Md Imtiaz Mostafiz

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  4. Md Imtiaz Mostafiz

Dr Md Imtiaz Mostafiz (FHEA), PhD.

Senior Lecturer


Greetings! I am Dr Md Imtiaz Mostafiz, Senior Lecturer of International Business and Strategy at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK. I published in the British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Multinational Business Review, European Journal of International Management, Strategic Change, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, etc. I sit on the Editorial Review Board of Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Business Strategy and Development, and Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economy. Currently, I am accepting applications for PhD and DBA.




I lead the BA Hons in International Business with Specialisms (L6 Top-up) courses at Sheffield Business School. In the International Business subject group, I also lead several modules, such as Contemporary Issues in International Business, International Business Research Projects, etc. I have more than five years of teaching experience in several international business modules, such as Foundation of International Business, International Business Research Project, Managing International Business, International Strategy, International Strategic Management and so forth, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I was nominated (two times) for the Inspirational Teaching Award at SHU.

Before joining Sheffield Hallam, I was a Lecturer at Taylor's Business School, Taylor's University. I also earned my PhD in International Business from Taylor's Business School, Taylor's University, with the "Best Student Paper Award" from the Academy of International Business Western USA Annual Conference 2018. In addition, I completed my MSc in International Business from Monash University and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Heriot-Watt University.

My research interests and knowledge lie at the nexus of international entrepreneurship and strategy and include entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capability, ambidextrous and open innovation, micro-foundation of dynamic managerial capability, family firms internationalization, accelerated internationalization, and strategic decision-making and knowledge management. In addition, I am a quantitative researcher focusing on structural equation modelling, PLS-SEM, deep-learning artificial intelligence analysis, configurational theorizing (fsQCA) and necessary condition analysis of QCA.
I have supervised numerous MSc dissertations and 2 PhD to completion. Currently, I am accepting PhD and DBA applications in those mentioned earlier (broadly) research areas. I am a member of the British Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. I also served as a keynote speaker at international conferences and session chair and was invited as an expert to conduct research workshops on building the research capacity, for example.


Senior Lecturer


Department of Management

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Foundation of International Business
International Business Strategy
Multinational Enterprise and Foreign Direct Investment
Global Business Environment
Managing International Business

International Business


Module Leader:
1) International Business Research Project (UG)
2) Contemporary Issues in International Business (UG)

Module Taught:
1) International Entrepreneurship (PG)
2) Principles of International Business (PG)
3) International Strategic Management (PG)
4) Research Method in International Business (PG)
5) Multinational Enterprise and Foreign Direct Investment (UG)
6) Foundation of International Business (UG)
7) Managing International Business (UG)


Individual and Firm level Capabilities
Knowledge Management
Strategic Entrepreneurship
Early Internationalisation
International Entrepreneurship


Key Publications

Mostafiz, M.I., Hughes, M., Gali, N., & Sambasivan, M. (2022). The context sensitivity of international entrepreneurial orientation and the role of process and product innovation capabilities. British Journal of Management.

Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F., & Hughes, P. (2022). Open Innovation Pathway to Firm Performance: the Role of Dynamic Marketing Capability in Malaysian Entrepreneurial Firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.

Mostafiz, M.I., Musteen, M.C., Saiyed, A., & Ahsan, M. (2021). Covid-19 and the global value chain: immediate dynamics and long-term restructuring in the garment industry. Journal of Business Research.

Journal articles

Banna, H., Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F.U., & Tarba, S.Y. (2024). Social Innovation and the Financial Risk of EMNCs - The Contingent Role of Institutional Legitimacy. Management International Review, 64 (3), 489-525.

Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F.U., Tardios, J., Hughes, P., & Tarba, S.Y. (2024). Configuring international entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic internationalization capability to predict international performance. International Business Review.

Xavier, J.A., Mostafiz, M.I., Selvachandran, G., & Quek, S.G. (2024). Resource orchestration in Indian ethnic entrepreneurial enterprises through generation change in Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 198, 122996.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2023). Born global phenomenon: a critical review and avenues for future research. European J. of International Management, 20 (3), 444-474.

Mostafiz, M.I., Uddin Ahmed, F., Ibrahim, F., & Tarba, S. (2023). Innovation and commercialisation: the role of the international dynamic marketing capability in Malaysian international entrepreneurial firms. International Marketing Review.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2023). Born Global phenomenon: a critical review and avenues for future research. European Journal of International Management, 20 (3), 444-474.

Mostafiz, M.I., Hughes, M., Simeonova, B., & Sambasivan, M. (2023). Entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge management: Comparing configurations of native and immigrant entrepreneurial firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.

