Lucy Clague PG Cert. BA
Senior Research Fellow
Lucy Clague (nee Shipton) is a researcher with 25 years' of commissioned research and programme evaluation experience. Lucy is based within Sheffield Hallam University's Institute of Education with expertise in higher education, widening participation, and theory of change methodology.
Lucy has a Realist evaluative approach, exploring what works for whom, in what context and why. She is a mixed methods researcher who employs the triangulation of qualitative methods and quantitative methods such as pre and post surveys. Lucy is keen to see insights from her research making real impact on the ground, and has a strong iterative evaluative approach in terms of driving forward recommendations with practitioners.
Lucy is an experienced Project Manager and Principal Investigator who has managed both small and large-scale RCT, process and impact evaluations for organisations such as the DfE and OfS, the Education Endowment Foundation, TDA, the National College and Booktrust as well as a number of grant funded projects from Research England. She is particularly effective at developing theories of change/logic models, managing research teams, keeping projects to time, maintaining positive relationships with clients and has the ability to work collaboratively across a range of individuals. Lucy is currently collaborating on funded projects with colleagues from organisations including University of York, University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, University of Bradford, Coventry University, University of Nottingham, Kings College London, and UKCGE as well as with colleagues from across the Sheffield Institute of Education and the wider university.
From 2017 to 2019 Lucy took a three-year secondment with the Higher Education Progression Partnership for South Yorkshire (HeppSY), where she led the monitoring, impact and process evaluations of the local UniConnect Programme.
Lucy's specialist areas of interest include sociology of education, children and young people, widening participation, higher education, equality and diversity, and wellbeing.
Sheffield Institute of Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Modules taught
- Data protection and GDPR
Lucy is currently working on the following research projects:
- the four-year evaluation of a Research England Development Fund project led by University of York, Research SuperVision Project (RSVP), to improve PGR research supervision across the UK (Principal Investigator)
- the four-year evaluation of an OfS/Research England funded region-wide project led by the University of York, the Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE), to improve Black, Asian and minority ethnic students’ access to postgraduate research (Principal Investigator and project manager);
- a project to develop and deliver a comprehensive theory of change for the DfE’s Teacher Development activity, building on the Department’s existing logic models and evaluation/monitoring (Principal Investigator and project manager);
- Frames for Learning (F4L), an EEF funded CPD programme to improve science attainment by scaffolding how teachers and pupils approach working scientifically using cognitive science principles (project manager)
Key Publications
Clague, L. (2023). Strength in numbers: overcoming the challenges in sharing data across universities.
Clague, L., Demack, S., & Lebihan, J. (2022). Scoping the impact evaluation of learning analytics in Higher Education. TASO.
Clague, L., & Williamson, S. (2019). 2018/19 HeppSY Partnership Report. HeppSY.
Clague, L.F., & Williamson, S. (2018). HeppSY+ Baseline Survey Partnership Report. Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire Plus.
Journal articles
Willis, B., Clague, L., & Coldwell, M. (2013). Effective PSHE education: values, purposes and future directions. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 31 (2), 99-111.
Furey, R., Kay, J., Barley, R., Cripps, C., Shipton, L., & Steill, B. (2010). Developing Ethical Guidelines for Safeguarding Children during Social Research. Research Ethics, 6 (4), 120-127.
Coldron, J., Cripps, C., & Shipton, L. (2010). Why are English secondary schools socially segregated? Journal of education policy, 25 (1), 19-35.
Conference papers
Clague, L., Coldron, J., & Cripps, C. (2009). Why are secondary schools socially segregated? In European Conference of Educational Researchers (ECER), Gothenburg, 9 September 2009 - 11 September 2009.
Coldron, J., Cripps, C., Shipton, L., & Stiell, B. (2009). Fair school admissions: What is the contribution of the Choice Advice initiative. In British Education Research Conference, Manchester, 1 September 2009 (pp. 1-28).
Clague, L., & Coldron, J. (2010). What can be done to mitigate the persistent social segregation of secondary schools in England? In BERA, 7 September 2010.
