratory fitness in cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

Humphreys, L., Crank, H., Dixey, J., & Greenfield, D.M. (2020). An integrated model of exercise support for people affected by cancer: consensus through scoping. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-10.

Humphreys, L., Crank, H., Frith, G., Speake, H., & Reece, L. (2017). Bright spots, physical activity investments that work: Active Everyday, Sheffield’s physical activity service for all people living with and beyond cancer. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Crank, H., Carter, A., Humphreys, L., Snowdon, N., Daley, A., Woodroofe, N., ... Saxton, J.M. (2017). A qualitative investigation of exercise perceptions and experiences in people with multiple sclerosis before, during and after participation in a personally-tailored exercise program. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98 (12), 2520-2525.

Flint, S., Scaife, R., Kesterton, S., Humphreys, L., Copeland, R., Crank, H., ... Carter, A. (2016). Sheffield Hallam Staff Wellness Service: four year follow-up of the impact on health indicators. Perspectives in Public Health, 136 (5), 295-301.

Copeland, R.J., Horspool, K., Humphreys, L., & Scott, E. (2016). Recruiting to a large-scale physical activity randomised controlled trial – experiences with the gift of hindsight. Trials, 17, 104.

Carter, A., Humphreys, L., Snowdon, N., Sharrack, B., Daley, A., Petty, J., ... Saxton, J. (2015). Participant recruitment into a randomised controlled trial of exercise therapy for people with multiple sclerosis. Trials, 16 (1).

Tew, G.A., Humphreys, L., Crank, H., Hewitt, C., Nawaz, S., Al-Jundi, W., ... Gorely, T. (2015). The development and pilot randomised controlled trial of a group education programme for promoting walking in people with intermittent claudication. Vascular Medicine, 20 (4), 348-357.

Gorely, T., Crank, H., Humphreys, L., Nawaz, S., & Tew, G.A. (2015). “Standing still in the street”: Experiences, knowledge and beliefs of patients with intermittent claudication—A qualitative study. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 33 (1), 4-9.

Carter, A., Daley, A., Humphreys, L., Snowdon, N., Woodroofe, N., Petty, J., ... Saxton, J. (2014). Pragmatic intervention for increasing self-directed exercise behaviour and improving important health outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis : a randomised controlled trial. Multiple Sclerosis, 20 (8), 1112-1122.

Goyder, E., Hind, D., Dimairo, M., Minton, J., Everson-Hock, E., Reade, S., ... Cooper, C. (2014). A randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation of 'booster' interventions to sustain increases in physical activity in middle-aged adults in deprived urban neighbourhoods. Health technology assessment, 18 (13), 1-210.

Tew, G.A., Nawaz, S., Humphreys, L., Ouedraogo, N., & Abraham, P. (2014). Validation of the English version of the Walking Estimated-Limitation Calculated by History (WELCH) questionnaire in patients with intermittent claudication. Vascular Medicine, 19 (1), 27-32.

Book chapters

Carter, A., Humphreys, L., & Sharrack, B. (2017). Exercise in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. In Watson, R.R., & Killgore, W.D.S. (Eds.) Nutrition and lifestyle in neurological autoimmune diseases. Multiple sclerosis. (pp. 179-187). London: Academic Press:

Theses / Dissertations

Humphreys, L. (2023). Exploration of the Physical Activity Guidelines for People with Multiple Sclerosis. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Copeland, R., Carter, A., & Sharrack, B.

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