Mostafiz, M.I. (2022). The contest for value in global value chains-correcting for distorted distribution in the global apparel industry. (Book Review). Thunderbird International Business Review, 64 (4), 349-350.

Mostafiz, M.I. (2022). The contest for value in global value chains – correcting for distorted distribution in the global apparel industry [Book Review]. Thunderbird International Business Review.

Sahoo, A., Xechung, N.L., Mostafiz, I., & Krishnaswamy, J. (2022). Perceived risk and sensitivity and their influence on expatriate performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 41 (4), 68-84.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2022). Foreign market knowledge, international opportunity recognition and the performance of export manufacturing firms. Strategic Change, 31 (1), 179-191.

Faroque, A.R., Kuivalainen, O., Ahmed, J.U., Rahman, M., Roy, H., Ali, M.Y., & Mostafiz, M.I. (2021). Performance implications of export assistance: the mediating role of export entrepreneurship. International Marketing Review.

Lei, C., Hossain, M.S., Mostafiz, M.I., & Khalifa, G.S.A. (2021). Factors determining employee career success in the Chinese hotel industry: A perspective of Job-Demand Resources theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 301-311.

Mostafiz, M.I., Hughes, M., & Sambasivan, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Competitive Advantage and Strategic Knowledge Management Capability in Malaysian Family Firms. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Gu, M., Li Tan, J.H., Amin, M., Mostafiz, M.I., & Yeoh, K.K. (2021). Revisiting the moderating role of culture between job characteristics and job satisfaction: a multilevel analysis of 33 countries. Employee Relations.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., Goh, S.-.K., & Shakil, M.H. (2021). The Mediating Role of Innovation Capabilities in the Relationship between Dynamic Managerial Capability and Performance of Export-manufacturing Firms. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 19 (2), 169-200.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., Goh, S.-.K., & Ahmed, P. (2021). Configuring Foreign Market Knowledge and Opportunity Recognition Capabilities to Predict the Performance of Export-Manufacturing Firms. Knowledge Management Research and Practice.

Najaf, K., Mostafiz, M.I., & Najaf, R. (2021). Fintech firms and banks sustainability: Why cybersecurity risk matters? International Journal of Financial Engineering, 8 (2), 2150019.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & See Kwong, G. (2021). Antecedents and Consequences of Market Orientation in International B2B Market: Role of Export Assistance as a Moderator. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.

Shakil, M.H., Tasnia, M., & Mostafiz, M.I. (2020). Board Gender Diversity and Environmental, Social & Governance Performance of US Banks: Moderating role of Environmental Social and Corporate Controversies. International Journal of Bank Marketing.

Ahamad, S., Al-jaifi, H., & Mostafiz, M.I. (2020). Conceptualizing Recourses as Antecedents to the Economic Performance of Family-Based Micro-enterprise – the Moderating role of Competencies. Journal of Family Business Management.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.-.K. (2020). The Performance of Export Manufacturing Firms: Roles of International Entrepreneurial Capability and International Opportunity Recognition. International Journal of Emerging Markets.

Faroque, A.R., Mostafiz, M.I., Kuivalainen, O., & Sundqvist, S. (2020). Prior Experience and Export Performance: The Missing Link of Global Vision. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 18 (1), 73-98.

Faroque, A., Mostafiz, M.I., Faruq, M., & Bashar, M. (2020). Revisiting entrepreneurial capabilities and export market orientation: a multi-scale investigation in an emerging economy. International Journal of Emerging Markets.

Mostafiz, M.I. (2020). The antecedents and the outcomes of firm’s dominant logic – the dynamic managerial capability perspective. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 12 (2/3), 142-155.

Goh, S.-.K., Jayaraman, K., Mostafiz, M.I., & Leow, Y.M. (2020). The Effect of Organisational Climate on Employees’ Creative Performance through Knowledge Sharing Behaviour. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18 (1), 1-14.

Mostafiz, M.D.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of Dynamic Managerial Capability scale in the context of early internationalizing firms from an emerging economy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2019). Measurement scale of international opportunity identification in early internationalization firms. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 11 (2), 131-145.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2019). The antecedents and the outcomes of foreign market knowledge accumulation – the dynamic managerial capability perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34 (4), 902-920.

Mostafiz, M.I., Sambasivan, M., & Goh, S.K. (2019). Impacts of dynamic managerial capability and international opportunity identification on firm performance. Multinational Business Review.

Shafiq, A., Mostafiz, M.I., & Taniguchi, M. (2019). Using SERVQUAL to determine Generation Y’s satisfaction towards hoteling industry in Malaysia. Journal of Tourism Futures, 5 (1), 62-74.

Mostafiz, I., Islam, Y., & Sharif, S.P. (2018). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Asian Tourism and Hospitality Research: A Systematic Review. Perspectives on Asian Tourism, 207-221.