Boodt, S., Stiell, B., & Clague, L. (2022). researching the professional development needs of FE teacher educators and the impact of Covid on FE ITE. Education and Training Foundation.
Clague, L., Squire, R., & Brown, G. (2019). HeppSY school and college staff views. HeppSY.
Clague, L., Williamson, S., & Rew, J. (2019). HE Can: an impact evaluation for Phase 1 activity. HeppSY.
Clague, L. (2019). What works in Widening Participation: evidence from the literature. (5). HeppSY.
Clague, L., & Williamson, S. (2018). The Listening Rooms Project Findings. (1).
Maxwell, B., Clague, L., Byrne, E., Culliney, M., Coldwell, M., Hobson, A., & Glentworth, A. (2018). Retain: CPD for Early Career Teachers of KS1Pilot report and executive summary. Education Endowment Foundation.
Formby, E., & Clague, L. (2016). SEF addressing HBT bullying through SRE grant evaluation: Final report.
Maxwell, B., Connolly, P., Demack, S., O'Hare, L., Stevens, A., Clague, L., & Stiell, B. (2014). Summer Active Reading Programme : evaluation report and executive summary. London, UK: Education Endowment Foundation.
Maxwell, B., Connolly, P., Demack, S., O'Hare, L., Stevens, A., Clague, L., & Stiell, B. (2014). TextNow Transition Programme : evaluation report and executive summary. London: Education Endowment Foundation.
McCaig, C., Clague, L., Hogarth, T., & Gambin, L. (2014). Technical apprenticeships : research into the need for and capacity to deliver STEM related Apprenticeship Provision in England. London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Bashir, N., Dayson, C., Batty, E., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace evaluation: Final report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University.
Clague, L., & Levy, R. (2013). Bookbuzz: evidence of best practice. Booktrust.
Clague, L. (2012). Evaluation of Bookstart England: Survey of operational and strategic stakeholders.
Clague, L., Merchant, G., & Levy, R. (2012). Evaluation of Booked Up. Booktrust.
Formby, E., Coldwell, M., Stiell, B., Demack, S., Stevens, A., Shipton, L., ... Willis, B. (2011). Personal, social, healthand economic (PSHE)education: A mappingstudy of the prevalentmodels of delivery andtheir effectiveness. London: Department for Education.
Clague, L. (2011). Improving e-safety in primary schools: a guidance document. TDA.
Clague, L., Coldwell, M., Stevens, A., Stiell, B., Willis, B., & Wolstenholme, C. (2011). Process evaluation of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Pilot. DfE.
Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Clague, L. (2010). Leicester city sex and relationships education audit and strategy development.
Formby, E., Hirst, J., & Clague, L. (2009). Leicester city sex and relationships education post 16 review and gap analysis.
Coldron, J.H., Tanner, E., Finch, S., Shipton, L., Wolstenholme, C., Willis, B., ... Stiell, B. (2008). Secondary school admissions. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Clague, L., Stiell, B., Coldron, J., & Coldwell, M. (2008). Choice Advice: an evaluation. DCSF.
Clague, L., Stiell, B., Wolstenholme, C., Willis, B., & Coldron, J. (2008). Choice Advice: results of a pilot evaluation. DCSF.
Coldron, J.H., Stephenson, K., Williams, J., Shipton, L., & Demack, S. (2002). Admission appeal panels: research study into the operation of appeal panels' use of the code of practice and training for panel. London: Department for Education and Skills.
Internet Publications
Clague, L. (2023). Unlocking potential: navigating personal data sharing across multiple universities for enhanced collaboration.
Clague, L. (2021). Data protection and methodological tips and considerations for qualitative researchers working online.
Clague, L. (2021). From Safeguarding and Confidentiality to GDPR and online methods: considerations for researchers during the pandemic and beyond.
Perry, E., Booth, J., & Clague, L. (2020). Evaluating the Wipro Programme.
Clague, L., & Woodward-Baker, S. (2019). Putting theory into practice.
Other activities
Advance HE Associate