Michèle Lazenby

Michèle A Lazenby FHEA, PGCertEd

Senior Lecturer


I have taught Photography at Sheffield Hallam since 2008. My practice as an artist includes working with still and moving image (with camera and without), sound and installation with particular interests in animism, phenomenology and how we experience nature.

In my career, I have undertaken several artist’s residencies and commissions and once set a world record for producing the longest negative after converting the rooms in a high rise council flat into camera obscuras. In another, I recorded insect behaviour previously unknown to expert entymologists. My work has been exhibited internationally and is held in several public and private collections including the Wellcome Trust and Dow Jones.


I have over 20 years of experience teaching Photography at various levels. I hold a BA (Hons) Fine Art from Glasgow School of Art, MSc Electronic Imaging From Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee and a PgCert Education from Sheffield Hallam University.

As well as my practice as a maker and my work in higher education, I have several years' experience working as a community artist. Before taking up the teaching post at Hallam, I was the lead artist responsible for development, delivery and project management of Creative Interventions in Health in partnership with Art in Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Arts Council and John Wheatley College.

Specialist areas of interest

Camera-less and primitive photography, Interspecies communication, plant and animal behaviour, ecology, landscape, phenomenology


Currently, I teach part time on the BA (Hons) Photography programme as a Senior Lecturer.  I introduce first year students to creative ways of approaching research and practice working with analogue processes in a Camera-less project and a Landscape project. I also lead the final year Independent Practice module and work closely with 3rd year students supporting them while they produce their final project work. Normally this project will be represented and showcased in the Degree Show. I hold regular meetings to support final year students in fundraising and organising their end of year catalogue and curation of final exhibition.

In summer 2016, I curated the exhibition Northern Light: Contemporary Landscape Photography to accompany the conference of the same name organised by colleague Darcy White. The exhibition had work from over 30 contemporary practitioners including some of our graduates and teaching staff.

In 2017, as part of the Media Arts Research Walking Group, I represented Jupiter in the 'Solar' project which resulted in a walking app and gallery exhibition. I am a founder member of the Media Arts Research Walking Group and in 2016 joined the interdisciplinary research group WREN (Ways to Wellbeing, Reconnection and Engagement with Nature both based at Hallam.   also hold current memberships with Artdotearth and APHE (Association of Photography in Higher Education).

Subject area

Film and Photography


BA (Hons) Photography


Practice Modules L4 +L6


Media Arts Walking Research Group, WREN

Other activities

Former link tutor for our collaborative provision at Sheffield College. 
Former External Examiner at South Kent University.

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