Jayaraman, K., Vejayon, S., Raman, S., & Mostafiz, I. (2018). The proposed e-waste management model from the conviction of individual laptop disposal practices- an empirical study in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 688-696.

Mostafiz, I., & Goh, S.K. (2018). International women entrepreneurs and international opportunity recognition skills for start-up ventures. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development (JIBED), 11 (3), 201-220.

Sharif, S.P., Mostafiz, I., & Guptan, V. (2018). A systematic review of structural equation modelling in nursing research. Nurse Researcher, 26 (2), 28-31.

Ahsan, R., & Mostafiz, M.I. (n.d.). Business relatedness and parent firm performance: is accumulated Knowledge stock the missing link? European Journal of International Management.

(n.d.). Correction. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1.

Zahoor, N., Tarba, S., Arslan, A., Ahammad, M.F., Mostafiz, M.I., & Battisti, E. (n.d.). The impact of entrepreneurial leadership and international explorative-exploitative learning on the performance of international new ventures. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

Conference papers

Najaf, K., Schinckus, C., Mostafiz, M.I., & Najaf, R. (2020). Conceptualising cybersecurity risk of fintech firms and banks sustainability. In The International Conference on Business and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, 14 November 2020 - 15 November 2020. Springer Nature

Mostafiz, M.D.I., Sambasivan, M., & Hughes, M. (2020). Configurations of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Management, and Positional Advantage: A Comparative Analysis between Native and Immigrant Entrepreneurial Firms (abstract only). In BAM 2020 Conference in the Cloud, Virtual conference, 2 September 2020 - 4 September 2020 (pp. 325). BAM:

Mostafiz, M.I. (2020). fsQCA in Management research. In Business, Law and Management at the Post-Pandemic Era: An International e-Conference, Malaysia, 11 July 2020 - 11 August 2020. Taylor's University:

Mostafiz, M.I., Hughes, M., & Ahsan, M. (2022). The origin of international entrepreneurial orientation – the role of dynamic managerial capability. In 48th AIB UK & Ireland Chapter & 8th Reading IB Conference, Reading, 8 April 2022 - 9 April 2022.

Mostafiz, M.I., Hughes, M., Simeonova, B., & Sambasivan, M. Towards a configurational analysis of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge management: evidence from native and immigrant entrepreneurial firms. In The Academy of International Business UK & Ireland.

Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F.U., Tardios, J., Hughes, P., & Tarba, S.Y. (2023). A longitudinal analysis of international entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic internationalization capability: configurational theorizing. In The Academy of International Business 2023, Warsaw, Poland, 5 July 2023 - 9 July 2023.


Omrane, A., Kassmi, K., Akram, M.W., Khanna, A., & Mostafiz, M.I. (Eds.). (2020). Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Renewable Energy-Based Projects, and Digitalization. (First Edition). CRC Taylor and Francis Group.

Theses / Dissertations

Henke, K.F. (2023). Value-focused negotiation versus integrative mindset:Reducing fixed-pie perceptions in integrative negotiations. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Martin, E., & Mostafiz, M.I.

Henke, K.F. (2023). Value-focused negotiation versus integrative mindset:Reducing fixed-pie perceptions in integrative negotiations. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Martin, E., & Mostafiz, M.I.


Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F.U., Tardios, J., Hughes, P., & Rose, E. (2023). Resource mobilisation and strategic renewal: Is data analytics capability the missing link? Presented at: The British Academy of Management Conference, The University of Sussex

Mostafiz, M.I., Ahmed, F.U., Tardios, J., Hughes, P., & Rose, E.L. (2023). Resource mobilisation and strategic renewal: Is data analytics capability the missing link? Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2023, Sussex

Mostafiz, M.I. (2021). Keynote Speech: Research Opportunities and Career in the UK. Presented at: 1st International Online Research Methodology Workshop in Humanities and Social Sciences, India, 2021

Other activities

Editorial Board
1) Entrepreneurship Research Journal (Associate Editor)
2) Business Strategy and Development (Editorial Review Board)
3) Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economy (Editorial Review Board)
4) Ambassador at the International Entrepreneurship Scholars Association (


Postgraduate supervision

Broadly but not limited to: my research interests and knowledge lie at the nexus of international entrepreneurship and strategy and include entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capability, ambidextrous and open innovation, micro-foundation of dynamic managerial capability, family firms internationalization, accelerated internationalization, and strategic decision-making and knowledge management. I am a quantitative researcher focusing on structural equation modelling, PLS-SEM, deep-learning artificial intelligence analysis, configurational theorizing (fsQCA) and necessary condition analysis of QCA.


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